=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [01:17] so, for what reason [01:17] the JDOWNLOADER thing [01:17] on this distro [01:17] i can use the home to download stuff [01:18] but it does not read the other hdd [01:18] you go and click and browse folders but they look empty [01:32] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /media/stuff/Mixed/Cuttingedge/Making a NEW Trunnion for BIG D11T Bulldozer! _ Machining & Welding (720p_30fps_H264-192kbit_AAC).mp4 (Permission denied) [01:32] ...but permissions are OK === keith_ is now known as Killer300 === Killer300 is now known as KillerBCX === KillerBCX is now known as killer300 [08:44] can i upgrade from 22.04 right now? [09:18] how to make partitions [10:35] How much data do I need to upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04 [12:07] Hi all [12:12] use kde partition manager (re @IrcsomeBot: how to make partitions) [12:12] good question [12:12] and how much to upgrade from 22.04 (re @d3vious6: How much data do I need to upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04) [12:26] @d3vious6, the download will vary on what packages you have installed.. the more packages you've added to your system the larger the download required will be (most if not all deb packages will require upgrade). Sorry I can't recall what the last release-upgrade (from 23.10 to 24.04) actually required [17:35] hey guys goo morning [17:36] hello guys good morning [17:37] morning [17:44] What is the preferred way to clone multiple computers from one image in kubuntu? Like if i have a master image, and I want to deploy it to 20 desktops === cbreak_ is now known as cbreak [20:00] xrandr: that's what the OEM mode is for [20:00] !oem [20:00] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate