
blackboxswJames, I dropped my review  on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/5176 after some testing on alpine if you disagree with anything I said there please feel free to comment otherwise so minimal has all input for tomorrow's pass on that PR. I'm ok with very few of those comments being considered 'blocker's. But provided a full diff either way.20:36
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 5176 in canonical/cloud-init "feat(alpine): add support for Busybox adduser/addgroup" [Open]20:36
minimalblackboxsw: Thanks for the feedback. I'll start to work my way though it now21:34
minimalre: blank passwords, in general that relates to another MR I have drafted (but not yet submitted as it depends on this MR) - c-i's "general" user code has a mistaken assumption regarding password locking functionality & empty passwords21:36

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