[00:05] trusty is still supported (with Pro) [00:06] JanC: supported by Canonical. Not by the community. [00:06] probably not the desktop either [00:06] definitely not [00:07] Pro support for 14.04 ended in April [00:07] there seem to be i386 installers until at least bionic [00:07] leftyfb: extended for another 2 years IIRC? [00:07] no [00:07] "legacy support" for 14.04 is 2026. That's probably only paid support for businesses running on servers [00:08] "Optional Legacy support add-on on top of Ubuntu Pro extends the security maintenance and support for an additional 2 years, resulting in 12 years coverage overall." [00:08] an additional cost [00:08] eg. don't run Ubuntu 14.04 [00:09] anyway, bionic is probably the latest version with an i386 installer that still has some support === antonispgs0 is now known as antonispgs [00:10] so that's probably the right answer :) [00:11] bionic standard support ended last April [00:11] right, but there is Pro [00:11] we strongly discourage people from installing 18.04 on anything. Do at your own risk [00:11] JanC: Pro just means package updates [00:11] mainly kernel [00:11] sure [00:12] mainly security fixes really [00:12] not even the kernel much probably [00:13] that doesn't mean someone installs 18.04 on an eeepc and comes here asking how to get firefox playing youtube well or the desktop seems slow [00:14] well, it's going to be slow no matter what you use on that machine :) === antonispgs4 is now known as antonispgs [00:16] in fact, depending on what GPU is in that thing, it might not work at all... [00:19] gma 900/950? [00:21] well, some models would work (the Celerons downclocked to 800-900MHz & such) some others won't (the Atoms that required a closed source driver for PowerVR graphics) [00:23] maybe android would run on that [00:24] I doubt it [00:25] unless maybe some ancient version, just like the linux netbook drivers only worked with specific kernels IIRC [00:27] so, interesting coaster or doorstopper [00:27] this might be one of the early Celeron models [00:27] running at a peak speed of 900MHz or so :) [00:28] 1 core [00:28] (IIRC) [00:32] slower than a Raspberry Pi 3 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === javier is now known as cosecheroyosere === jess_ is now known as jess [07:58] check === root is now known as Guest8927 [07:59] pong [08:50] Hi, how do I enable full disk encryption on ubuntu server 24.04? [08:50] is there some documentation around this ? [08:52] you need to select the full disk for Ubuntu to use encryption with the guided setup [08:52] ah it's in the default ubuntu server installer ? [08:52] yes [08:52] cool [08:53] oh server I am not 100% sure. never used it on a Server [08:53] but it should be [08:56] https://i.imgur.com/YIbRlMN.png [08:57] ok === Guest3833 is now known as poopoohead === saavedro0 is now known as saavedro [10:58] Hi all [10:58] hi [11:25] BluesKaj: hey [11:26] hey poopoohead === Alpha is now known as A === A is now known as Guest3029 === Guest3029 is now known as Alpha [15:11] hey. I was wondering if someone netbooted the 24.04 desktop iso recently, because I'm observing some weirdness (such as : the .iso being downloaded 4 times during the netboot) [15:11] (desktop, amd64, 24.04, netboot with e.g. linux /vmlinuz --- ip=dhcp url=http:///ubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s=http:/// [15:11] ) [15:15] so i have installed cudnn via the official nvidia .deb file (version 8.9.7,... the filename is cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- but i can't find the header files--they don't appear in /usr/local/cuda/include [15:31] Hi, I recently switched from windows to ubuntu. After switching, I opened the app called cheese to check if the camera is working or not. It always shows, 'There was an error playing video from the webcam'. I can't even use the camera while using google meet while displaying camera not found. How can I enable the inbuilt camera? [15:31] Debargho: what model laptop? [15:32] microsoft surface 4 [15:32] Debargho: and did you try going to the preferences and choosing a different device? [15:32] no [15:32] please try that first [15:33] It only shows one option [15:33] what is the option called? [15:34] ipu3-imgu [15:55] surface4 , maybe this is a help https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/issues/1094 [15:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 1094 in linux-surface/linux-surface "Surface PRO4 Camera not working" [Open] [15:59] https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/wiki/Camera-Support [16:00] fuck ubuntu === hasan is now known as Guest4489 [16:01] !ot > Guest4489 [16:01] Guest4489: Please see my private message [16:01] Guest4489: you are welcome to your opinion and are free to not use ubuntu at all. But this is a support channel and your comment is inappropriate here [16:03] mother fuckers [16:03] Guest4489: you are welcome to leave now [16:05] lick my ass [16:05] !ops [16:05] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [16:18] unattended-upgrader is broken, it ignores package pins [16:25] lol quick change to mode for kicking [17:10] what command do I need to see all my traffic on a terminal? itÅ› not ifconfig, neither iptables [17:10] iftop? [17:11] neoli: you shouldn't even have "ifconfig" installed [17:11] but yes, iftop will show you traffic [17:12] iptables is to manage firewall rules, which, after asking 3 times, you have yet to answer if you have manually enabled a firewall of any sort [17:23] is the idea behind the pg_createcluster wrapper script that it performs initdb and then moves files to their ubuntu-y locations? [17:24] ash_worksi: doesn't the man page explain some of this? [17:24] what command do I need to autostart terminal when I boot ubuntu? [17:25] neoli: why would you need to do that? [17:25] neoli: open the "Startup Application Preferences" app and add something to your startup [17:26] neoli: are you ever going to answer the firewall question? [17:26] leftyfb: ah, it does, I just don't have pg installed locally nor man installed on the container; but I see it online, thanks [17:27] leftyfb: well, it is misleading actually [17:28] it says it "creates the necessary configuration files" [17:29] when in reality, it determines what options it needs to pass to initdb (--port), runs that, and then moves the config files IT creates out. [17:30] weirdly, if I try to pass in a -D option to pg_createcluster, it fails with a Error: move_conffile: required configuration file /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf does not exist [17:31] ash_worksi: you might try asking in #ubuntu-server or #postgresql [17:32] leftyfb: #postgresql will just tell me not to use wrapper scripts [17:32] I'll try your other suggestion [17:33] ash_worksi: I would try asking in both and not assume the answer [17:36] I keep forgetting most of you are at work [17:48] my windows key opens the overview on one-press and the applications on double-press. how can i change it that one-press opens the applications? [17:49] gaelheart: you know when you hit the key, you can then just start typing the name of the application you want to open and it'll initiate the search right? [17:50] wow! thank you [17:51] gaelheart: I assume that was your end goal [17:51] yup :) === oerheks is now known as Guest3550 === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks === Telvana2 is now known as Telvana [20:21] test [20:51] hi [20:51] how do i resolve redirects that curl cant resolve because it cant javascript? [20:52] redirects are done via http [20:52] just use -L [20:53] if the actual JS triggers the redirect, you have to use a headless browser like chrome headless [20:53] stenno, they can be done multiple ways. the server can issue a redirect, the HTML document can also define one, and it can also be done via javascript [20:53] curl -L is insufficient [20:53] pragmaticenigma: yes, but only the HTTP redirect is an actual redirect [20:54] nasum: gotta use a headless browser then to actually run the JS [20:54] can elinks do it? [20:54] kind of [20:54] or any other commandline [20:54] nasum: what's the end goal? [20:54] resolve urls [20:55] what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Give specifics [20:55] i need to be sure the url is resolved without me having to babysit it [20:55] wait are you actually doing application testing? [20:55] i am web crawling [20:55] there are application testing frameworks to handle frontend stuff, what is your stack? [20:55] oh.. [20:55] nasum, Selenium, Puppeteer, Playwright are the tools you should look into for that [20:55] nasum: web crawling where exactly? [20:56] the web [20:56] Marionette [20:56] all of it [20:56] err [20:56] no [20:56] nasum: good luck [20:56] that is suspicious lol [20:56] oh god i just spilled feces everywhere [20:56] happens to the best of us [20:57] actually listening to inhale/exhale now after i saw your nick [20:58] theres a band called exhale that sounds the same [20:59] maybe not.. [20:59] do we have a gpt bot here [20:59] no [20:59] i used it in a windows channel it offered the best help i've gotten in 15 years [20:59] its really incredible [20:59] yawn [20:59] nasum: good luck [20:59] back to the stuff i was doing [21:00] what stuff was that? [21:00] anything that is not continuing that conversion [21:00] sets priority to ticket "cleanup feces" to High for nasum [21:00] feel free to have non-support discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic [21:01] mutante: lets not encourage it [21:02] so what does ubuntu offer for headless webcrawling? [21:02] [22:55:50] nasum, Selenium, Puppeteer, Playwright are the tools you should look into for that [21:11] thanks [21:27] is there a simple way to list my added repositories? [21:29] the folder /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ? [21:29] sudo add-apt-repository -L [21:29] or --list instead of -L [21:30] nice [21:31] JanC, what version of Ubuntu are you on? That doesn't work for me on 20.04 [21:31] oh, this is on 22.04 [21:32] there where some kind of add- commands that were advised against at some point... idr which [21:33] add-apt-repository existed before 20.04 .. [21:33] https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man1/add-apt-repository.1.html vs https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man1/add-apt-repository.1.html indeed [21:33] seemsl ike that option was added in between those two [21:33] so, I am having a problem... [21:34] pg_upgrade is complaining that I have pg_dump from Ubuntu 20.04 and requires 22.04 (which is the OS installed) [21:34] heh [21:35] when I run apt install with the pgdg repo, it says... [21:35] oh wait [21:35] maybe I have to update postgresql-common? [21:35] if you "upgraded" your ubuntu from 20.04 to 22.04 (which isn't officially supported yet) it's possible the packages didn't get upgraded to those made available for 22.04 because of other conflicts. This is why the upgrade isn't offered until 22.04.1 release is made in late July [21:35] yes, that was it. [21:35] pragmaticenigma: of course 22.04 is supported [21:36] maybe you have a pgdg repo for focal configured instead of for jammy? [21:36] no, but I (apparently) didn't reinstall the common lib [21:36] JanC: the upgrade path from 22.04 to 24.04 is not yet supported [21:36] after upgrading [21:37] leftyfb: but they are on 22.04 with a package allegedly from 20.04 so that's irrelevant [21:37] JanC, I said the upgrade isn't yet. 22.04 as a fresh install is supported. but upgrading from 20.04 to 22.04 is not ready yet. [21:37] oh, right :) [21:37] oh [21:37] I misread a bunch of of stuff [21:38] gr, it still says 20.04 [21:38] it's just the binary files... [21:38] commands like pg_dump and such [21:39] are you sure you have the correct Postgres repo configured? [21:39] I don't really know how to check what OS version of these binaries they since -V doesn't tell me [21:39] JanC: yes, and dpkg reports pg on 22.04 [21:39] ash_worksi: apt-cache policy postgresql-client-common [21:39] ash_worksi: please pastebin that [21:39] leftyfb: client? [21:40] yes, that's where the pg_dump binary comes from === ozzloy_ is now known as ozzloy [21:41] https://gist.github.com/ash-m/ed514b4b772eba69a6e60c845ae5531f [21:41] not happy to see 500's there [21:41] ash_worksi: you're using 3rd party packaGES [21:41] yeah [21:41] 500 is the package priority [21:41] oh [21:42] ash_worksi: feel free to contact postgresql.org support with their packages [21:42] or remove them all and install from the ubuntu repo's [21:42] if i delete that bin folder, will apt recreate them? [21:42] that package seems to be right when you are on 22.04 === jesse__ is now known as jesse [21:43] ash_worksi: you're using 3rd party packages. Please seek support for them from the vendor. [21:43] ash_worksi: do not delete any bin directories or files [21:43] unless you're interested in making things much worse [21:43] well, we can give support with the APT part, just not with the packages themselves :) [21:44] JanC: that's what I figured [21:44] yeah, he has the packages installed [21:44] leftyfb: yeah, but not the right ones [21:45] apt install -f ? [21:45] ash_worksi: then remove all the postgresql packages and their dependencies, remove the 3rd party repo and then install postgresql from the ubuntu repos [21:45] oerheks: he's packages are installed just fine [21:45] or remove them all & then the ones from the upstream repo [21:46] that's what I just said [21:46] maybe there are some packages mixed from 2 repos [21:46] you said install from the Ubuntu repos [21:46] but they probably need another version (why else use upstream?) [21:47] usually because they assume they should [21:47] usually for no other reason [21:50] ash_worksi: do you need a version of PostgreSQL newer than 14 ? [21:50] or older than 14 ? [21:56] i upgraded to 24.04 and now emacs has this weird behavior: when i click emacs, the window behind it pops up [21:57] JanC: it's under my bosses direction, but I think the primary concern is this EOL hassle we've been monkeying with. This is an effort to upgrade from pg9.5, and 16 will 2 more years of support [21:57] support from whom? [21:58] the postgresql community [21:58] JanC: also, uninstalling and reinstalling the 3rd party packages worked, but I had to explicitly remove *-client library [21:58] yeah, that is why we said remove all packages [21:58] well, I didn't know I had to do more than `apt remove postgresql` :P [21:59] but leftyfb's comment about where the bins come from clued me in [22:00] ozzloy: hi. i have no real idea what might be wrong, unless you took an unsupported upgrade path from 22.04 LTS. which version did you upgrade from, and how? [22:00] postgresql is just a meta-package that will install the latest supported version; removing it doesn't remove anything else [22:02] JanC: well, I am pretty lame at apt; so if something appears due to `apt install X` I would stupidly expect it to be removed by `apt remove X`, but I understand why this is not always the case [22:04] postgresql depends on postgresql-14 or postgresql-16 or so, but the latter 2 don't depend on the first [22:05] when you need a specific version, you better install the version-specific package directly [22:05] hi [22:05] hello [22:05] o/ [22:05] is there any body [22:05] oh [22:06] hi jinmiaoluee [22:08] I was just about to point to #ubuntu-offtopic ... [22:09] can i ask what this folder and files location are? [22:09] https://imgur.com/a/RVVZj9T [22:10] something mounted in fstab is in /mnt/, removable media and share in /media/ i guess. [22:11] is that my ip? [22:11] local, yes [22:11] i click on it and it says i don't have permission to view the contents [22:11] maybe yours, who knows [22:11] gaelheart, that's a network file share. If you try to access Samba (windows file sharing) or other network file resource Gnome will "automount" and list the resource in the File Manager [22:11] i just noticed it [22:11] TPB1 the pirate bay? [22:11] pragmaticenigma: ooooh [22:11] lolz [22:13] TPB1 could also be their collection of trailer park boys season 1 [22:13] * pragmaticenigma shows themselves out [22:13] tp is my hostname "think pad" the B1 is my backup usb #1. i have another usb device for redundancg TPB2 [22:32] another OOTB google chrome update [22:34] friends don't let friends use Google Chrome :) [22:35] sure, with bing.com [22:59] hi [23:22] is there a newer version (not LTS) of ubuntu? [23:24] !24.04 [23:24] Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) is the 40th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release - Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/39890 :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/nn [23:24] no, 24.10 is in development. [23:24] !next [23:24] Oracular Oriole is the codename for Ubuntu 24.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.