
daftykinsdown with log bots21:47
zxmpicareful now21:51
daftykinswhat's new zxmpi ?21:58
zxmpithe search for a 4g dumbphone with java continues. 22:04
daftykinsooh a tall order, there22:07
daftykinsah not so bad, my summer pool team is about to begin (with myself as Captain) and i continue to bite the hand that feeds local dental IT in the meantime :)22:08
zxmpi4g dumbphones not a problem, but they all removed java back in 2020 seemingly22:08
daftykinswrite once, debug everywhere! ;)22:09
daftykinsin all your years, did you ever come up against that age-old dilemma though - meeting an attractive member of the opposite sex at a clients premises?22:10
daftykinswith the risk being in the forefront of your mind, that you could pursue at your peril... or maintain a professional distance!22:11
zxmpilogic says avoid, you know that it'll either go great until it blows up in your face. are you prepared to lose that client22:13
zxmpi*that it'll go 22:13
daftykinsyeeeeeah, even as an occasional contractor it does spell danger!22:13
daftykinshuman malarkey is weird22:21
zxmpisomeone should write a book about it :-P22:24
penguin42daftykins: You've fallen for a hygenist haven't you...22:37
daftykinsnope a lowly receptionist!22:41
daftykinsalbeit a smart one22:41
penguin42less painful22:46
daftykinsin fact i was learning today that one hygienist is more rough than the other - and it makes me wonder if the gentle one gives as good results22:47
davefthat's it.. officially old. I now have ADD numbers on my eye prescription 😭22:47
daftykinsi've seen the rougher one myself22:47
daftykinsattention deficit disorder numbers?! o022:48
davefmeans i need extra focal power for reading22:48
daftykinseau my22:48
daftykinsi'm at about -12 in one eye right now i think22:48

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