
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
axinohello, I just installed iotop on a machine (which just installed that package, iotop), and I then had to go through the "list of services to be restarted" and I pressed Enter a bit fast and it restarted some fairly important services. Is this the experience we actually want ? Why am I proposed to restart services when I'm just installing a package ?07:02
tarzeauaxino: updated software on the disk, does not get updated in memory. yes you can remove the restarter dialog, or just be careful what you restart07:04
axinotarzeau: yeah I understand that some packages probably got upgraded automatically and now that apt has access to a human it asks the question to restart07:05
tarzeauwhich service was it? (just being curious)07:05
axinotarzeau: that doesn't make it a great experience imho, guess I'll just press ESC now07:05
tarzeauthen just don't install the dialog for restarting services, and be done?07:05
tarzeauor cancel07:05
axinotarzeau: I didn't install anything, this is the default experience :)07:06
axino(this was over SSH btw)07:06
axinotarzeau: the program was jujud, a go binary07:06
adrienit's needrestart on server installs (not on desktop by default); I'm a bit curious as to why jujud had to be restarted since it's go though and should have few dynamic library dependencies07:39
adrien(it definitely has some though)07:39
amurrayahasenack: as SRU vanguard, any chance you could look at promoting gnome-shell-extensions-appindicator in noble-proposed (LP: #2059818) today? similarly, if you have time and could take a look at LP: #2064672 for apparmor (currently in noble unapproved) that would be really appreciated. thanks07:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2059818 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu Noble) "Regression: Jammy to Noble, set_label no longer functions" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205981807:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2064672 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "[SRU] - fixes for apparmor on noble" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206467207:59
blucaany patch pilot around?10:28
schopinbluca: today's designated pilot is apparently OOO, sorry.10:56
blucano worries, can wait a bit, thanks10:59
arif-aliubuntu-sru: can anyone help with LP: #2054395 with my new comments on that, so that I can facilitate and move things forwards TiA13:13
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2054395 in sosreport (Ubuntu Mantic) "[sru] sos upstream 4.7.0" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205439513:13

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