
chonkincbreak  okay.  So now the behavior of this machine is after any normal reboot, it stops and ceases progress at an apparently random location.   I've seen it "freeze"  at  things as diverse as  "Finished Record Runlevel Change in UTMP."  to   "Started CUPS schedule service"00:18
chonkincbreak okay I have regnerated the  intramfs .   The boot now hangs at the line below with  a blinking cursor00:30
chonkin[ OK ] Started CUPS Scheduler.00:30
LittleBillyBiscu"arecord -l" gives me the following info---> card 1: C200 [Anker PowerConf C200], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]00:52
LittleBillyBiscuhow do I set this as default alsa capture device00:53
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chonkinsome guy keeps telling me that I need to increase the loglevel of the boot logs to diagnose a machine that is frozen on boot.    So i did all the needed changes in grub and grub-update and et cetera and et cetera.  All my ducks are in a row and still see now visual change to the screen during boot. What th ehell am I doing wrong?01:20
chonkinI'm suppoed to be seeing a bunch of debug output upon boot and I just see nothig. What am I missing?01:21
chonkinI see *no  visual change to the boot sequence. Nothig changes. We have been f-king with this for an hour01:22
chonkinsomone just please tell me what I messed up.01:22
bobdobbsin ubuntu, after installing apache, by default who owns /var/www?01:57
bobdobbsShould it be root or www-data?01:58
chonkinI was able to boot into a GUI using  a slightly older kernel.    The non-booting kernel is 6.5.0-35.   The kernel booting into KDE plasma desktop is   6.5.0-2802:57
chonkinneed to leave, be back tomorrow02:57
geekystill no luck with the vma memory error04:14
geekyguess i can try without the egpu04:15
Guest75i have an issue with firefox translations. application menu is in english and preferences uses my locale. :S07:26
Guest75in other word it uses mixed languages.07:26
Guest75firefox is installed from mozilla's repo.07:27
Guest75everything worked well yesterday.07:27
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marido_mad_server irc.irc-hispano.org07:31
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aienaI was simulating a broken system in a vm and was trying to boot a real rootfs mounted from the initramfs. So What I did is mounted the root to /root in the initramfs moved (with mount --move ) the /dev, /sys and /proc to /root/dev /root/sys and /root/proc and then tried doing `switch_root /root /sbin/init` but this results in a kernel panic. How do09:54
aienaI correctly boot a rootfs from an initramfs shell in ubuntu?09:54
neoliI accidentally deleted important data, several 50KiB txt files in the same SSD were ubuntu is installed. Is there any way to try n recover them?09:58
aienathere most likely is a way. shutdown this system and don't use it. On another harddisk install ubuntu and boot it. Then mount the partitions on the main drive as read only and use some data recovery software to get back those file on the new HDD.09:59
aienafinally migrate them back with the right permissions10:00
aienaneoli can try some of these https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/top-best-linux-data-recovery-tools10:02
aienamake sure to mount the partitions as read only of the source so you dont accidentally clobber data and can recover most of not all of it.10:02
aiena*most if not all of10:03
aienaneoli gnome etc may write to the disk so its best not to let any other bg processes write to the disk10:04
neolithanks aiena10:07
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aienaIs there any ubuntu docuentation on booting from an initramfs shell11:36
JanCaiena: when you are in initramfs you already started "booting"; do you want to (try to) continue booting or do you want to reboot from there?11:56
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neoliI backup my computer, but I only copied my home directory, including hidden files. I now plan to nuke the notebook installing 24.04 from the live usb. Is there any other file or directory I need to backup before I nuke? maybe something from /etc/apt?14:07
AsifLooking for help with a newly reported bug with systemd/gmd3, can anyone point me in the right direction ?14:18
lotuspsychjeAsif: can you elaborate whats heppening please14:31
AsifSure, on logout we can see username and password in plain text on the console screen before it switches back to the login window14:42
AsifI have opened a bug report. 206636314:43
neolithe command history, does it print every command from every open tab? cause I use several tabs at once. And what about root and sudo commands?15:12
Asifits not a command history, just last 2 username/passwords15:12
neoliin recovery mode logged in as tty1, how do I copy the output of dpkg -l to an external usb stick?15:28
neolisame for history15:28
webchat35Hello, not sure this is right forum. But I'm wondering if there is a setting to allow the scaling set under display setting, to also be available at login screen in Ubuntu 24.04.15:31
webchat35I have a high DPI screen and run at 200% scale. But during login everything is super tiny :/15:31
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cbreakwebchat35: with kubuntu, there's a button to apply the current user's settings to sddm labeled "Apply Plasma Settings"15:54
cbreakif you use gnome with gdm I think, there might be something similar somewhere in the settings, maybe, although nome is usually stingy with customization15:55
lotuspsychjeAsif: can you: apport-collect 2066363 , from your terminal to pull in logs into your bug ID please?17:17
rustisafungusi am on an up-to-date latest stable ubuntu using an up-to-date nvidia driver (if that is relevant) and i am finding that **vim** of all things in my terminal has periodic lags. i don't have any installed programs which appear to be causing this lag (top is showing negligible cpu usage)... what is going on?17:29
rustisafungusthat is to say, i will be using vim and press a button,... 90% of the time it responds immediately, but 10% of the time it can take maybe a quarter of a second to half a second to respond!17:30
rustisafungusand i am working with small text files for this, so it isn't some kind of filesize thing17:30
lotuspsychjerustisafungus: wich ubuntu release is this, with wich nvidia driver version?17:30
leftyfbrustisafungus: ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ) | nc termbin.com 999917:31
rustisafungushttps://paste.rs/tBRQW.txt   <-- that's your release and driver info17:33
rustisafungusthis seems to be happening in other terminal apps as well--i am typing here in a terminal irc client and am getting intermittent lag. it's rather annoying actually, i would say about every five seconds or so i am lagging17:34
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lotuspsychjerustisafungus: xorg or wayland? since when did you have these lags? nvidia-smi to see your nvidia driver version and can we see a paste of your full dmesg plz?17:41
gimbleguyoxfuxxx: hello17:44
rustisafunguslotuspsychje: full dmesg: https://paste.rs/qS7hJ.txt17:44
rustisafungusi only started noticing these lags today17:44
rustisafungushttps://paste.rs/Xe3OZ.txt <-- nvidia-smi17:45
rustisafungus echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE reports    x1117:46
lotuspsychjerustisafungus: did you manualy install nvidia 555 to experiment?17:46
CosmicDJrustisafungus: is the nvidia-555 an official driver or did you install manually?17:46
rustisafungusi used these commands to install my nvidia driver:17:47
rustisafungusnote that this is also a windows10pro/ubuntu dual boot system17:48
rustisafungusmy lag i would say is actually closer to a full second... it's rather intense17:49
ravageand why 555?17:53
ravagewhich version is recommended if you open additional drivers17:53
CosmicDJis there even a nvidia-driver-555 package? IIRC the latest non-ppa is 55017:54
lotuspsychje555 is beta, and will get better wayland support17:54
lotuspsychjenot in repos yet, nor ubuntu graphics ppa17:55
ravageAnd I had the lag problem on 24.04 Xorg too17:55
ravageswitching to Wayland fixed it17:55
ravagebut I would try a supported version of the driver First17:55
rustisafungusi had installed the 535 nvidia driver before this and it had the same problem17:59
rustisafungusravage: oh interesting, so this is something people are trying to nail down?18:00
rustisafungusi've been wayland-curious but haven't tried it yet, i kept reading that people had issues,... i guess i'll try it now lol18:03
rustisafungusalright, brb reboot18:04
segfaultfizzbuzzwow um, i think switching to wayland fixed the problem.18:06
segfaultfizzbuzzthanks for the tip!18:06
segfaultfizzbuzzi had actually saved an edit to some source code using vim which was incorrect due to the lag18:07
segfaultfizzbuzzi guess please make wayland the default then, this was quite a pain! ;-)18:12
pragmaticenigmasegfaultfizzbuzz, it's already in progress18:15
Asif@lotuspsychje I will get that added18:15
lotuspsychjeAsif: tnx, that will be more handy for the developers to trace your issue/bug18:16
pragmaticenigmasegfaultfizzbuzz, Also, wayland should be the default. When you login there's the option to select between a X.org session and Wayland session, and on a fresh install it should be set to Wayland.18:17
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: segfaultfizzbuzz claimed earlier he had vim lags after installing the beta nvidia 555 driver18:19
Asif@lotuspsychje The system is in an air-gapped environment. Is there a way to collect the logs offline and upload ?18:20
pragmaticenigmasegfaultfizzbuzz, ( lotuspsychje ) which graphics card?18:21
leftistmaybe i should have used a different email cause i still have not received the reg email...grrr18:21
lotuspsychjeAsif: if no internet available nearby, maybe best to upload the logs manualy when a developer asks for it then18:21
AsifSure, will do18:22
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: https://paste.rs/qS7hJ.txt18:22
pragmaticenigmaI might be over looking it, but no where in that dump is the graphics card model number which is what I'm looking for18:26
az8hi, I am facing a problem installing ubuntu. The installer doesn't display any image, I get a blank screen. However it works if I boot in Safe Mode. I am able to install ubuntu in safe mode, but after rebooting, I face the same issue, blank screen.18:57
az8I suspect a graphic card driver problem. I have a AMD/ATI HD785018:57
az8idk how to make this graphics card work with ubuntu, is there a way?18:58
pragmaticenigmaaz8, If you have onbaord graphics for that machine, see if that display output is working?19:01
az8it doesn't have onboard graphics19:05
az8the card is a Pitcairn - HD7850. I am searching online, and it seems like it is a complicated card to get to work with Linux19:06
az8But I think I had it working before19:06
bprompt!nomodeset | az819:14
ubottuaz8: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.19:14
bpromptaz8: maybe give that a shot, sometimes it can be an issue with the ACPI as well, and you can give a shot at those acpi boot switches19:15
bpromptaz8: that said, usually AMD's site has Linux drivers for some models, usually a .tgz or .tar.gz file, unpack it and run the .run file19:16
az8bprompt I checked, and there is a driver for my card, dating back to 2015. I will see if I can boot the PC with nomodeset, if so I will try the proprietary drivers19:22
bpromptaz8: try without the amdgpu drivers first, try to settle if you can for the native, because I have in the past use the amdgpu drivers from AMD's site, and it made no difference whatsoever in performance to the installation driver that I had19:23
az8in the website, for my card it says fglrx 15.30219:26
az8wich are the closed source ones, I think19:27
az8isn't amdgpu opensource?19:27
bpromptaz8: hmmmm can't recall, I think is what I installed back then19:27
pragmaticenigmaaz8, doubtful the amdgpu drivers will support an 11+ year old GPU though19:28
segfaultfizzbuzzpragmaticenigma: asus rtx 4070 gpu ... it was fixed by using wayland19:35
segfaultfizzbuzzpragmaticenigma: if you tell me how to dump the graphics card model number i'll do it19:36
bpromptsegfaultfizzbuzz: in the terminal ----> sudo lshw -C video <----19:36
pragmaticenigmasegfaultfizzbuzz, just knowing that it's Nvidia 4070 series is all that I needed. I've seen some people trying to use the latest Nvidia drivers on really old GTX cards and it's kind of like... there's not much going to happen by doing that19:37
pragmaticenigmasegfaultfizzbuzz, I have doubts that wayland was the solve, but if it's working better for you, then I guess whatever it was is no longer an issue19:38
segfaultfizzbuzzhere is lspci | grep VGA    03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 2786 (rev a1)19:38
segfaultfizzbuzzpragmaticenigma: https://paste.rs/r0E0m.txt19:39
bpromptantonio__: Failed!19:42
antonio__Olá todos..19:42
bprompt!es | antonio__19:42
ubottuantonio__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:42
pragmaticenigmasegfaultfizzbuzz, if you find yourself needing to return to a X.org session... the current advice is to downgrade to the 470 driver.19:42
antonio__Em português?19:43
bprompt!pt | antonio__19:43
ubottuantonio__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:43
pragmaticenigmasegfaultfizzbuzz, the other solution I did see, was to make sure you're running the latest Firmware/BIOS for your machine.19:44
PeGaSuSerm.. there's a small typo on that ubottu message. it's "comunidade local portuguesa" and not "comunidade local portuguêsa", though19:54
az8PeGaSuS, true19:56
az8probably just added an "a" to português19:58
pragmaticenigmaisn't the difference a dialect between Brazil and Portugal?19:58
pragmaticenigmameaning both are technically correct?19:59
PeGaSuSI don't think so. I think it's "portuguesa" in both dialects?20:02
PeGaSuSI just need to confirm with our brasilian friends :D20:03
pragmaticenigmaThe ê is commonly accented in Brazil, while in Europe it is not20:03
pragmaticenigmaThere's a lot of spelling and diacratic differences between the two regions, I would go with both are acceptable, but if anything, the channel ends in -br which is the country code of Brazil, and there they use the ê20:07
PeGaSuSwe also have words with `ê`. but brasilians say "língua portuguesa" as in "portuguese language"20:07
pragmaticenigmathe resident knowledge expert on ubotu could tell you were you'd need to suggest or request a fix, is out for the day. Check in with lotuspsychje when you see them active, they seem to have a finger on the pulse for ubotu20:09
PeGaSuSsure thing :)20:10
az8bprompt, nomodeset works. I can boot ubuntu that kernel option20:56
az8noapic, nolapic made no difference20:56
bpromptaz8: hmm20:58
bpromptaz8: meaning is not the acpm then, just a matter of graphics mode for the drivers20:59
bpromptaz8: I have an amd videocard as well, and as I said, I saw no difference in performance from the installation driver21:00
de-factoHello, is CUDA confirmed to be working on Ubuntu 24.04?21:27
de-factothinking about upgrading from 22.04 to 24.04 but need CUDA21:27
bpromptde-facto: https://idroot.us/install-cuda-ubuntu-24-04/21:33
webchat27Hi! i have a problem with cups... For some reason lpstat -h  -p works as expected, but lpstat -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:631  -p with external ip does not, Any idea where should i start looking?21:33
webchat27i tried to make a wireshark log and this response from might be relevant, but i have no idea where to go from here21:35
de-factosudo sh cuda_12.4.1_550.54.15_linux.run <--- hmm wouldnt it be better to use the ubuntu packages?21:35
webchat27Server: CUPS/2.4 IPP/2.1..X-Frame-Options: DENY..Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none'21:35
leftyfbwebchat27: why do you need cups listening on anything other than localhost?21:35
webchat27i am trying to print from multiple machines21:36
leftyfbwebchat27: what does that have to do with cups listening on an interface/ip other than localhost?21:36
JanCyou can always try if it works on the live CD...21:37
leftyfbwebchat27: are you trying to print from 1 machine, to another machine and have the 2nd machine send the job to the printer?21:37
webchat27yeah basically using that machine as a poor mans print server21:38
JanCde-facto: you can always try if CUDA works on the live CD...21:38
leftyfbwebchat27: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install-and-configure-a-cups-print-server#:~:text=By%20default%20on%20Ubuntu%2C%20CUPS,addition%20of%20a%20Listen%20directive.21:38
JanClive image (CD/USB/whatever)21:39
webchat27To instruct CUPS to listen on an actual network adapter’s IP address, you must specify either a hostname, the IP address, or (optionally) an IP address/port pairing via the addition of a Listen directive21:39
de-factonope cant try that right now, its remote, i can upgrade or wait21:39
webchat27so i've used as the ip address21:39
webchat27for testing21:40
de-factojust wanted to ask if there are good/bad experiences with 24.04 and cuda21:40
leftyfbwebchat27: is not a valid ip address21:40
leftyfbwebchat27: you could also try reading the rest of the documentation21:41
webchat27I mean i am definitely going to...21:41
webchat27idk why I expected to work...21:41
leftyfbwebchat27: you might find the exact answer you're looking for21:42
JanCyou can boot live images on a remote system too, but it's more complicated of course...21:42
JanCor other images (probably easier)21:43
de-factoyou can *listen* on a port with IP address which means all interfaces iirc21:44
webchat27yeah that is what i expected, not with cups...21:44
leftyfbde-facto: that won't work21:44
webchat27exact nic ip adress worked liek a charm...21:44
leftyfbor if you read 3 sections down from the link I provided, it would have told you to comment out Listen and just specify "Port 631" which would make it listen on all interfaces21:45
webchat27i had that in the config file21:47
webchat27it did not work...21:47
leftyfbyou had what exactly?21:47
webchat27with the specific nic adress it does work21:47
de-factolooks like the package versions for nvidia and cuda are mostly the same for jammy compared to noble https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=nvidia&searchon=names21:48
webchat27Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock21:48
webchat27Port 63121:48
webchat27and this did not work21:49
leftyfbof course not, it's not valid and nothing in the documentation provided suggests such a config21:49
de-factowebchat27, just the port without any IP21:49
leftyfbnor does it match what I suggested from the documentation 4 minutes ago21:49
webchat27uhm that was before I asked21:50
leftyfb2024 May 28 17:45:40 <leftyfb>or if you read 3 sections down from the link I provided, it would have told you to comment out Listen and just specify "Port 631" which would make it listen on all interfaces21:51
webchat27Listen works21:51
webchat27Port 631 does not (The listen line is deleted when this is there)21:51
leftyfbdefine "does not" work21:51
leftyfbwhat error did you get in the cups logs?21:51
leftyfbwhen you tried specifying "Port 631" and commented out any reference to ^Listen21:52
webchat27no errors in the log but also no output for lpstat -h10.1.1.1:631 -p when running on a remote machine21:52
webchat27but with Listen all 3 printers are showing up21:53
leftyfbit does work with just Port 631 and Listen commented out. I just tested it21:54
webchat27anyway this will be good enough for the nigh, thank you leftyfb and have a good night21:58
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kalumianyone here?22:37
kalumiI have a lot of questions about customization in my Distro (specfically MInt XFCE)22:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/22:39

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