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gaelhearti recently switched from kde plasma to gnome.  i want to set a wallpaper on GDM but i don't know how to do it.03:08
rboxare you using fedora or ubuntu03:08
rboxor are you just spamming every channel03:08
gaelheartand ubuntu actually03:09
gaelheart2 machines03:09
gaelhearti have ubuntu 24.04 and fedora 40 workstation03:09
gaelhearti'm assuming it's the same for either one?03:09
sarnoldgnome folks like to change things up every few months just to keep things fresh03:10
gaelheartthat's true03:11
sarnoldif the packages for both were made from the same upstream gnome versions of the packages within a month or two of each other, yeah, it might be the same. but if there's a bit of skew, who even knows..03:11
gaelhearti was thinking it might just be a gdm config file somewhere03:12
sarnoldI thought the same thing until I found this horrible abomination https://github.com/thiggy01/change-gdm-background/blob/master/change-gdm-background03:12
sarnoldI haven't got a clue what it's doing but it's way more involved than I expected03:12
gaelheartpoint taken03:13
gaelheartnot worth the effort probably03:14
sarnoldyou'd have to *really* want to do it to figure it out, I think :(03:15
gaelheartyeah not worth it03:15
sarnoldi'm headed out for the night, good luck :)03:15
gaelheartthanks for the insights though03:15
gaelheartnight sarnold03:15
gaelheartmy son likes ubuntu on his laptop.  i prefer fedora personally.03:19
gaelheartit's just what im used to03:19
gaelheartstarted on fedora 8 back in college03:19
gaelheartlong time ago... i still don't know shi* haha03:20
brad___hey gents04:07
brad___quick question. casual user. transitioned from the great WinBlow$ to funtu land.04:08
brad___do I need to setup ufw or a firewall configuration to protect my ports from h4ck3r mans?04:08
brad___ELI5 iptables ufw firewalls04:09
brad___I used to use windows defender and shiz.04:09
LuckyManbrad___, default configuration already protects you.04:09
brad___but what if my port is wide open and some1 h4ck3r mans me?04:09
brad___i enabled ufw but i'm not sure how to harden it04:10
LuckyManyou have to define rules04:11
brad___how do i block all inbound connections?04:12
LuckyManthey are already blocked by default unless you open it04:12
LuckyManI suggest you try Gufw, it's easier to manage04:13
devslashUfw is perfectly fine and easy to use04:16
devslashOnce it's installed and enabled all ports are blocked until you allow a port by doing something like ufw allow 8004:17
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devslashbrad_ are you hosting any apps ? If so I'd look into using a reverse proxy which is inherently more secure since it routes traffic04:19
devslashIn a smarter way04:19
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tekisui90is there a bug between ubuntu/forefox and kiwi ?06:32
tekisui90the connection to libera keeps on flippin´06:32
Moeezi am trying to configure my postfix so that my application can send email there sees to be no error but i am not gettign any email07:17
Moeeznot a pro in ubuntu07:17
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Alpha`SETAWAY I'm not10:17
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BluesKajHi all12:31
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aldcorHi! After an update (required by system) my game won't start anymore. I restarted PC, issue remains.13:45
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aldcorissue solved by reinstalling nvidia driver13:52
oceangood morning everyone (9:55 am in my timezone at the moment)13:55
Guest73Hi, I'm getting 'N: Missing Signed-By in the sources.list(5) entry for 'http://mirrors.digitalocean.com/ubuntu'' after an upgrade. What should I do about that?13:59
Guest73Hmm, this is a LOT quieter than I remember . . .14:01
ReventlovDo you know whether the next desktop iso of 24.04 will be released ? (I need a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2062988 )14:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2062988 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "Desktop netboot crashes on startup due to cloud-init schema validation handling" [Undecided, New]14:52
ReventlovThanks !14:52
oerheksReventlov, no, no details about that, answer #6 gives a workaround for now14:55
ogra_latest on august 1514:58
ogra_(which is the official 24.04.1 date)14:58
Reventlovyeah, it's not perfect (the workaround) as I'm looking to deploy ~ 200 machines15:04
Reventlovso manual interventions are not really ok15:05
leftyfbReventlov: you're deploying to ~200 machines manually?15:06
Reventlovnope, which is why I'm searching for a workaround to this bug15:06
leftyfbcomment #615:07
Reventlovbecause this bug prevents automatic deployment based on netbooting / cloud-init, on the desktop images15:07
leftyfbadd it to your deployment process15:07
Reventlovthe deployment process is broken, as it uses cloud-init15:07
Reventlovand this is cloud-init which is broken there15:07
Reventlovso, yeah, you can tell me to manage this in the deployment process but… this bug kills the deployment process (if you have other options I can take them :p )15:08
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BinBashDoes anyone know why ld.so segfaults after a failed upgrade to 24.04?  I can boot off USB, but after a chroot to the old system all binaries fail to run even ld-*.so.215:27
ravagethe "failed upgrade" part may is a hint?15:27
BinBashI can't think of why the staticly linked ld.so would fail though15:28
BinBashThis causes the boot to fail too as init failes in ld.so too15:29
ravagerestore from backup and try again15:29
ravageor wait a little longer to see if there is a open bug15:29
ravageif there is no existing bug yet it is helpful to report it15:30
gaelheartjust installed.  how can i get it to run faster?  somebody said disable animations anything else to make it run lighter?16:17
leftyfbrun it on bare metal16:18
gaelhearti can't unfortunately. i need it for just a few apps actually16:19
Guest39Hi, I'm having issues in docker machines that can't find .deb files on the server during apt install or apt dist-upgrade. Is there anything going on?16:20
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ravageGuest39: if the release your docker image uses is still supported an "apt update" should solve that16:22
gaelhearti was thinking to use a lighter file manager, web browser, disable animations, use abiword instead of libreoffice etc but i was thinking there could be other ways to speed it up16:22
ravageYes. Give it more resources or run it on bare metal16:23
ravageIf you want to change everything about the default installation maybe try a lighter Linux variant16:24
ravageUbuntu has lighter flavours too16:24
Guest39ravage I totally agree, but I now tried with the most recent nvcr image, and also with ubuntu:latest, and with both images, I see http errors while retrieving .deb files from the server, which looks like an ongoing issue16:25
ravageAnd what are those errors exactly?16:26
gaelheartravage: what is the lightest?  lxde?16:26
ravageI would say Xubuntu16:27
gaelhearti gave it 6 cores of 8 and 10000 of 1600016:27
Guest39ravage like this: Err:3 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates/main amd64 libexpat1 amd64 2.4.7-1ubuntu0.216:28
Guest39  404  Not Found [IP: 80]16:28
ravageThat is not the whole error message I think16:29
Guest39ravage well the whole error message is quite verbose, but I believe jammy is no longer supported. The odd thing is my dockerfile starts with "FROM ubuntu:latest"16:29
ravageJammy is a supported release 16:30
oerheksGuest39, run apt update properly, current version for jammy = expat (2.4.7-1ubuntu0.3) https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jammy-updates/expat16:30
ravageUse a pastebin then16:30
gaelheartoops. not that one16:30
leftyfbgaelheart: what is the purpose of the Ubuntu VM?16:30
gaelhearti am using it for apps that arent available on fedora16:31
Guest39oerhecks what do you mean by "properly", I run apt -y update and apt -y dist-upgrade :)16:31
leftyfbgaelheart: is libreoffice and Firefox not available on Fedora?16:31
gaelheartmy son has an ubuntu laptop and i want to test things out before i commit to making changes for him16:31
oerheksif so, why does it look for amd64 2.4.7-1ubuntu0.2 and not amd64 2.4.7-1ubuntu0.3 ?16:31
leftyfbgaelheart: testing in a VM is not a good way to test performance of any sort16:32
gaelheartfor example he wants to have plasma but i wanted to see if it causes issues before i install it on his laptop and many other reasons16:33
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Guest39oerheks I just replaced "FROM ubuntu:latest" with "FROM ubuntu:noble" and it worked but hell if I have a clue, I also don't know :)16:35
gaelheartand for me personally some apps just don't work on fedora or they are hard to get16:36
gaelheartthere's a really good youtube downloader on ubuntu and it's also in the fedora repo but on fedora it doesn't work at all. just crashes16:37
oerheksknow issue gaelheart, youtube keeps changing code16:38
gaelheartguake doesn't work either16:38
gaelhearti don't use it but it's just another example16:39
leftyfbit sounds like you should be running ubuntu and sticking fedora in a VM16:39
gaelheartfedora is just hella stable so i don't want to replace it on my laptop16:39
gaelheartubuntu is buggy as hell16:40
gaelheartbut that's what he wants so that's on him lol16:40
gaelhearti love ubuntu though don't get me wrong but it gave me too many headaches16:41
gaelheartespecially the app store is an abomination16:42
gaelheartapp center rather16:42
leftyfbgaelheart: lets us know if you have an support issues you'd like help with16:42
gaelheartthanks.  i was just wondering how to make it more chirpy, and the suggestion to get a lighter flavor is great.  I'm totally doing that16:43
gaelheartappreciate it as always.  I get a lot of help here for ubuntu16:44
gaelheartthis isn't the first time you guys fixed me up16:44
gaelhearti heard lxde was light but i was wondering if ubuntu lxqt might be lighter still16:45
leftyfbtry them16:46
gaelheartjust looking to save time and effort but yeah that is a good idea16:46
gaelhearti'll just check them both out and make my own decision16:47
gaelheartok well i have a doctor's appointment to get to.  I hope you all have a blessed day!  Take care now bye bye then16:49
oerhekshave fun!16:49
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MagioHi, I've been having intermittent connectivity issues since upgrading to 24.04, on the same laptop which hasn't had such issues since I first got it back on 19.10 and on every release since. I connect to WiFi just fine but after a seemingly random time the connection will just hang (not disconnect).18:01
MagioI'm mainly trying to get a lead on what's causing it for now, so far dmesg and journalctl haven't really provided anything that I could tie to the issue, any ideas where I could look?18:01
bpromptMagio: any more info on that, such as what wifi card  you use, drivers loaded18:15
Magiobprompt it's reported as "Ice Lake-LP PCH CNVi WiFi" and using the iwlwifi driver18:17
SkyWayat the moment i'm opening some url from cli with `firefox <url>` manually at some exact time. would there be an easier way to open at precise time .. let18:23
SkyWayi want to open at 22:03:05 for example18:24
leftyfbSkyWay: a systemd timer18:24
SkyWay... like?18:24
leftyfbor a shell script that checks the time every second18:24
oerheks!info backport-iwlwifi-dkms noble18:24
ubottubackport-iwlwifi-dkms (11510-0ubuntu1, noble): iwlwifi driver backport in DKMS format. In component universe, is optional. Built by backport-iwlwifi-dkms. Size 1,777 kB / 10,952 kB18:24
bpromptMagio: what do you get from -> sudo lshw -C network <-18:25
Magiobprompt pardon my french, but:18:25
Magio       description: Interface réseau sans fil18:26
Magio       produit: Ice Lake-LP PCH CNVi WiFi18:26
Magio       fabricant: Intel Corporation18:26
Magio       identifiant matériel: 14.318:26
bprompt!paste | Magio18:26
ubottuMagio: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:26
bpromptMagio: give the bot a few seconds, it'll remove the +q set on  your nick, is triggered when posting many lines in 1 second, akin to copy/pasting which can be categorized as flooding18:27
Magioyeah sorry, my bad bprompt. here: https://bpa.st/CIJQ18:27
Magiocommand line output is in  french18:28
bpromptMagio:  I was thinking you could simply add some option to the iwlwifi.conf file  check ----> https://wiki.debian.org/iwlwifi#Troubleshooting   <--- something like "options iwlmvm power_scheme=1"18:32
Magiobprompt i've already tried disabling wifi powersave in a network manager conf file without success, do you think this could still yield different results?18:36
bpromptMagio: I'd think so, this is at another layer, at the wifi driver layer, as opposed to the network manager daemon18:36
bpromptMagio: requires a reboot though18:37
Magiobprompt I'll try it out but am not completely convinced it fits my issue, the wiki mentions connection drops and I don't think my laptop actually ever drops, it stays displayed as connected to the router, just loses internet connectivity after a while18:41
MagioStill, can't really hurt to give it a try, so thanks for the pointer !18:41
bpromptMagio: well, we can trade the "connection drops" for "connection becomes unstable" :)18:42
bprompt"drop" is just a subset of unstable =)18:43
Magioany idea of a command/log besides dmesg and journalctl I should check out to find a pertinent error message, should the issue stick around? bprompt18:43
bpromptMagio: "wireshark" logs could shed something, of course it has to be running when the network borks, but sounds more like driver issue18:44
oerheksmaybe the backport package gives a newer version?18:46
oerheks!info backport-iwlwifi-dkms noble18:46
ubottubackport-iwlwifi-dkms (11510-0ubuntu1, noble): iwlwifi driver backport in DKMS format. In component universe, is optional. Built by backport-iwlwifi-dkms. Size 1,777 kB / 10,952 kB18:46
bprompt!info wireshark18:47
ubottuwireshark (4.2.2-1.1build3, noble): network traffic analyzer - graphical interface. In component universe, is optional. Built by wireshark. Size 4,513 kB / 10,407 kB18:47
MagioAh, hadn't thought of that. Would be worth a shot indeed. I'll try the conf parameter first, tho. Thanks for the pointers oerheks bprompt ! Have a nice day18:48
jiggawattjpw ➤ your hostname is exposed before your cloak is set19:18
jiggawattYou should configure your client to authenticate via SASL https://libera.chat/guides/sasl19:19
jp_hello, anyone know with what i can import ipsec vpn config in tgb format?19:28
jp_as far as i understand, it refers to The Green Bow, which has their own vpn client19:28
jp_but going through the file it's just formatted like a standard conf file19:28
jp_some_variable = some_value19:29
jp_In dict form19:29
jp_scratch that dict form19:29
jp_already tried importing the file in the built in ubuntu vpn in settings19:31
jp_but it says the file doesn't contain vpn data19:31
PerfDaveI've just installed Ubuntu 24.04 and I'm trying to disable password authentication in SSH. I've set "PasswordAuthentication no" "KbdInteractiveAuthentication no" and "UsePAM no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and run "sudo systemctl restart ssh.service", but when I "ssh -v" into the host, I still see "Authentications that can continue: publickey,password"20:06
PerfDaveOh never mind, there was some "/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/50-cloud-init.conf" overriding it :/20:07
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neoliis ocrfeeder the best available ubuntu based ocr reader?22:32

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