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SamuelMarksIs there a way of finding equivalent packages, like say an Ubuntu packages' equivalent in Alpine?04:08
rboxsounds like a question for the alpine developers04:09
SamuelMarksMaybe, I just didn't know if there was some multi linux distribution tool that people use04:10
SamuelMarkslike repology but command-line and more fully-featured04:11
lotuspsychjeSamuelMarks: the volunteers can only support ubuntu and its !flavours04:14
lotuspsychjeSamuelMarks: that said, there are some meta packages around you can install that will deploy several ubuntu packages04:14
lotuspsychjedepends what kind of packages you were hoping to find/install?04:16
SamuelMarkslibavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavfilter-dev libavdevice-dev libavutil-dev libdbus-1-dev04:16
SamuelMarksPosted https://superuser.com/q/184518604:22
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noob23Hey guys, I was just doing a system apt upgrade from terminal, and towards the end I got a kind of pop up that took up most of the screen for something related to UEFI and system configuration from boot, and it wanted me to insert a password of at least 8 characters. What is this, and why did it ask for this?04:52
tweezers[mobo]Hi, I was getting dependency issues when installing ubuntu-restricted-extras after vlc.05:30
Guest66linux mint desktop manager xfce4 edition isnt showing ayn/in uuuhhh systemctl standard out05:37
Guest66good ol' ubuntu community should bend their backs to the horribly bent lines ayn the cosmos to make sure mint is ayn-line05:43
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srca problem I've been having for long now: system wide dark mode for qt applications; I have gnome (stock ubuntu) installed but use i3 as my desktop environment; I can't reliably turn all qt applications to dark mode, any pointers whatsoever are appreciated (I'll have to work inside a vm a lot, virtualbox is qt5, so getting this to be dark mode would be the first priority)08:44
src(another GUI is use somewhat frequently is mkvtoolnix which uses Qt 6.4.2) (any pointers appreciated there as well)08:45
srcalright, for vbox it worked via08:57
srcsudo apt install qt5ct qt5-style-plugins && echo 'export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct"' >> ~/.profile && qt5ct08:57
srcand then setting a dark mode there08:57
srcw/ mkvtoolnix I just won't bother, I'll just use it from cli to avoid its gui entirely, fuck it08:58
noob39Hi all, I encountered a few problems while doing a routine update / upgrade call. Things seem to be largely okay now as I worked my way thru it, but I have a few questions. 1) All of the subdirectories in my Home folder just disappeared. I restarted and they came back, but I'm wondering why they would have just disappeared from the home folder -09:32
noob39they were still there in my user account, but not in the admin account. 2) After the update, there was some sort of UEFI announcement that took up the whole screen and asked me to input a password of at least 8 characters for boot. When I restarted and logged back in - I got a big blue screen with a few options - I just chose the "continue to09:32
noob39reboot" option, but wasn't asked for a password. 3) My Google Chrome Browser would just not open after the update. I redownloaded from terminal then reboot and got it up and running, but wondering how that is tied into things too. I've seen some other people post about Google not working, but it seemed to be different to my case, and not sure why09:32
noob39it randomly stopped working.09:32
noob39Glad I got stuff working again on my own, but kinda curious why these things happened in the first place :)09:32
srcnoob39: what ubuntu version are you? what upgrade did you run? (exact command)? what desktop environment do you run?09:34
toddcnoob39: was it a blue screen with MOK?09:34
noob39src Ubuntu 22.04 sir - I ran the sudo apt update and upgrade commands - just Gnome09:37
noob39toddc Yes! It was MOK - what is this?09:37
toddcnoob39: secureboot during first install it will ask you to setup a password and the ask you to reenter it on first boot and some usfi secure boot upgrades09:39
srcnoob39: you can read about it here as well https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/535434/what-exactly-is-mok-in-linux-for09:39
noob39toddc I've been using Ubuntu 22.04 for a couple of months, just this week though Chrome stopped working so I did the update upgrade and it asked me for a UEFI password at the end of the updates - is that normal?09:40
noob39Thanks for the links guys09:41
toddcnoob39: this a video walk thu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8VwTYU0Mec&ab_channel=PhilipYip       yes09:41
noob39Any ideas why the subdirectories under home just disappeared randomly?09:41
toddcif you hav secure boot on you need it to sign third party drivers that have kernel access09:42
noob39Also, thought Chrome was up and running sweet - and it is running, but I keep getting "syncparametersifavailable (failed) messages from terminal.09:43
noob39if you hav secure boot on you need it to sign third party drivers that have kernel access - is this in relation ot subdirectories not appearing ?09:43
noob39Okay, I'll read about it - thanks09:45
noob39I did also download Emacs prior to all of this - I wonder if that is what has prompted MOK?09:48
noob39toddc the article you shared states that you should use MOK if you think you will ever be hacked, but then also says to the OP that they did the right thing by disabling...hmmm09:49
toddcSecure boot is more secure by using signed drivers and software but it just one of many layers some use it some do not   I use it09:51
noob39toddc I'm just confused where it came from as I didn't try to install any 'drivers'. I've downloaded a bunch of software and this is the first I've come across it. Do you think it would have been Emacs installation?09:54
toddcnoob39: unsure but I doubt emacs but it may have a MOK or key update09:56
noob39Okay, thank you sir.09:57
blahdeblahIs there a way to get the noble desktop installer to recognise software RAID volumes as valid install targets?  Alternatively, what's the correct/preferred/workable method for changing from server to desktop once I've installed on a RAID setup with the server installer?10:21
noob55I've read the docs and watched the video on MOK, but still don't really understand Secure boot...I just restarted computer a couple of times and logged in, but it doesn't ask for secure boot password - does it only do this when new drivers are detected and you have to activate upon restart?10:30
gryblahdeblah: in server install, would you be able to install a desktop package like for example xfce4-desktop? maybe ask #ubuntu-server to comment whether this is a good idea10:35
grynoob55: is secure boot part of your computer or part of ubuntu?10:36
noob55gry Not sure. I just got prompted to set a MOK key while doing an update thru terminal10:36
noob55Next time I logged out, it popped up with a blue screen and I got a few options and I just chose "log in as normal", and now when I log out and in again it doesn't come up anymore10:37
yes-ubuntuHi! Anyone knows if there is any kind of man page that details all the functions which can be used in a Makefile? Ex: the notdir function?10:43
khazakaryes-ubuntu: For that you need to read manpages for GNU Make ;)10:43
yes-ubuntuif I use man make it does not describe path functions like notdir ?10:44
khazakaryes-ubuntu: try to find it here: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/index.html10:46
khazakarwhole manual for GNU make10:46
khazakarnotdir is described here: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/File-Name-Functions.html10:47
yes-ubuntukhazakar: yes, thank you! I found this one. I was interested if, perhaps there is an offline version of it, prefferably via man pages ?10:47
khazakarHm... lemme think10:48
khazakarThis pdf maybe? https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.pdf10:48
yes-ubuntuIf I get into the exam, I am not allowed to use these :D :( :/10:49
khazakarbut you can download pdf10:50
khazakarwon't work?10:50
khazakareventually make paper notes out of things you need from that pdf10:50
khazakarand done10:50
yes-ubuntuI am allowed to use the system man pages, that's it :) in this case... my neurons are the only option... :D10:52
noob93gry any idea sir?10:53
grynoob93: hi11:02
grynoob55: so you can boot up, but it does not ask for password11:02
gryyes-ubuntu: ask >>> #gnu <<<11:03
grynoob47: hi, can i help?11:03
noob93gry, yes it boots up but because I didn't enroll the key, I guess it just skipped over11:04
noob93I think perhaps I need to enroll key again from terminal.11:04
noob93Just a bit confused by this whole thing because it came from just doing a routine update11:04
grynoob11: is that you with securebopt11:10
noob11yes, I'm testing the system11:11
noob11I think I got it thru - but not really sure what this MOK / Secure system is all about despite reading about it.11:11
noob11Will it come into play if I try and install a new graphics card or something?11:12
Guest134is it worth it get cat 6a or cat 6 for the home11:24
Guest134will it make a difference11:24
BluesKajHi all12:07
grylooks like secureboot is part of ubuntu, not bios12:08
grysomeone was asking earlier how it works... does it only prompt for password when kernel configuration changed12:08
yes-ubuntuAnyone here encountered issues with running any software based on electron browser in Ubuntu 24.04 ? I am noticing that a software that ran well on Ubuntu 23.10 now gives an error "The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that12:31
yes-ubuntu/path_to_file/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755."12:31
webchat66hello, sorry if this is not the correct channel to ask this but i am out of luck trying to solve it in my own.12:49
webchat66i have a user-data for autoinstall that i am certain works before but now it is throwing an error that repository cannot be resolved. I am pretty sure the IP I used have access/allowed to these sources.12:49
webchat66message during autoinstall:12:49
webchat66finish: subiquity/Mirror/apply_autoinstall_config: aborting install since no mirror is usable12:49
webchat66I add this in the GRUB usually:12:49
webchat66autoinstall 'ds=nocloud-net;s=' ip=
ravage1It's usually DNS12:55
webchat66yeah, that's what i thought as well, but this always works last year. do i have to define a dns server to use by the subiquity in GRUB?12:57
ioriawebchat66, is the network interface name correct ?13:07
webchat66oh.. haven't thought of that, i just left it as ens160 always, but i'll try ens192 now13:10
webchat66you are right! thank you!. i am pretty sure it is always working with ens160 the whole last year. something must have change with the cloud-init? or somewhere else...13:13
ioriawebchat66, i see; yes, probably13:13
rusermmm, is anyone else experiencing 24.04  lsof hanging without the -b param?14:24
lotuspsychjeruser: it has a small delay here, but then lists it all14:34
lotuspsychjeruser: time lsof; real0m3,211s  user0m1,031s  sys0m1,877s14:36
xvxI'm noob, how am I supposed to install/run this https://github.com/piqoni/hn-text?tab=readme-ov-file#binaries14:53
xvx(it's a tar.gz)14:58
ruserlotuspsychje: here it just plain hangs with sleep status on the proc. I suspect it's due to fuse.gvfsd-fuse filesystems15:00
rboxxvx: extract the tar.gz and then read what it says under "binaries" on the page you linked15:11
xvxrbox: I did and ran `chmod` but how am I meant to run it afterwards?15:12
xvx*chdmod +x15:13
geirharuser: try running it with strace to see where it hangs15:13
rboxxvx: ./thenameofit15:13
xvx`./thenameofit` worked15:16
xvxisn't there a proper directory to store the file?15:16
geirhaput it in ~/.local/bin/15:17
oerheksi would use /opt/ for global use15:18
rusergeirha: oh, that's not a bad idea. how did i not think of that.15:18
xvxHow do I make it run when I enter the name of the file in command line?15:22
xvxI put it in /opt/15:22
xvxAnd whenever the updates, I guess I need to manually do the whole process again? (download new tar.gz from Github, etc instead of e.g. apt update)15:23
rusergeirha: strace for one of the processes hangs on a read from a file descriptor 4, whic appaers to be a pipe  if i'm reading the output correctly:  lsof    150072 root    4r  FIFO   0,14      0t0 3004321 pipe; and the parent process is still dumping things into log... maybe lsof is actually running just super slow...15:25
ruseri don't rememember, do FDs get shared for a child process?15:27
ruserbecause if they are the parent don't have  FD=4 being open15:27
geirhaNot shared, but inherited15:31
ruserlotuspsychje: geirha:  well, looks like it took 9.5 minutes to complete  vs with -b option  42 seconds15:32
ruserlotuspsychje: geirha: thank you.15:37
xvxso my /opt/file is static and can never update with something like apt?15:38
rboxxvx: apt doesnt know about random files you put in random locations15:38
xvxcan apt be configured to check for  updates to random tar.gz on github?15:41
xvxlol so I'll need to manually check the Github/social media to see if ever there are updates?15:41
rboxor just dont install random things in random locations15:42
geirhaa PPA can include packages that install files under /opt or other places, but in the official apt repos, they're mainly limited to installing files under /usr (and some config and stuff in /etc and /var)15:44
ioriaxvx what is that ? a Hacker news reader ?15:45
xvxyes trying to be surreptitious  at work15:46
ioriaxvx maybe there are updates-supported alternatives15:46
ioriaxvx e.g. https://flathub.org/apps/de.gunibert.Hackgregator   (i'am not saying that's ideal, but it's just an example)15:48
ravage1dont they just have a rss feed?15:49
xvxgood idea15:49
xvxfound a better one on snap store15:50
ioriaxvx hnterm15:52
ioriaxvx i mean 'snap info hnterm'15:53
xvxyes that one. hasn't been updated since 2022 though15:54
ioriaxvx i see; well, maybe there's not much to update :]15:55
ioriaxvx an AppImage too: https://webcatalog.io/en/apps/hacker-news/    can be updated with appimagetool (probably)16:00
digitalmouselet's try this again! (unstable 5G connection apparently)16:01
digitalmousegreetings programs!16:01
digitalmouse...or not!16:10
lotuspsychje!chat | digitalmouse16:11
ubottudigitalmouse: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:11
loswedsededwhat command do I need to autostart terminal on booting?17:06
loswedseded'terminal' doesn't do it17:06
loswedsededVanillaSoul, so I assume xfce-terminal would work as well?17:11
VanillaSoulloswedseded: I would think so, did you try it?17:12
loswedsededthanks VanillaSoul17:13
VanillaSoulglad it worked17:14
loswedsededVanillaSoul, I also added flatpak run org.libreoffice.LibreOffice to theautostart options, but it keeps starting regular libreoffice. This command works fine on the terminal to start the ftalpak. Any ideas?17:14
VanillaSouljust curious, why do you prefer the flatpack?17:16
loswedsededplus, Im practicing with flatpaks17:17
rboxwhats to "practice"17:18
VanillaSoulare you using ubuntu desktop??17:19
VanillaSouldoes the flatpack version show up as an installed program?17:19
loswedsededyes, and it starts if I open a terminal an execute the flatpak I pasted. Bur for whatver reason, this same command, added to theautostart list, doesn autostart it, but apt installed libreoffice17:20
VanillaSouli would also double check that your startup command17:20
VanillaSouldoes indeed include flatpack in the command17:21
VanillaSoulflatpak run org.libreoffice.LibreOffice17:21
loswedsededidiot me17:21
loswedsededim an idiot17:21
VanillaSoulyou didnt put the flatpack in the startup command?17:22
loswedsededno, I wrote the command under name and the name of the app under command17:22
loswedsededVanillaSoul, do you know how the command history works? I like saving my history with history >> history.txt, but I usually work with several open terminals. Does history save all opened tabs?17:23
VanillaSouli swear most of my bugs are from things exactly like that17:23
loswedseded4 eyes work better than 217:24
VanillaSoulI don't know that one off the top of my head, i would have to loook it up17:24
VanillaSoulbut history is awesome17:24
VanillaSoulhere seems to be a good crash course on it17:26
VanillaSoullooks like there can be some variations to the way that history behaves depending on wether you're using Bash, tcsh, Zsh, etc.17:27
loswedsededVanillaSoul, if I use ubuntu, am I using bash?17:34
realivanjxis there a way to allow loggin in to existing desktop session via rdp on ubuntu? i can log in to the existing session only if the screen is not locked17:43
ravage124.04 supports that yes17:44
realivanjxravage1: remmina does not seem to support that17:45
realivanjxit just automatically closes right after i tried to connect17:45
ravage1the client has nothing to do with it at all17:46
realivanjxbut if the screen is not locked it works perfectly fine17:46
realivanjxwell ig ubuntu's rdp server is broken then17:46
ravage1!bug | realivanjx17:47
ubotturealivanjx: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:47
realivanjxwhat is the package name for ubuntu's rdp server?17:48
ravage1!info gnome-remote-desktop17:49
ubottugnome-remote-desktop (46.2-1~ubuntu24.04.2, noble): Remote desktop daemon for GNOME using PipeWire. In component main, is optional. Built by gnome-remote-desktop. Size 210 kB / 888 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)17:49
realivanjxalright thanks17:49
lotuspsychjerealivanjx: tnx to file bug #2068806 can you please apport-collect 2068806 , from your terminal to drag in logs into your bug18:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2068806 in gnome-remote-desktop (Ubuntu) "desktop sharing not working if existing session is locked" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206880618:09
xrandrHey all. What is the preferred way to mass clone an ubuntu device to multiple computers?18:10
oerheksclone an ubuntu device ?18:11
lotuspsychjethink he means deploy18:12
oerhekshe mass clones that question in multiple channels 🤪18:13
xrandrno one answered in the other one18:14
tomreynxrandr: depends on how you're doing it, i guess. you mwa want to run systemd-firstboot against the mounted image copy's filesystems the cloned system has not booted, yet18:23
oerheksoem setup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview18:24
Eickmeyeroerheks: That doesn't work on 24.04+18:24
oerheksoh, new installer ..18:25
xrandrSo kickstart is no longer the preferred way?18:26
Eickmeyerxrandr: Nope. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/autoinstall-generator-tool-to-help-with-creation-of-autoinstall-files-based-on-preseed/2133418:26
bprompt!info clonezilla | Eickmeyer18:26
ubottuEickmeyer: clonezilla (5.5.25-1, noble): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Built by clonezilla. Size 855 kB / 3,367 kB18:26
Eickmeyerbprompt: I'm well aware.18:27
xrandrThank you!!18:27
Eickmeyerbprompt: My advice was for xrandr18:27
bpromptEickmeyer: ohhh, misread, my bad18:27
ruserloswedseded: if you go into your shell and run  echo $0  it will tell you which shell is is18:33
loswedsededthanks ruser18:34
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FKAShinobiHow can I run a script when a filesystem event happens? E.g. If directory p has a new file added with extension .pdf then hard link the file to another directory19:48
oerheks!info inotify-tools19:51
ubottuinotify-tools (, noble): command-line programs providing a simple interface to inotify. In component universe, is optional. Built by inotify-tools. Size 32 kB / 159 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)19:51
oerheksplenty of examples; https://www.webhosting.uk.com/kb/how-to-watch-a-directory-for-new-file-creation-in-linux/19:51
bpromptFKAShinobi: how is the new PDF being added?  I mean, I'm assuming you may be looking at the wrong stage of the addition, if it's done by some other app, one can do the event listening there, no at the shell level, that said you could try asking at #bash19:51
FKAShinobibprompt: The most likely use case is a file is manually copied to the original directory19:53
bpromptFKAShinobi: well, it can be copied by many processes, unless you meant drag&drop19:53
FKAShinobibprompt: Oh, I see. Either by the files explorer util or by bash19:54
bpromptFKAShinobi: btw inotify as oerheks suggested seems to be tool for event listening, however, let's backtrack some, why do you need all this rigamarole?19:55
oerheks!info iwatch19:56
ubottuiwatch (0.2.2-10, noble): realtime filesystem monitoring program using inotify. In component universe, is optional. Built by iwatch. Size 18 kB / 63 kB19:56
FKAShinobibprompt: I have a lot of mixed media for e-learning and such. I used to put different media types in seperate folders so applications could find them. This is becoming a pain and I want to lump all the media for a topic under 1 parent directory. Then have the system create the hard links to add them to watched directories.19:59
ravage1Maybe check https://github.com/iyaja/llama-fs20:03
bpromptFKAShinobi: sounds like your core issue is categorizing, no hard-linking per se20:05
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