
thirdwhlHi all, trying to work out where a 503 Service Unavailable could be coming from when the web server service is stopped. There's nothing listening on those ports and nothing seems to come up in netstat when I try to open a URL pointing at the server. Any ideas? Running 22.04.4 LTS, web server of choice is nginx00:09
leftyfbthirdwhl: is the web server public?00:10
leftyfbwhere is it hosted?00:10
thirdwhloh wait... never mind. I worked it out. It'00:10
thirdwhlIt's the web server reverse proxy doing it, on a whole other system00:10
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esvhey folks, shouldn't: IFS=:; set a:b:c; echo $2; print b in bash?03:24
esvI was expecting a for $103:25
LuckyManesv, isn't $1 the last command?03:27
esvin that case, it is still wrong.03:27
esvthat is my env.03:28
LuckyManoh, $1 is not the last command, I just tried it03:28
LuckyManI don't know bash lol03:28
esv!! would recall the last command.03:28
ubottuesv: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:28
esvoh! "!!' is the last command.03:29
esvno quotes03:29
esvlet's see what does it do on other distros03:29
esvah! it does the same in Fedora03:30
* esv looks for #bash03:30
JoeLlamais there a way to get nautilus in startup to open with a number of folders in tabs rather than in individual windows?04:56
tarzeauJoeLlama: quickly checking nautilus -h i can see -w for new-window but no -t, maybe you write a patch?04:57
JoeLlamaheh maybe I don't :)04:58
JoeLlamabut thanks04:58
tarzeaualso checked if gtk or xdg-open has a more generic approach, 40404:58
JoeLlamaPCmanFM-Qt is what I use now04:58
tarzeaujust being curious, tried mc or far2l?04:59
JoeLlamawell this is workig for me05:01
JoeLlamajust kinda wanted to use what came with ununtu05:01
JoeLlamaI appreciate you looking at that though... I came to the same conclusion05:03
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gordonjcpcan anyone confirm whether or not the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/2059847 is fixed in 24.04?07:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2059847 in mutter (Ubuntu Mantic) "Input lag or freezes on Nvidia desktops with X11 after logging 'MetaSyncRing: Sync object is not ready -- were events handled properly?'" [High, Fix Committed]07:38
silver49anyone good with ubuntu 24 ethernet connections?07:41
Kabouter_auI upgraded 23.10 to 24.04 and had issues as my /home was on a different drive. After a few hurdles because of 'snap' I found a work-around. See: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1515978/upgrading-from-23-10-to-24-04-desktop-with-seperate-home-partition-failure07:45
silver49Kabouter_au - /home shouldn't be on a seperate drive  bootdrive should have all os filesystems07:48
silver49^ Just get a dropbox or external drives for large files07:48
Kabouter_ausilver49 - I got sick of OS or hdd issues that /home (or \user in Windoze case) is always on a separate drive. I have survived many disasters this way. Also the "Advanced" install allows for this but cannot set a boot partition!07:56
keroi guess that is an issue in your windows software or BIOS08:00
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fwehtcant drag'n'drop a file from vscode to firefox (the website has a drop area).  is this firefox's fault or vscode's fault?11:29
lotuspsychj3i think there's a known bug for drag n drop to FF snap fweht11:30
fwehtlotuspsychj3: thanks!11:30
fwehtbut it works from file browser11:31
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Guest71Hello, I have a question: Is there an app for the SeaMonkey browser?12:42
leftyfbGuest71: no. You'll have to compile from source. Please seek support from the Seamonkey project12:45
BluesKajHi all12:47
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dayzerohi all wanna discuss how to make darkness to be internet come to rizon channel  #0day14:25
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Guest8510ubuntu suckers16:35
oerheksnot again troll16:36
Guest8510ubuntu ass16:36
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant16:36
Guest8510ubuntu vagina16:37
CarlFK1please stop.16:37
Guest8510to lick my ubuntu ass16:38
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d3k4t3ss3r4Where is config file for qterminal?20:51
leftyfbd3k4t3ss3r4: ~/.config/qterminal.org/qterminal.ini20:53
leftyfbd3k4t3ss3r4: might I suggest giving terminator a try though20:53
leftyfbd3k4t3ss3r4: I just installed qterminal to give you the above answer and it was hideous20:53
d3k4t3ss3r4You didn't have to do all that20:54
d3k4t3ss3r4I love qterm for my little cyberdecks.20:54
leftyfbtry terminator20:54
leftyfbit's a lot cleaner, lest wasted space and you can split windows easily20:55
d3k4t3ss3r4Split window or split the terminal?20:55
leftyfbsplit window within a tab20:55
d3k4t3ss3r4Ido that with qterm20:56
d3k4t3ss3r4In my personal setup it's ctrl+h for horizontal and ctrl-l for vertical20:56
d3k4t3ss3r4I will say qterm is ugly at first. But once you get rid of the menu window and the tab bar, meh20:57
leftyfbd3k4t3ss3r4: https://imgur.com/9RKzpmx20:57
howarthwhat exactly is the difference between the linux-generic and linux-restricted kernels? I see a linux-restricted-signatures-nvidia 6.8.0-1007.7 package was built which I assume means that linux-restricted would support the nvidia drivers under secure boot, but I'm unclear what the -generic vs -restricted difference is between the two sets of kernel packages?20:59
d3k4t3ss3r4Yea I do that too. Unless I'm so.ehow misunderstanding21:00
tomreynhowarth: linux-restricted-* packages are source packages, not binary.21:05
tomreynlinux-generic-* are binary packages21:06
tomreynone of the binary packages built from linux-restricted-signatures-nvidia-6.5 is linux-image-6.5.0-1019-nvidia (which i assume is secureboot signed) and another is linux-image-unsigned-6.5.0-1019-nvidia21:09
tomreynlinux-restricted-signatures-nvidia-6.5 is also the source package for linux-modules-nvidia-550-open-6.5.0-1019-nvidia21:10
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Guest9383how snaps app like firefox or thunderbird? few days ago i want install ubuntu 24.04 but i heard some people say snap is Trash ألف22:21
leftyfbGuest9383: is something not working for you?22:21
Guest9383No, I just want your opinion's22:23
leftyfbGuest9383: opinions aren't going to make your machine work better or worse. You're going to get a different opinion depending on who you ask. It's a pointless exercise.22:24
Guest9383thx for response22:25
leftyfbGuest9383: let us know if you have any support questions. Feel free to have discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic. Fair warning, those that respond to controversial topics are going to have more emotional responses than technical.22:26
CarlFK1pip install wxPython ... Building wheel for wxPython ... for seems like an hour.22:50
CarlFK1isn't there a package I can apt install?22:50
oerhekspip or pip3?22:50
oerheksand on what ubuntu?22:51
CarlFK1oh oh...  pip.  hopefully Im getting py v3 stuff...22:52
CarlFK1$ pip -V ... pip 23.2.1 from /home/carl/.virtualenvs/clocky/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip (python 3.11)22:53
CarlFK1good.  no python2 and python links to v322:54
oerhekspip 23.2.1 is not an ubuntu package22:54
CarlFK1Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS22:55
CarlFK1python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/clocky/ --system-site-packages ... $ which pip ... /home/carl/.virtualenvs/clocky/bin/pip22:57
oerhekswhy would pip be in your home folder?,,not understanding this22:57
leftyfbit's venv22:58
CarlFK1Successfully installed install-1.3.5 wxPython-4.2.1  - yay.23:13
CarlFK1and it works.  yay.  but I'd still like to know if I can apt install it.23:15
BrassPin88What's an inode? Why do I have to sit through the same screen of "sda6 clearing inodes" on every boot23:16
BrassPin88I need answers.23:16
junyxBrassPin88 https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+an+inode%3F23:17
oerheksseems like a disk that is unmounted too soon23:17
oerheksjunyx, don't do that23:18
junyxoerheks I'll do what I damn well please23:19
oerheksjunyx, respect the chanel rules please23:20
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv23:20
leftyfbBrassPin88: are you losing power to your machine or powering it off by holding down the power button?23:20
junyxoerheks yeah the rules don't say anything about letmegooglethat23:21
ravage"When helping: be helpful"23:22
arraybolt3isn't LMGT helpful tho? </sarcasm>23:22
junyxravage: https://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html#research23:23
junyxPart of the How to ask for help section of the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:23
junyx"Before asking a question you should have tried to search for it on... some search engine"23:24
arraybolt3alright but there are more respectful ways to say that. No one rule overrides the others.23:25
leftyfbjunyx: that's enough. Please don't post links to google searches or the like. If you want to give someone a link, make sure it's a link to a website with the actual answers to their question and not a search result of their question.23:25
junyxNot sure why the bullying all of a sudden23:25
leftyfbjunyx: yes you are. Don't post links to letmegooglethat.com23:26
junyxleftyfb show me where it says that in the rules. Otherwise you're just making it up23:26
leftyfbjunyx: you're being told not to. Knock it off23:26
junyxFor your benefit so you can get off on ganging up on users23:26
junyxBy who?23:26
junyxWho is telling me? Some random guy?23:26
leftyfbjunyx: feel free to ask about the rules in #ubuntu-ops23:27
CarlFK1junyx: take 5.  please.  I'm asking you.23:27
junyxNo one has identified themselves to me as an operator of this channel23:27
arraybolt3BrassPin88: To answer your question, it sounds like you might be improperly shutting down your system and it's having to do some filesystem cleanup on every boot.23:27
junyxI'm fine CarlFK123:27
CarlFK1junyx: I'm an op.23:27
junyxCarlFK1 great. Its like someone comes and knocks on your door in the middle of the night and says open up. You're not going to open up unless they identify themselves as police or something of the like.23:28
Unit193No, it's more like you're causing a fuss in a bar and someone asks you to settle. :P23:28
junyxThat's what happened here. Some user told me not to do something. I said where does it say it in the rules? And then 3 people jump on me23:28
arraybolt3junyx: /msg chanserv flags #ubuntu if you want to know for sure who's an op or not23:28
junyxarraybolt3 thanks23:29
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:29
oerheksbla bla bla23:29
CarlFK1I think we enough has been about behavior.  lets get get back to OS chatter.23:29
oerheksbe helpfull, or just read.23:30
oerheksand use bing.23:30
junyxThanks arraybolt3 but I'm still nto seeing oerheks in that ops list. So my point still stands. I'm not going to continue the conversation because CarlFK1 (an op) has asked me to stop. But if oerheks tells me to do something I'm within my right to not listen23:31
Unit193CarlFK1: Are you asking about python3-wxgtk4.0?23:31
arraybolt3the what?23:32
arraybolt3oh I missed backlog23:32
CarlFK1Unit193: maybe.  I installed it, and "import wx" failed23:32
CarlFK1Unit193: pip ... hour of compile later.. works.23:33
Unit193apt-file tells me it ships /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wx/, so in *theory* it should be what you're looking for but clearly there's an issue somewhere.23:33
CarlFK1it could be that my venv --site-packege-thing23:34
CarlFK1but It was failing before I created the ve23:34
CarlFK1im off for a bit.  will be back in an hour or so23:34
Unit193Hrm, it looks more like that.  Installing the package allowed me to import wx, but I am on a newer release than you too..23:36

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