[01:12] OK, all packages should be up to par again. Sans genmon and time-out-plugin. [06:19] Unit193, what mail you got? [06:26] knome: Just you removing xwn.knome.fi :P [06:37] removing? huh [06:37] i didn't, but maybe the domain thing is completely tangled now [06:37] :P [06:39] the domain is verified under my account in github. [06:39] bluesabre tried to verify it for xubuntu, i think (i did the DNS updates) [06:40] i guess i should just fix the stuff so we can test it under xubuntu.github.io [06:45] https://xubuntu.github.io/xubuntu-website-next/ [06:45] there we go. [06:45] i caved in and changed the config setting. [06:45] (: [06:45] apparently not all links work yet [06:51] and should be fixed === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc