
tommyfunanyone having issues with fail2ban on 24.04?00:03
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sarnoldI saw something about that..00:06
sarnoldclassic python. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fail2ban/+bug/205511400:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2055114 in fail2ban (Ubuntu Noble) "fail2ban is broken in 24.04 Noble" [High, Confirmed]00:06
tommyfunthanks sarnold00:31
aollinuxyayyeah i know01:02
aollinuxyayChanServ you are the best01:02
realivanjxis there a way to reliably and permanently set wake on lan on ubuntu with the ethtool? every time i set it to “g” it reverts back to “d”. tried putting it as a systemd service but it reverts back to d on every suspend. idk what else to try01:23
sarnoldI don't get into my system bios screens very often but I think i've seen it listed as an option in there01:24
realivanjxit is already enabled on bios of course01:24
realivanjxbut also need to be set on ethtool too01:24
sarnoldsome NICs run an optionbios at boot at those might have a menu that you can use to enable it, too? I'm less sure there, i've never really done much with nic optionbios :(01:24
sarnoldoh :(01:24
realivanjxif you google how to enable wake on lan ubuntu you will see what i mean01:25
sarnolddoes it revert on suspend or on resume?01:25
realivanjxnot sure but every restarts and resume after suspend it reverts back to d01:25
sarnoldif it reverts on resume, you might be able to get away with a script to run ethtool -blah either on resume or every few minutes or somethiong01:25
realivanjxit used not to reverts after resume before 24.0401:25
leftyfbrealivanjx: I just set it right before I put the machine to sleep01:27
realivanjxi think 24.04 reverts it after it resumes from sleep not before01:28
leftyfbsudo ethtool -s eth0 wol g && sudo systemctl suspend -i ; exit 001:28
realivanjxthis tutorial used to work fine until 24.04 https://www.golinuxcloud.com/wake-on-lan-ubuntu/01:28
leftyfbright, so when you put it to sleep, it puts the NIC listening for WOL.01:29
leftyfbYou don't care about it after it wakes up until the next time you put it to sleep01:29
realivanjxis there a way to put the ethtool command so it will be executed on every suspend request?01:30
leftyfbsudo ethtool -s eth0 wol g && sudo systemctl suspend -i ; exit 001:30
leftyfbmake that into an alias if you like01:31
realivanjxi mean if i suspend it via the gui01:31
realivanjxi rarely use cli unless im loggin in via ssh01:31
leftyfbthen how are you waking the laptop via wakeonlan?01:32
realivanjxit is a desktop pc first of all and i have a server on the same network that is connected to my vpn that i can log into01:32
realivanjxso i can issue wakeonlan command on that always on computer01:33
realivanjxbut since it is not a powerful pc i sometimes need my desktop pc01:33
realivanjxim thinking the new behavior on 24.04 is a regression and should be reported. not sure01:35
leftyfbwhat new behavior?01:36
realivanjxwake on lan mode reverts back to d after resuming01:36
leftyfbthat's not a regression. It never worked like that01:36
realivanjxup until 23.10 it is just restarts that reverts that01:36
leftyfbat least not with 20.04 nor 22.04 that I'm running now01:36
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srcI enabled i386 because I needed trying to get something to run via wine32; I've since given up on the idea (will just use a windows vm) but can't get rid of i386; I removed all non-essential i386 packages from my system (as retrieved via `dpkg --get-selections | grep ':i386'`) but can't remove `gcc-14-base:i386`, `libc:i386` and `libgcc-s1:i386` due to unmet dependencies, I can't remove i386 while still04:47
srchaving packages installed `sudo dpkg --remove-architecture i386` -> `dpkg: error: cannot remove architecture 'i386' currently in use by the database`) ; so I just seem screwed here, what to do?04:47
src(ubuntu 24.04)04:49
srcalright, solved05:15
srcI just forced it; no other way apparently05:15
srcsudo dpkg --purge --force-remove-protected {gcc-14-base,libc6,libgcc-s1}:i38605:15
srcafter which `sudo dpkg --remove-architecture i386` worked05:15
junyxOh cool05:15
Fantastic777Okay...my Ubuntu 20.04 laptop is borked. The login screen is missing icons when Ubuntu first starts.05:16
Fantastic777The top time bar just displays login05:16
Fantastic777The top time bar just displays the time and "en" while the login screen is on. The profile pic beside my name doesn't show up.05:19
Fantastic777I can click by using the mouse on my name and enter the password and login but....05:19
Fantastic777Upon login, the ui is still borked. The top bar shows Activities, date,05:19
Fantastic777and the network speed (but it doesnt update)05:20
Fantastic777The other icons on the right top bar like settings, network, power don't show up.05:21
Fantastic777The screen is blank.05:21
Fantastic777The Ubuntu dash which I configured to be on the bottom is blank as well.05:22
Fantastic777I can access Ctrl+Alt+Fx terminal. Trying to read logs but its hard.05:23
Fantastic777Is there a way to reset ubuntu's desktop environment?05:24
Fantastic777I have tried doing a hard shutdown. But to no avail. The system still stays the same....05:25
Fantastic777I have tried sudo service gdm restart fron the Virtual CtrlAltF3 terminal but it just puts me back in the borked login screen.05:26
srcit'll be less work reinstalling than "fixing it" from your description05:27
srcis all I'm thinking tbh05:27
srcdon't know your backstory on why it's fucked like this, but apparently it is (also 20.04 on a laptop? need to reinstall anyways, or do you plan to upgrade your way to 24.04 after you've fixed it?)05:28
Fantastic777If I can recover the files it might be possible...05:29
srcboot from usb or cd via some recovery iso (sysrescue-cd or something), grab the data via this unto some drive, reinstall05:29
Fantastic777The way I see it.. i need to create a Ubuntu Bootable usb. Can do this from my phone but I will need a usb C drive. Time to buy a usb c drive.05:30
Fantastic777src: nice username... Any ideas on what I should save?05:31
srcaren't my files to save, how would I know what to save05:31
srcusually stuff from your home directory05:32
Fantastic777No I meant locations. What locations should I save? Besides home?05:32
Fantastic777Oh shit...its back.05:32
Fantastic777Its fine. But I will upgrade to Ubuntu 24.0405:32
src? nothing? do you want to save some apt configurtion from /etc/ to then copy paste to a new 24.04 install ?!05:32
srcjust set it all up again, and again, no idea what is important to you, save your USER data, screw the rest05:33
srcforget all config files unless they are important for reference, contain passwords, so stuff like ~/.ssh or some other important configs, but just burn the rest and run; reinstall to a new version and be sane again05:34
Fantastic777Thanks for the help..05:35
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realivanjxin ubuntu 24.04 desktop rdp, is it possible to automatically connect to an existing desktop if available, otherwise create a new desktop and use that06:38
realivanjxalso for some reason i cannot connect to the existing desktop session (port 3390) while the screen is locked so whats the point?06:47
gebbionehi, any ideas how to troubleshoot this VPN connection? http://pastie.org/p/2LN7cxEmV4dOLGyBaCx5OV Certs and PK are set to 400 and i tried to stop and restart the openvpn service just to work around this https://serverfault.com/questions/911317/cannot-ioctl-tunsetiff-tap0-device-or-resource-busy-errno-1607:06
gebbionei m using the ux network manager to connect07:07
vitoHi,there. My Os doesn't allowed multiple person logged use same account and the same time. My OS is Kylin which is a Chinese distro, maybe origin from uUbuntu.08:07
vitoIs there anyone like to help me with that?08:08
gebbione@vito dont ask to ask ... just ask08:32
vitogebbione: How to allowed multiple people connected to server use same account at the same time?08:38
gebbionewhat have you dont to make it work and what is not working08:39
calamityvito: to clarify, you're asking how they can all login to the same user account on linux, right? You're not running some specific server software?08:39
vitocalamity: yeah ,it's what i meant08:41
vitoI don't runing some specific server software08:41
CosmicDJvito: connect how? via ssh?08:47
vitoCosmicDJ: yeah ssh08:47
CosmicDJvito: this should just work, every connection is running it's own shell; any error message you're seeing?08:49
nebula6howdy guys09:53
nebula6i've plugged my usb speakers in and i've got no sound?09:53
Fenhlhi! I have a computer that's running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, I have SSH access to it, but it doesn't seem to be outputting a video signal. I've tried with 2 different screens, each with a different HDMI cable. This is something that was working before — any ideas on what could be wrong?10:18
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iseneNew Dell XPS15, Ubuntu 23.10. Screen brightness won't change - the program "light" used to work (on my asus running 22.04). Even setting the value directly doesn't work ( echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/dell_backlight/brightness ) - even though the value changes, there is no change in screen brightness. I have acpi_backlight=vendor in grub - to no avail. Suggestions?10:40
ravage1isene: support for 23.10 ends soon. so i would recommend to test if that is maybe fixed in 24.0410:41
iseneGood point. Will do.10:44
nebula6anyone know if it's possible to pin games from lutris in ubuntu?10:49
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jajajakokojumboI am using a xmodmap config file to swap "left ctrl" with "left win"11:28
jajajakokojumboOn Xubuntu xmodmap .Xmodmap works just fine11:28
jajajakokojumbobut on Lubuntu the setting is ignored11:28
jajajakokojumboSo my question is:11:28
jajajakokojumbowhy lxqt ignores keyboard keys settings11:28
lotuspsychje!paste | jajajakokojumbo11:30
ubottujajajakokojumbo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:30
noob64hey guys, wondering if you regularly mount drives manually, and if so why?11:32
CosmicDJnoob64: my portable backup disk is mounted manually11:33
oerheksnoob64, and what is your real question?11:33
noob64CosmicDJ but do you have to unmount and remount everytime you pack up your work station? Or is that with a Desktop PC?11:33
noob64oerheks, that is my real question.11:35
ioriajajajakokojumbo, i don't know about lxqt, but lxde had its own tool to set keybindings that might override your ..Xmodmap11:37
CosmicDJnoob64: I'm not packing anything up, it's a small server in the storeroom which gets to see a USB disk from time to time... and yes I umount and mount every time the disk is connected (I have a noauto line in /etc/fstab though)11:39
CosmicDJswap umount and mount11:40
noob64CosmicDJ okay, thanks. Why would you do it manually, instead of using the files app on GUI? I'm just trying to get my head around the concept.11:43
CosmicDJnoob64: servers usually don't have a screen connected and thus no GUI11:45
noob64CosmicDJ makes sense then :)11:46
noob64It seems when mounting, you have to "mkdir" first, and then mount - is this like a temporary file that nests itself to make use of the available diskspace on the device?11:47
CosmicDJnoob64: I have a 2nd backup disk which I'm using on my Ubuntu Desktop, and no I'm not using the files app there either, the desktop backup disk is LUKS encyrpted and AFAIK ubuntu/gnome/files/whatever it's blocking the whole screen aksing for the password, so I can't use keepassxc to autotype it11:47
noob64CosmicDJ interesting11:48
noob64CosmicDJ am I correct in the assumption that you have to mkdir (make a directly) to mount first and then enter a command to mount manually?12:06
jajajakokojumboI figured it out, the menu widget didn't care, it was configured to use <left win> to open menu, and new binding wasn't working. As soon as i changed it to <alt>+<F1>, all my settings in .Xmodmap worked just fine. So LXQt works nicely with xmodmap12:10
tomreynnoob64: as far as i know, a mount point needs to be a directory. you can use an existing directory or create a new one. you can mount using the "mount" command. most of the time you need to do so as the super user.12:13
tomreynthere's also udisksctl which is part of udisks2, and can be more suitable for (restricted) user mounting. the gnome virtual file system (gvfs) framework and the gnome file browser, nautilus, uses as a backend.12:18
guideXhttps://www.ubuntucafelb.com/ I'm just curious if there's any relation12:34
leftyfbguideX: no12:42
BluesKajHi all12:50
hwpplayer1hi BluesKaj12:50
BluesKajhi hwpplayer112:50
hwpplayer1How can we help you today ? BluesKaj ?12:51
BluesKajno help needed hwpplayer1. I'm an oldtimer here :-)12:52
iseneCourier imap gone after upgrading from 23.10 -> 24.04? In mutt I get "Could not connect to localhost (Connection refused)." and with `service courier-imap restart` I get "Failed to restart courier-imap.service: Unit courier-imap.service not found." Suggestions to fix?13:04
hwpplayer1Thanks for being here BluesKaj13:04
leftyfbisene: it looks like courier-imap is no longer a supported package in ubuntu13:06
iseneSo, how do I get it back, then?13:08
leftyfbisene: you don't. Use dovecot13:09
iseneAnd it would just work right out of the box with my local (previous courier) imap folder? No tweaks or reconfig or anything? I'm using imap locally only.13:10
iseneI.e. Installing dovecot and my mail would suddenly appear in mutt?13:10
leftyfbI don't know. I've never used courier-imap nor mutt13:11
BluesKajhwpplayer1, none needed, it's part of my morning routine13:12
hwpplayer1Do you know any kernel monitoring tool ? The drivers modules kernel runtime errors etc13:19
hwpplayer1For Ubuntu and general Linux kernel13:19
hwpplayer1I tried Newrelic but I didn't find it enough Free13:20
oerheks!find perf13:29
ubottuFound: libgoogle-perftools-dev, libgoogle-perftools4t64, ace-gperf, dnsperf, globus-xioperf, gnome-icon-theme-gperfection2, golang-github-hodgesds-perf-utils-dev, golang-github-performancecopilot-speed-dev, google-perftools, gperf and 49 others <https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=perf&searchon=names&suite=noble&section=all>13:29
someone235Hi, I have a problem: After I use VirtualBox,  after a few minutes I lose the ability to use mouse clicks in the host Ubuntu. I tried to restart it via `xinput` but it didn't help. Any idea what can I do to fix it?14:04
someone235Right now I have to restart my computer every time it happens14:06
tuxickpretty sure virtualbox shows a message about that14:07
tuxickthere's some hotkeys afair14:07
libussahi! I have a weird issue with disk usage. df says I have 395G used, 47G free. But when doing 'du -shxc', the total is only 92G. I looked at deleted files  with 'lsof +L1', but nothing noticeable14:14
oerheksoh, the old difference DU <> DF14:15
oerhekssomething with inodes14:15
libussainodes use is at 3% on that partition14:15
someone235tuxick: there's a hot key to de-capture the mouse, but it doesn't help. My mouse works, but clicks don't. Even killing the VM doesn't help14:15
someone235Oh actually killing it gracefully did help14:16
guesthi all14:33
guestHas the problem of managing files and folders on long paths been solved, especially on external hard drives?14:33
oerhekswas there a problem? bugreport?14:33
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guesti don't know if it has been reported14:38
guestanyway, i often have problem to open files and folders on long path on external drive14:38
ogra_well, you should report it then so people are aware it needs fixing 🙂14:39
guestoften folders don't open anymore because of some bad files or for input/output errors14:39
oerheksrun a fsck on that disk, and check health14:40
gueston windows, i can open that folders, if there is a temp file, i delete that file, after the folder works again on ubuntu14:40
guestdisk works well for anything else14:41
pratsonaHi. I'm trying to update some flatpak packages on 24.04 KDE via discover. All of the flats seem to fail with this: "Aborted due to failure (While trying to apply extra data: apply_extra script failed, exit status 256)"14:46
guestoerheks has nobody else reported this problem?14:46
leftyfb!bug | guest14:47
ubottuguest: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:47
ogra_pratsona, we can not support flatpak here ... (perhaps the people in #kubuntu can if it is enabled by default though)14:47
oerheksdid not find any, what filesystem?14:47
guestfile manager said "fuse"14:48
guesti remember NTFT14:48
oerheksnope, if it happens again, file a bugreport14:49
guesti don't know how14:52
oerhekssee ubottu; « ubuntu-bug <package> »14:53
pratsonaubottu: i don't remember installing flatpak but it might've been from before updating to 24.04. the failing updates are Freedesktop platform, GNOME Application platform, org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-550-54-15. But might just uninstall flatpak and see if it removes half of the system14:54
ravage1Ubuntu does not need flatpak for any of its components to function14:56
oerheksthere is not even a wiki page about flatpak, use snaps14:58
pratsonalooks like chrome was installed that way, safe to remove15:00
leftyfbwhy would you install the flatpak of google chrome?15:01
ravage1why would you install google chrome?15:01
leftyfbI prefer google chrome15:01
oerheksno, google chrome does not come as flatpak, nor snap15:01
pratsonadunno, it was probably installed along with 23.10. may just use chromium15:01
oerheksthe entry in flathub is unverified15:02
leftyfboerheks: https://flathub.org/apps/com.google.Chrome15:02
leftyfbbut it's there15:02
ravage1the chromium snap works fine for me15:02
guest« ubuntu-bug <package> »15:30
guestwhere have i to write this?15:31
guestin terminal=15:31
tuxickyour mother!15:31
leftyfb!bug | guest15:31
ubottuguest: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:31
oerheksguest, did you not read ubottu?15:31
leftyfbtuxick: take it elsewhere15:31
oerhekswhole wiki how to file a bugreport15:31
oerheksas ntfs is not posix, i have no idea about a file locking a folder.15:33
guestoerheks  but i don't have lauchpad account15:34
ravage1create one15:34
oerheksit is not expensive15:34
lotuspsychjeguest: we reccomend before filing bugs, to describe your issue here in the support channel first15:38
oerhekslotuspsychje, he did, long filenames issue on ntfs15:39
lotuspsychjeoh, my bad wasnt following :p15:39
guestyes but i read support page, too long to read for my bad english, and other pages too15:42
guestso difficult for me use web in english with many things to read and to understand when there are many techinical words15:42
yuziHi mutante15:43
yuziIt was just an incomplete kernel update issue15:43
guestanyway, another problem is with a folder "In vendita", i receive the same input/output error if i try to copy and paste it on external hd15:43
leftyfbguest: https://help-ubuntu-com.translate.goog/community/ReportingBugs?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=it&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp15:43
yuzimy PC went off abruptly15:43
guestif i rename the folder and i call it just "Vendita", after it make me copy the same folder15:44
yuzi"sudo dpkg --configure -a" it reinstalled the new kernel15:44
guestleftyfb it's so difficult the same for the presence of many techinical words and imprecise translation15:46
guestby automatic translator15:46
leftyfb!it | guest15:47
ubottuguest: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette)15:47
leftyfbguest: you could try asking for help reporting a bug in #ubuntu-it15:47
guestleftyfb, i often don't receive support there15:47
guestanyway the file system is "FUSE" type15:48
guesthave i to change it?15:48
guestdo i have to change it? (CORRECTION)15:49
oerheksyou wrote ntfs, and fuse is just the connector15:52
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guestoerheks no, in the property of the external disk it says just "fuse"15:56
guestit's not written "NTFS"15:57
oerheksthere is no fuse filesystem, AFAIK. plug it in your windows, and check there too15:58
oerheksnow you got me lost, you wrote ntfs on an external disk. good luck!16:02
guestoerheks i didn't write NTFS on external disk, it's just the external disk i already had before i start to use the beautiful world of ubuntu16:25
guest :-\16:25
guestyou are angry? Did I do something wrong? I do not understand16:25
oerheksthis was the start <guest> Has the problem of managing files and folders on long paths been solved, especially on external hard drives?16:26
oerhekseven if it is  internal, it does not matter, as it is NTFS. fuse is just a programm16:27
guestok, i just said u what i see when i doubles click on hard disk and clicked "Property"16:28
delsolOK, I think I'm a moron.... updated machine, 22LTS, and now it doesn't load its network interfaces.18:34
delsolnetplan apply won't load because of the Cannot Call openvswitch...18:35
delsolsetting network interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces like I would on debian doesn't seem to work...18:36
toddcdelsol: see netplan  https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/networkmanager/networkmanager-and-netplan18:54
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delsoltoddc: Yeah, thats not helping. not sure why netplan got borked, but it won't apply. netplan try doesn't work either.19:36
leftyfbdelsol: the openvswitch error is benign and not the cause of any issues19:40
leftyfbdelsol: is this ubuntu server or desktop?19:40
leftyfbplease pastebin your netplan file19:40
leftyfbalso, make sure you only have 1 file in /etc/netplan/19:40
morgan-hpquestion; can my graphics card support an HD monitor 1080p?  I know how to do lshw but not what to look for or even if it has that info. HD laptop old Probook.19:40
oerheks'xrandr'  would show all possible resolutions19:41
oerheks* with monitor attached19:43
delsolI figured it out..... netplan file had interfaces as ens18 and ens19     somehow they got renamed to enp6s18 and enp6s19 and thus.... weren't applying19:45
mutanteironically they get renamed so that the names are "predictable".. afaik19:47
delsolmutante: Yeah, i've got some live-USB stuff thats auto-renamed its way up to something like eth160 or some shit...20:01

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