
arraybolt3Have RSA1024 algorithms been entirely disabled for PPA use in Oracular already?04:18
arraybolt3I'm getting this:04:18
arraybolt3Err:3 https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/lubuntu-dev/next/ubuntu oracular InRelease04:18
arraybolt3  The following signatures were invalid: 91732A319F3E38EEEDBDF51AC8BEB4C320E36F2F (untrusted public key algorithm: rsa1024) The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E6FD03F22091EA2E04:18
arraybolt3in an sbuild build.04:19
arraybolt3there appears to be an RSA4096 key for the same repo04:21
arraybolt3anyway, /me resorts to HTTPS and trusted=yes04:22
* arraybolt3 has second thoughts about that and just uses the RSA4096 key even though I can't verify its safety, but *also* uses HTTPS so it's still secure04:23
Unit193"secure" :>04:31
arraybolt3you don't trust HTTPS? :P04:55
cpaelzerthanks bdmurray for confirming that the unexpected operator is unrelated and orthogonal to the issue we look at06:19
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, you ready to upload the fix?07:02
Skiacpaelzer: quoting #ubuntu-quality, where the topic was discussed: "those logs were experimentations in trying to get arm64 to spawn VMs faster, it shouldn't have impacted the test itself"  — it's also been fixed since last Friday, so any test triggered after that won't even have it.07:02
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: not yet, got distracted with another bug. Updated my findings in the LP bug I made though and will find a fix first thing tomorrow morning.07:05
adrienarraybolt3: I don't think RSA1024 signatures are supposed to be disabled currently but maybe I missed something07:34
adrienUnit193: the point about HTTPS being secure is rather that it's not less secure than your system07:34
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, I tried an upload08:10
LocutusOfBorggit config --global --add safe.directory test1/.git08:10
LocutusOfBorgthis might be sufficient?08:10
mitchdzI tried that quickly in my lxc container and it still seemed unhappy08:29
mitchdzEven tried just labeling * as safe08:30
adrienarraybolt3: sorry, it is disabled in oracular, I got confused with the state in noble for which there were discussions until recently (and probably some more)08:44
guruprasadarraybolt3, we, the Launchpad team, have generated a replacement 4096-bit RSA signing keys for all the PPAs that only had a 1024-bit RSA signing key. We are now in the process of dual-signing all the affected PPAs so that we can transition to the new key.09:36
guruprasadThe version of apt that throws an error about 1024-bit RSA signing keys will make into Noble before the .1 release and it has already made its way into oracular.09:37
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LocutusOfBorgmirespace, that failed, indeed10:28
LocutusOfBorgI marked as block-proposed that bug10:28
LocutusOfBorgfeel free to unblock if you have better news10:28
mirespacesorry, LocutusOfBorg, I missed something... which one?10:33
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, ^^10:40
LocutusOfBorgsorry mirespace :)10:40
mirespace:) Nothing to be sorry about :)10:40
cpaelzerfnordahl: do you know right away a way to force the OVS tests to leave detailed logs (as they do on failure) even when they pass?10:47
cpaelzerfnordahl: in the good case the log gives me all the environment info, but then just "All 5 tests were successful."10:57
cpaelzerfnordahl: while the bad variant has a nice "Summary of the failures" section following10:58
cpaelzerfnordahl: now having the full output for the good case as well is what I'm after. As it would allow to see where both paths start to diverge10:58
slyon@pilot in11:04
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: slyon
cpaelzerfnordahl: I think I found all we need in _debian/tests/system-dpdk-testsuite.dir/...11:04
blucahi slyon - would you be able to help and sponsor a backport upload, please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/package-notes/+bug/206754411:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2067544 in package-notes (Ubuntu Noble) "[BPO] package-notes/13 from oracular" [Undecided, New]11:07
mitya57dviererbe: Hi, as you touched unzip last (excluding the no-change rebuild), do you want to review these changes before I upload them to Oracular?11:09
dviererbeYes, I would like to. Thanks!11:09
mitya57Thank you! It's an amendment to Ubuntu's 20-unzip60-alt-iconv-utf8.patch, but we also forwarded both to Debian in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=779207#5111:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 779207 in unzip "unzip fails to unpack filenames containing 'ä' 'ö' 'ü' -> results in '(invalid encoding)'" [Wishlist, Open]11:10
seb128mitya57, great, I put https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zip/+bug/2062535 on my backlog some days ago but it seems your upload will fix the issue :)11:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2062535 in zip (Ubuntu) "zip fails when filenames contain unicode characters" [High, Triaged]11:33
seb128or maybe not? need to check11:34
* mitya57 asks the patch author11:36
mitya57seb128: well, that's a bug in zip, but the patch is for unzip which is a different package11:41
seb128mitya57, ah, lol, sorry I didn't check specifics, was just commenting from memory ... I will keep that zip one in my backlog!11:51
slyonbluca: yes, let me take a look.12:03
dviererbemitya57: Will you open an MP where I can add comments to, or should I just write here?12:12
mitya57dviererbe: let me opan an MP12:16
mitya57dviererbe: https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/ubuntu/+source/unzip/+git/unzip/+merge/46686012:21
slyonbluca: lgtm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/package-notes/+bug/2067544/comments/312:27
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2067544 in package-notes (Ubuntu Noble) "[BPO] package-notes/13 from oracular" [Undecided, New]12:27
blucathank you!12:36
philrocheRAOF: As part of SRU duty - would you have capacity to look at noble SRU for livecd-rootfs https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=livecd-rootfs ? this unblocks several bugs including a bug which is blocking noble daily server builds.12:57
seb128philroche, Chris is in Australia and eod at this hour, you probably want to try pinging bdmurray instead13:02
philrocheThank you. bdmurray: Would you be able to look?13:03
adrienI created https://code.launchpad.net/~adrien/ubuntu/+source/python-googleapi/+git/python-googleapi/+merge/466862 and in order to upgrade from 1.17.2 to 2.131.0, I added upstream's git repository as a remote13:07
adrienwill all that go away after a pass through the git-ubuntu importer? and how can I know if it will?13:08
ahasenackadrien: I'm not sure I understand the question. You added a remote to your local checkout, right13:08
adrienyeah, then I ran git merge --allow-unrelated-histories, and now I pushed that and actually used that for the MR13:09
ahasenackwhat matters to git ubuntu is that what was uploaded matches the vcs tags in the changes file, if that does, it will adopt that rich history I beklieve13:10
ahasenackdid you upload already? If yes, we shall know soon :)13:10
adrienI'm not an uploader so no! and I realized pretty quickly after pushing (I think it's still not on the sponsoring page)13:11
ahasenackthen the uploader will have to remember to use $(git ubuntu prepare-upload args) in the dpkg-buildpackage command line13:13
adrienI don't know if I should re-spin the MR: the content is good and easy to review with a local checkout; if I re-spin, it becomes slightly more difficult to review13:13
adrienhmmm, rich history is either complete or not present at all; I guess it's too likely and risky that it is preserved here13:15
adrienby the way, a style question: I need to import the new sources, drop a patch, add lintian overrides, help autodep8-python and change dependencies; should I import the sources in the same commit as the rest or as a separate one?13:17
rbasakadrien: I strongly recommend against trying to pull upstream history into git-ubuntu repositories. You can do it, but it'll commit an extreme mess in the commit graph.13:18
rbasakYou'll end up with commits that correspond in source tree but do not correspond in the commit graph and that's just confusing.13:19
rbasakI understand the desire to have everything in git including upstream. But the opportunity to do that rests with the Debian maintainer (FWIW, the Debian Python Modules Team has a policy *not* to do that).13:21
adrienyeah, I only wanted to do it for conflict resolution, and then forgot about it13:21
rbasakIf you try to do it afterwards, then you get a mess :-/13:21
rbasakadrien: it might be an idea to mention in the MP for the sponsor *not* to upload with git-ubuntu rich history preservation.13:43
adrienI thought about doing that but that was putting burden upon the reviewer/uploader which is poor form and also a bit risky so I re-created an MR as https://code.launchpad.net/~adrien/ubuntu/+source/python-googleapi/+git/python-googleapi/+merge/46686613:46
adrienI rebased and squashed all upstream's commits together, checked out a new branch, cherry-picked that, and then cherry-picked all my packaging commits13:47
adrien(finding the right commit to rebase on wasn't obvious and took some time; also, this works because upstream "releases" are only GH git archives)13:48
rbasakNice. Thanks!14:20
tsimonq2@pilot in14:48
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: tsimonq2, slyon
tsimonq2slyon: Hey! Are you going in any particular order/anything I should avoid?14:49
* tsimonq2 starts with hjd's sync bugs14:49
slyontsimonq2: I'm usually going top-down, prioritizing non-canonical contributions (and _simple_ pings on IRC).14:50
slyonbut my shift is basically over, so you can take whatever is left :) there's plenty to choose from14:51
slyon@pilot out14:51
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: tsimonq2
tsimonq2slyon: Sounds good :) thanks!14:52
slyonhave fun!14:53
tsimonq2of course :D15:00
arraybolt3guruprasad, adrien: thanks for the info. Is there any chance that the signing key shown in the "Fingerprint" section of a PPA can be switched over to the RSA4096 one? That's what bit me last night - manually downloading and attempting to use the RSA1024 key.16:01
guruprasadarraybolt3, we want to dual-sign all the affected PPAs before we serve the new key's fingerprint via Launchpad - it is a lot easier to do so for every affected archive than do it on a per-archive basis.16:18
guruprasadAnd dual-signing all the affected archives will take some time to complete. So while we are in that process, I am looking to optimize the key creation/propagation for new PPAs under an account with a default 1024R key - all keys are currently propagated and the optimization is to copy only the stronger key.16:19
guruprasadThis will at least solve the blocking dependency for new PPAs under accounts that are affected.16:19
tsimonq2@pilot out16:19
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: N/A
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arraybolt3makes sense, thank you!16:31
arraybolt3guruprasad: ^16:31
john-cabajReaching out again this week. involflt has been on the Jammy (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=involflt) and Focal (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=involflt) upload queues for about a month. Is anyone able to look at them to get them out the door?17:10
tsimonq2john-cabaj: I'm just as confused as you are, I think queue size has generally increased across the board: https://ubuntu-release.kpi.ubuntu.com/d/yIC34LpGk/ubuntu-metrics?viewPanel=6&orgId=1&from=now-30d&to=now17:13
john-cabajtsimonq2: Things were looking ok around May 10, the day after my submission. Must have just missed a good window.17:16
mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: Sorry for the delay, got injured and had to get it checked out. Have a fix here - https://code.launchpad.net/~mitchdz/ubuntu/+source/fcgiwrap/+git/fcgiwrap/+merge/46688918:13
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mitchdzIf someone is around to sponsor the fcgiwrap oracular dep8 fix, it's a pretty simple fix that will help git/nginx migrate https://code.launchpad.net/~mitchdz/ubuntu/+source/fcgiwrap/+git/fcgiwrap/+merge/46688922:14
liushuyuLocutusOfBorg: Hi, I have opened https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-18/+git/llvm-toolchain-18/+merge/466901 to help with the issues where clang-built binaries can't be analyzed for how they are built (which is not an issue for GCC)22:55

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