
MisterMomcbreak, thats what i thought but just wondered if something was changed.  is grub the default for 24.04 ?00:00
cbreakI think so, yes00:04
cbreakI'm using something else00:04
MisterMomok i wont tell lol,  thanks for your help.00:05
MisterMomim gonna go try this again now00:07
webchat54Estou tendo problemas com o Ubuntu00:35
tomreyn!pt | webchat5400:38
ubottuwebchat54: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:38
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Emanuelheadless PI and can't get teamviwer to run because there is no frame buffer. Other than buying dummy plugs what can I do?00:56
oerheksEmanuel, you clearly did not do any research https://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+teamviewer+on+headless   https://www.bing.com/search?q=ubuntu+teamviewer+on+headless01:25
Emanueloerheks, I did my research and that did not work for me01:25
Emanuel"xserver-xorg-video-dummy" is isnstalled and I made xorg.conf diles01:26
oerheksthat works wit x11 session, not wayland01:26
oerheksstandard ubuntu runs wayland; logout change session and login again01:27
Emanueloerheks,  Thank you I will try that01:28
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SamuelMarksJust rebooted Ubuntu 24.04 after upgrading all its dependencies; now the login-screen size is really small and I can't click or ENTER into the password box. I'm in a non X non Wayland tty now on irssi.02:44
SamuelMarksHow do I fix? - Tried another `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade` to no avail02:44
tomreynSamuelMarks: are you using nvidia proprietary graphics drivers?03:00
tomreynyou can reboot to grub, select the "Advanced" options and then boot a previous kernel version. this should at least let you work normally again for now. but you'll need to work out what caused the graphics driver to fail, i.e. review your logs (journalctl -b)03:02
SamuelMarkstomreyn - nope, amd and I need to recompile rocm because that still isn't working on my GPU03:06
SamuelMarksOh also I'm on the new kernel03:06
tomreynoh, it's probably somehow related to rocm, then.03:07
SamuelMarks6.9.2 kernel03:07
SamuelMarksNah I haven't even gotten it to compile yet; let alone installed it03:07
tomreynnoble's kernel is a 6.803:08
SamuelMarksyeah I upgrade I run mainline03:08
SamuelMarkslet me try rebooting in 6.803:08
SamuelMarksoh that's surprising; I'm in 6.8.0 with graphics working03:11
* SamuelMarks is downloading 6.9.3 to see if that fixes it03:12
tomreynhello Komu, what do you mean?03:26
Mestaphelesanyone notice issues with apparmor_parser hogging cpu, especially after startup since upgrading to 24.04? it's  made working on my 8 yr old laptop pointless.03:46
Mestaphelesapparmor_parsor and snap, horrible cpu hogs03:47
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alazyI'm confused about how to get nvidia drivers. Running 24.04 with Nvidia 535.171.04. https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa shows 550.78 and 550.40.07 are available but 'ubuntu-drivers devices' tops out at nvidia-driver-545. Meanwhile, apt shows various nvidia packages at version 555. Am I looking at the wrong source for updated drivers?04:12
psxalazy did you add that ppa?04:14
psxfor the love of the holy mother of god, how do I close a note in sticky? The only option I get is delete, no minimize or closing of one particular note (https://github.com/linuxmint/sticky)04:16
alazypsx: I must have. I'm dusting off a system I haven't used for a while. I have /etc/apt/sources.list.d/graphics-drivers-ubuntu-ppa.sources04:19
psxalazy sorry if this is obvious: sudo apt update?04:25
alazypsx: done that. apt update completes with no errors and includes Hit:5 http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu noble InRelease   while the contents of graphics-drivers-ubuntu-ppa.sources = "Enabled: yes\nTypes: deb\nURIs: http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu\nSuites: noble\nComponents: main\nSigned-By: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/graphics-drivers_ubuntu_ppa.gpg04:31
Bashing-omalazy: What card are we talking about ? pastebin the result - lspci -k | grep -iEA5 'vga|3d'- and let's see what the recommended driver is.04:40
alazyThe only thing that seems out of place is that I can't navigate to the http://launchpat.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu URI in the .sources file, only to https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa  where I see "deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu noble main" as the recommended sources.list entry.04:42
alazyIt's a 750 TI OC, Maxwell-generation.04:42
alazyMore precisely, GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti] (rev a2)04:44
lotuspsychj3alazy: usualy the nvidia drivers on the ubuntu graphics ppa, are newer/latest then on the ubuntu repos04:44
lotuspsychj3alazy: in most cases your ubuntu-drivers list, will show you the best/reccomended drivers for your specific card04:45
alazylotuspsychj3: Yes, I'd like the newer drivers from the ppa. apt shows me 555 drivers but ubuntu-drivers does not. I don't understand the disconnect.04:48
lotuspsychj3alazy: if you added the ubuntu ppa correctly, they should also show in your list04:49
alazyThe 555 driver should show in the output of ubuntu-drivers list? But it doesn't.04:52
Bashing-omalazy: Yeah - you are right - Nvidia does recommend the 550 version driver: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/224350/en-us/ .04:52
lotuspsychj3alazy: did you sudo apt update after ppa addy?04:53
alazyYes, no apt errors.04:53
lotuspsychj3hmmz weird04:54
lotuspsychj3tha ubuntu graphics ppa, should give no conflicts usualy04:54
lotuspsychj3alazy: what about in your additional drivers list?04:55
alazyoutput of ubuntu-drivers list includes nvidia-driver-{390,470,535,545}.04:59
alazyShould I expect ubuntu-drivers to reflect the ppa, or only base ubuntu? Because the 550 and 555 driver packages show up in apt. I've just heard that manually installing nvidia drivers any way but the 'ubuntu' way is often painful.05:01
Bashing-omalazy: Nvidia do say to use our "distribution's native package management format"// see under the Additional Information tab of the ups link.05:04
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jacowhich link is used for posting sceenshot06:19
Komujaxo: just look at the paste link in #channel descirbtion06:36
Komuwhar is THE learn link for systemd?06:40
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khazakarKomu> systemD docs :)07:32
VoolooI can't login using SSH keys to my remote server after upgrading to 22.04. Apparently RSA keys are out so I generated ed25519 keys in puttygen. Added it into .ssh/authorized_keys, tried to login but got refused, and the auth.log says: "userauth_pubkey: key type ssh-rsa not in PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms" it seems to think my key is still rsa??08:28
VoolooNo supported authentication methods available [preauth]08:29
ravageVooloo: try to generate a key on the remove server "ssh-keygen -f yourkey"08:32
ravageput the yourkey.pub in authorized_keys and copy yourkey to your computer08:32
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Voolooravage: No supported authentication methods available [preauth]08:44
VoolooDo I need to update a sshd config?08:45
ravagethey try the maintainers version of the sshd_config08:45
ravageit should be in your (etc/ssh dir08:45
sixwheeledbeastI don't believe RSA is depreciated yet. Will take longer to generate but i think mine are all 409608:46
cbreakVooloo: make sure you're using your key. When trying to connect, use -v to get verbose output08:47
cbreakssh should tell you which keys it offered.08:47
VoolooI am using putty08:47
cbreakdoes it not have verbose mode?08:48
cbreakmake sure it even uses your new key08:48
cbreakalso, do NOT ever generate a key on the server08:48
cbreakthe server should not know the private key08:48
VoolooI can't find a verbose mode. I tried generating key on client with puttygen and on the server. I am pretty sure it is using my key08:51
VoolooHow do I find maintainers version of sshd_config after upgrade?08:52
ravageit is in /etc/ssh08:52
ravageshould also be in /usr/share/openssh/sshd_config08:53
cbreakthe one that's actually used is in /etc/ssh/sshd_config08:58
ioriaVooloo, what's your version of putty ?09:01
Voolooserver config looks the same09:02
ioriaVooloo, grep -i PubkeyAccepted /etc/ssh/sshd_config09:04
Vooloo#PubkeyAuthentication yes09:06
ioriaVooloo, temporary, you can to use the deprecate rsa: adding the line to sshd_config; https://askubuntu.com/questions/1409105/ubuntu-22-04-ssh-the-rsa-key-isnt-working-since-upgrading-from-20-0409:08
VoolooThat doesn't work either. I still get No supported authentication methods available [preauth]09:11
VoolooAm I missing a pam module or something?09:11
ioriaVooloo, with the new ed25519 keys ? or with thew old rsa keys ?09:12
VoolooOh wait, I think I removed the old rsa key, one sec09:14
VoolooOkay the old key works09:16
VoolooSo yeah I dont know about why these new keys are not working09:17
VoolooAnd I generated a new RSA 4096 in puttygen, so the method works09:20
ioriaa silly thing to say, but you can download a previous version of putty (like 0.78) and test09:21
ioriaor add +ssh-ed25519 in PubkeyAcceptedAlgo both client and server09:26
VoolooOk thanks this works for now09:38
masberhi, I have google authenticator on my phone and I use it to get the one time password, is there an equivalent for the command line? I don't want to unlock my phone and click google authenticator to find out the new token every time I have to connect to the VPN09:59
masberhi, I have google authenticator on my phone and I use it to get the one time password, is there an equivalent for the command line? I don't want to unlock my phone and click google authenticator to find out the new token every time I have to connect to the VPN09:59
ravagefirst of all that makes not a 2nd factor anymore. there are password managers that offer an API like bitwarden to access those OTPs10:01
ravagehttps://www.nongnu.org/oath-toolkit/man-oathtool.html seems to offer that too10:02
PeGaSuSstupid question: which file do I need to edit, so the `adduser` command always sets 711 on the `/home/<username>` folder?10:28
sixwheeledbeastPretty sure this covers it https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/user-management10:33
noob88Hey all, have most of you installed the new version of Ubuntu, 24.04? How do you like it?10:37
ravagenoob88: if you dont have any Ubuntu support question but want to talk about Ubuntu please use #ubuntu-discuss10:38
noob88ravage thanks!10:39
noob88ravage one thing I was curious about, just reading the docs,,,I currently have 22.04 installed and there was something about not being able to update until August - is this correct?10:40
ravageupgrades from the previous LTS (22.04) are enabled with the first point release (24.04.1). and that will probably be in August yes10:42
noob88Okay, gotcha - thanks.10:42
noob88Could I over-ride this by just upgrading to the non-LTS first and then trying to upgrade to 24.04?10:43
ravageyou can use "do-release-upgrade -d" but make sure you have a backup. it will probably break things10:43
ravagebackup and a fresh installation is the wiser way to get to 24.04 right now10:44
noob88ravage hmm...you mean fresh installation in August when it comes out right?10:52
noob88Or, you mean, back up; wipe system and fresh install of 24.04?10:53
ravageif you want to get 24.04 now do a clean install. or wait until August for the upgrade. always have backup no matter what you do10:53
noob88ravage thanks10:55
noob88Any advice for a "clean install"?10:55
ravageboot ISO. wipe disk.10:55
CosmicDJyou could keep your /home though10:56
CosmicDJ(if that's an extra mountpoint)10:56
ravagethat is still untested too10:56
MyWayhi, after upgrading my desktop to 24.04 from 23.10 I'm getting an error "failed to open /EFI/ubuntu: not found", then the system boots but screen resolution is 800x600 instead of usual one10:58
ravageMyWay: that are probably separate issues. nvidia card? then i would start with reinstalling the driver11:00
MyWayyes, nvidia11:00
ravagesudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'11:00
ravagethen run "sudo ubuntu-drivers install"11:00
MyWaythanks ravage, that worked11:03
MyWayI'm also getting this when trying to open settings: [  262.463434] gnome-control-c[7164]: segfault at 357 ip 00007ed0ca75b76e sp 00007fff575b6380 error 4 in ld-linux-x86-64.so.2[7ed0ca75a000+2b000] likely on CPU 4 (core 0, socket 0)11:08
ravageMyWay: check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center and if you don't see your bug there run "ubuntu-bug gnome-control-center"11:13
jacopls want link for posting screenshot in chat11:17
ravagethe external package repo is broken11:22
jacois the above report in the terminal of screenshot normal?11:22
ravageremove packages installed from it and remove the file probably from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/11:22
jacoravage: so what do i do to solve it11:23
jacois there a problem from my terminal?11:28
tomreynjaco: the apt repository for balena etcher you are using does not support your ubuntu release11:28
tomreynas far as i know there is currently no apt repository for balena etcher, just a downloadable .deb11:29
jacotomreyn: what do i do11:29
tomreynah, i see ravage already answered it.11:29
tomreynremove the (balena) ethcher file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/11:30
tomreynthis requires sudo11:30
jacothank you all for the other day i was able to successfully install the ubuntu 23 with dual boot11:30
jacotomreyn: how do i do that please?11:31
tomreynrun this in terminal:  nautilus admin:///etc/apt/sources.list.d/11:32
tomreynthen delete the *etcher.list file11:32
tomreynthen close the file browser11:32
tomreynthen run    sudo apt update    again11:33
jacothis is what i am getting11:36
jacois the yellow warning okay?11:37
ravageyou can ignore that for now11:37
ravageor run the command it shows with sudo11:37
tomreynthe apt issue is now solved, though11:37
jacothank u11:37
tomreynalthough you might need to uninstall balena etcher11:38
jacotomreyn: where are you chatting from?11:38
tomreyna computer11:38
tomreynmy desk11:39
jacododging my question11:39
tomreyni'm in germany, but let's do social chat in -offtopic instead (but not right now, i don't feel so social currently)11:40
jacowhat is balena etcher?11:40
jacoits okay11:40
tomreyna software you have or had installed from a third party repository.11:40
jacodo i have to uninstall it fully11:42
tomreynfrom what i read, it doesn't work on 24.04 LTS currently, so you might as well uninstall it (if it's still installed)11:42
tomreynsudo apt purge balena-etcher11:43
jacoUnable to locate package balena-etcher11:44
jacothis is the outcome11:44
tomreynok, so it's not installed, all fine11:44
jacoWarning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of apt-news.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.11:45
jacoWarning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of esm-cache.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.11:45
jacoso i leave this warning11:46
tomreyna tip for getting support in the future: tell people which ubuntu version you're using, and use termbin.com to show output of commands, e.g.:    sudo apt-get update |& nc termbin.com 999911:47
tomreynalso, learn a bit about the shell (see the last link):11:47
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:47
jacothank you11:49
tomreynyou're welcome11:50
MyWaythanks ravage12:01
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BluesKajHi all13:23
tomreynhello tekNorah13:48
tomreyndo you have an ubuntu support question?13:49
tekNorahthanks for the reply, now I know I'm connected!13:49
tekNorahHas the nick registration process changed from https://libera.chat/guides/registration ?13:50
tekNorahWhen I try, it says: "command not found"13:50
tomreynnot that i know of. you could double-check and get help with it in #libera13:50
tekNorahI also asked in #support13:50
tekNorahbut, not sure if anyone is active there13:51
tomreyni think you are meant to type irc commands into your irc client, not a terminal emulator13:51
tomreyni.e. type them here where you chat13:51
tekNorahok, lemme try again here13:52
tomreyn(or better, yet, use the "server" tab, if your irc client provides one)13:52
tekNorahI am using the Goguma App on Amdroid13:54
tomreyni'm not familiar with that, but generally, "you could [..] get help with [IRC] in #libera"13:55
teknorahI'm registered!14:14
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)14:16
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NitrigaurSometimes when I boot into Ubuntu Linux 24.04, my wireless adapter is not detected at all. A reboot often fixes this, but I wonder what might cause this?16:19
rboxcrappy hardware16:20
NitrigaurI have a Dell Latitude 552016:20
Nitrigaurrbox, I'm not sure it's a hardware issue.16:21
rboxwhy are you not sure?16:21
NitrigaurThis is a dual boot system and I've never have Wifi fail on me when I boot into Win10.16:21
tomreynonly AFTER you did and then booted into ubuntu16:22
rboxdoes it happen when you switch back and forth between windows and linux?16:22
Nitrigaurtomreyn, interesting, any clue what might cause this?16:23
Nitrigaurrbox, sometimes, but I mostly boot into Linux anyway. About 90% Linux and maybe 10% Windows.16:23
rboxand is the 10% when it goes screwy16:24
Nitrigaurrbox, not quite. It also happens when the last OS I have booted before this session is Linux.16:25
NitrigaurI don't see any errors in dmesg, it's just not detected.16:25
tomreynthere are two common causes of this situation: (1) you're using windows with its default setup to not shutdown properly but "fast", potentially leaving some hardware components in a state their firmware (or the bios) are not able to handle well (2) your bios or wireless firmware is buggy, does not initialize or de-inintialize the hardware properly on boot/shutdown16:29
NitrigaurIs there a way to re-init the hardware detection process? Even modprobe fails on those occasions.16:31
tomreynyou can configure windows do shutdown properly16:32
tomreyn* to16:32
NitrigaurIt might have to do with the Intel Wireless Firmware or Dell's BIOS.16:33
Nitrigaurtomreyn, thanks for the link, but Fastboot is already off.16:33
tomreynso it looks like your's is case 216:33
NitrigaurUnfortunately. Oh, well, until now a reboot usually fixes things. It's just inconvenient when I'm in a hurry.16:34
tomreyn"fastboot" and "fast startup" are different things by the way16:35
Nitrigaurtomreyn, In that case I'll check the next time I'll boot into Windows, but since it also happens when the previous sessions was Linux (it usually is), it's probably firmware/ EFI.16:37
tomreyn"fastboot" refers to the bios 'feature' of booting with least possible hardware initialization, and "fast startup" is a set of windows configurations to support fast booting and fast improper shutdowns.16:37
tomreynyour reasoning seems convincing.16:38
Nitrigaurthx :-)\16:38
tomreynyou might also want to https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2021/06/incorrect-time-windows-11-dual-boot-ubuntu/16:40
NitrigaurAnyhow, around september next year I'll wipe the Windows partitions and add the space thus freed to my lvm pool. I'm not running Win11 and I'm not planning to. Too much of a privacy sink. Bigger even than Win10 already is...16:41
tomreyn(i'd fix the HW clock issue on windows' end, because, in my opinion, that's where the problem is introduced.)16:42
Nitrigaurtomreyn, I agree.16:43
tomreynyou can run windows in a VM if you like. also for gaming, if you have two graphics cards and the computer is fast enough + supports virtualization features.16:43
Nitrigaurtomreyn, that's true, but this laptop only has Intel Iris XE for graphics and since I won't accept the install terms for Win11 anyway, that is moot.16:46
Xefwiw the license agreement isn't legally enforceable in most jurisdictions16:46
tomreyni didn't mean to convince you to run windows 1116:47
NitrigaurHaha, I'm glad :-)16:47
NitrigaurXe, true, if it violates the GDPR, it's not enforceable where I live.16:48
tomreynproton works pretty well nowadays, too, lots of games work just fine.16:49
NitrigaurI hope that the upgrade path from 23.10 to 24.04.04 becomes stable soon.16:49
tomreyn24.04.04 ? that'll take a good while to be released16:49
Nitrigaurtomreyn, yes, Proton can be amazing, but Steam is not my primary gaming platform. that's GOG.16:50
tomreynyou can use proton without steam, such as through lutris.16:50
tomreynor https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom16:51
Nitrigaurtomreyn, good to know :-)16:51
tomreynupgrading from 23.10 to 24.04 is already supported, if you were wondering about this16:52
Nitrigaurtomreyn, I meant 24.0.1 (silly of me ;-) )16:52
tomreynoh i see16:53
Nitrigaurtomreyn, it might be supported, but upgrading crashed my system and I had to fix things in the recovery console and through reconfiguring some deb package configurations before the upgrade eventually worked. Not exactly smooth and that's why I'll hold off on that for my mother's laptop for now.16:55
Nitrigaurtomreyn, all in all it cost me about two hours troubleshooting. Not too bad, but not great either.16:56
tomreyndid you have third party software or software versions installed as debian packages?apt16:57
tomreyn- apt16:57
Nitrigaurtomreyn, no. The only thing that differed from a vanilla install when it comes to software, where ppa's of LibreOffice 2024 and Kicad 7. Nothing else.16:58
NitrigaurBoth were official packages. The snaps on offer were absolute garbage.16:59
Nitrigaurwhere -> were16:59
tomreynwell, ppa's are (usually) third party, unsupported by ubuntu / canonical17:00
tomreynthey may be supported by the PPA provider, but that does not usually include the ubuntu release upgrade process17:01
Nitrigaurtomreyn, true, but these came directly from the developers.17:01
NitrigaurAfter the tribulations of the upgrade 24.04 is running smoothly for me. No complaints so far.17:02
tomreynthat's nice. :)17:04
Komu!systemd docs19:18
rboxKomu: irc isn't a search engine19:19
bprompt!systemd | Komu19:19
ubottuKomu: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units19:19
Komufound it thx :D19:19
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arraybolt3moldyadmin: is there something we can help you with?21:51
moldyadmin(testing a bouncer with a friend, apologies.)21:51
arraybolt3ah, ok21:51
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