[00:21] hello room === tomg_ is now known as tomg [23:21] is there a newer version (not LTS) of xubuntu? [23:23] The latest release is also an LTS, no releases have happened since. [23:23] Ah, I see you're going around and asking multiple channels the same question.. [23:23] yup Unit193 [23:23] to be honest didn't expect an answer here for hours [23:24] but yes using xubuntu [23:24] I also like lubuntu [23:24] on my 17 year old laptops lubuntu works nicely except the power manager crashes on battery [23:24] I hope xubuntu works better [23:25] Unit193 [23:27] okay thanks for the information Unit193 [23:27] * JoeLlama is now idle & afk [23:27] Remember, the versions are also the months and years, so 24.04 is April of 2024, etc. [23:28] yup thanks :) [23:28] afk installing xubuntu (I hope)