[02:14] good morning === brittluna is now known as travel_luna === oerheks is now known as Guest4437 === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks [20:39] UWN: Issue 842 now available to our reading public: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-842/45377 :D === travel_luna is now known as luna^ [23:22] hey found another channel I forgot about [23:22] this one an important one too [23:23] ravage, oerheks, leftyfb: last message in #ubuntu was an attempt at scrambling juryx before they start causing any more trouble, might not be effective but we might get away with just ignoring him at this point [23:23] (I basically just tried to say what I expected him to say next and make it clear it was something that I disagreed with) [23:24] i dont plan to get participate in that any more than i already did 🙂 [23:24] -get [23:32] omw sometimes it seems like someone will take any excuse they can to do something they know will get on everyone's nerves :rofl: [23:32] i don't want to be an op.