[01:06] lol nice the upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04 fails in both the GUI and `do-release-upgrade` with no output given for the failure reason. Time to upgrade the oldskool way I guess! === jorcast_ is now known as jorcast [04:42] #django [05:49] I use kubuntu 23 and I want to upgrade it to 24LTS but when I click to upgrade button it get error [05:49] could you help me to upgrade this system ? === aman is now known as Guest3833 === CoJaBo_ is now known as CoJaBo === Guest3833 is now known as poopoohead [10:57] Hi all [10:58] Tabatabaei1999 - check that everything is updated, and restart your computer if it says it needs to [12:50] teste [14:34] hello, I do not know if this is an active support channel, but I have a problem I cannot find a solution. Discover simply stopped working recently, and all the responses and existing articles online for this circumstance have yielded nothing. This is a very new installation of Kubuntu 24.04 on a new laptop. Everything has been fine, but the other [14:34] day Discover simply stopped working. Nothing happens. [14:40] could you give a little more context ? [14:40] ls [14:40] yeah certainly [14:41] what do you need? [14:41] I recall there being some info if I use sudo [14:41] should I try running it and tell you what it says? [14:41] if I launch in console without sudo there's simply no output [14:42] QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root' [14:42] QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root' [14:42] QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root' [14:42] fetch ratings! true [14:42] adding empty sources model QStandardItemModel(0x5d960425a530) [14:42] that's what comes up if I use sudo plasma-discover [14:43] the mute will time out in a minute [14:43] just because you flooded the channel a bit [14:44] yea I didn't know about that sorry. [14:45] not a problem [14:45] when you do it without sudo, does the cursor return, or does it hang [14:45] no... it waits indefinitely [14:46] interesting, so that's suggesting it's waiting on something [14:46] however, the app does come up in system monitor [14:46] can you strace the process ? [14:46] I saw that suggestion online but I forgot the syntax. [14:46] man strace [14:47] sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1 libbz2-1.0:i386 [14:47] its saying E: Unable to locate package libncurses5:i386 [14:48] wow! that actually made it launch! [14:48] why would it work with a trace but not otherwise? [14:49] maybe it's fixed. I will try now without [14:49] ah ok well now after closing it and attempting to launch it again via the icon, it does not work. [14:50] and now it will not come up. So, launching it via strace when it is not already launched makes it work, but strace once it is launched does not make it appear [14:52] the last item that seems to be waiting is a thing called futex [14:52] futex(0x5fd07bdd7d60, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY [14:54] ok I ran it from the start once again without it loaded in memory, using strace and there were updates waiting. I figure maybe something there would address this so now it requests a reboot. I guess I will reboot and come back if it fails again [14:57] hello again. After a reboot, it still does not work by just launching the app. [15:35] anyway, I will check back here later I guess. At least I have a little more information to go with when researching. Thank you for the suggestion, it helped me make some progress. Sincerely appreciated. [16:22] LDA [16:58] 5DAK [16:58] 5D4K [16:59] hola [16:59] 👋 [17:00] how to upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04? [17:04] upgrade path lts > lts comes with 24.04.1 point release [17:04] somewhere in august? [17:13] hello. can i migrate from ubuntu 24.04 to kubuntu 24.04 without reloading [17:18] hi. I don't know about that, but you can certainly download and install kde-plasma and then login to the DE. Then you can remove default gnome if you like [17:19] Thank you [17:19] I was actually looking at some articles where the question is posed what's the diff. bet. going kubuntu, or doing what I described, and basically the idea is probably there will be some residual stuff and also your default apps are all geared for gnome, so you would then want to replace them [17:19] so the option of doing a fresh install of kubuntu is more ideal, but if that's way too impractical the changeover is an option [17:20] but you will then want to change your default stock apps to the kde equivalents for optimal situation [18:30] adding a desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting [18:33] lol good point :) [18:34] well, as I said, doing a fresh Kubuntu install is the better option. [18:45] i never bother using the upgrade, i just re install, which is why i prefer LTS release because I do it once every few years (with cavests ofcourse) === oerheks is now known as Guest3550 === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks === user|48 is now known as DanKnight