
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
keithzgThat moment when I realize that I was running out-of-band packages on this database server and I should probably even upgrade the entire OS *before* reinstalling MariaDB and restoring the databases, don't worry it's just a bare metal remote install what's the worst that could happen ;)01:31
sarnoldbesides, that's why remote hands is for, right? repairing OS upgrades and database reinstalls?01:32
JanCmight also depend on what remote access you have to the bare metal  :)01:33
keithzgConsumer hardware thanks to the near-zero budget my work gives me for such things, sooooo my remote access to the bare metal is either calling up the office or hiking up to it myself . . . and okay actually it's just a 10min walk so the worst-case scenario still isn't that bad honestly!01:35
JanCin that case  :)01:36
JanCconsumer hardware might still support netbooting though01:36
keithzgYeah I think all the stuff we have does, though the big problem with this server is that it has a weird tendency to hang on reboots (seeeeems to be when there's been a kernel update applied while running, but not always?). But funny enough it very reliably starts up on WoL, so the safer way for me to remotely restart it is `poweroff` and then `wakeonlan` its MAC hah01:37
sarnoldthat's not the order that I'd trust those things :) fun01:38
JanCcould also buy some consumer home automation switches to power it on/of remotely  ;)01:38
keithzgHehe yeah it feels VERY offputting every time, but it has literally yet to fail!01:38
keithzgAnd yeah I have been sorely tempted, JanC, might end up setting up Home Assistant at work before I do so at home01:39
keithzgHmmm should I be worried that the reimport of one database under Mariadb 10.6 on 22.04 is already far larger on disk than it was stored with the same engine (InnoDB) with 10.4 on 20.04? Tho I'm more annoyed by how slow it is, curse this SATA SSD04:27
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keithzgJust in case anyone was wondering how the tale went: everything's fine! Well, the MariaDB upgrade seems to have somehow broken the old bugtracker we use at work but I can only *hope* this finally kills it (boy howdy do engineers fear change, even when the current state of affairs has been awful since, like, 2011)07:44
ash_worksianyone know why pg_createcluster fails when I pass `-D` with a Error: move_conffile: required configuration file /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf does not exist17:37
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