
=== lfaraone is now known as lfaraone_
blucaany patch pilot around today?09:48
ginggsbluca: there may be one along later, ~ 5 hours?10:11
ravikant_bdrung: I am looking at genx10:23
bdrungravikant_, looking at skorch11:20
bdrungthat leads to pytorch11:39
bdrunglooking at python-mp-api11:51
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
rbasakbluca: I'm sorry there's a gap in coverage at the moment. Maybe ask your question in advance, and perhaps someone not necessarily on duty will be able to look at it anyway?12:35
rbasakYou shouldn't feel that you can't ask without it being directed at a nominated pilot, anyway.12:35
ravikant_autopkgtest is failing with `unexpected eof from the testbed` https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CQ95KwzvMG/12:50
ravikant_looking if this is a known issue.12:51
bdrunglooked at libpsml and rust-imperative12:57
bdrunglooking at spopt13:06
blucajust looking for a sponsor for a backport, nothing urgent, can wait till someone is on pilot duty #206754413:10
webchat7what is ubunto and unix14:14

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