
nuxilWhere do i find the "keyboard layout viewer" kbd-layout-viewer5 source code ?10:36
BluesKajHi all13:29
horiscomplete IRC noob here. How does one discover more servers?13:47
=== diogo is now known as diogo__
user|91are you with kubuntu support?20:50
user|91I need help my pc keeps asking for a password but I just got it and I have no idea how to factory reset it20:54
user|91is there anyone who can help me?21:05
geniiuser|91: It's usually better to first describe your actual issue or problem, and then see if someone responds21:07
genii..or not21:07
=== mora is now known as darthy
user|42how to create a partion ???? i can't22:23
=== nuxil_ is now known as nuxil

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