[02:30] Hello. I have X running on bootup; when I enter my password, I just get a blank screen.. I go to tty4 and do "startx" and X starts up fine (but then, apparently, it's still also presenting a login screen on tty1). Bluetooth connects.. but not on the tty4 X session that I see. I think it's connecting to the tty1 session. How do I kill the session on tty1?? And why is it giving me a blank screen after I put in my password? [02:31] (using kubuntu 24.04, but I've had this screen-blanking issue with 23.10 as well [03:00] I did "sudo systemctl enable bluetooth sudo systemctl start bluetooth" and got this: Failed to enable unit: Unit file /etc/systemd/system/sudo.service is masked. [03:06] I tried "sudo systemctl unmask bluetooth" and then re-issued the systemctl command, but go the same result === paimon is now known as paimon_ === paimon_ is now known as paimon__ === paimon__ is now known as paimon === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian === root is now known as Guest2800 [10:42] uU6k [10:43] xuxu6k [10:46] hi [10:56] hello i have a question about video card driver [12:35] Hi all [12:43] Hi BluesKaj [12:45] hi asfyxia [12:52] hello [12:53] I have an old laptop which runs windows and is very slow. Any advice to change to kubuntu? [12:55] user|82, when the laptop is old, what do you have as CPU and RAM? [12:58] Just a min! It was given to me by my wife, I need to look this up! [13:01] Apologies for the delay! 4gp installed ram [13:02] CPU - intel cpu n3540 2.16Ghz [13:02] 4.0 GB [13:03] That should fit, just don't open too many applications at the same time [13:05] For 'changing' to kubuntu I would advise to make a dual boot, to install kubuntu besides windows. You'll only use one of them. === owltest is now known as owlman [13:08] I have done that in the past (a few yeasr ago) and eventually the laptop didn't work. Is it more stable now? [13:10] well, what do you mean with 'didn't work'? Did a live session work? Did you install it but it didn't start at startup of your laptop? [13:11] It worked well at first, after a while it did not start at all [13:11] I cant help with exact details as it was a few years ago now. [13:12] A few years is quite a time in the world of linux ;-) [13:13] I would recommend to install a LTS version, that is a stable version that is supported for 3 years, and you can upgrade it after 2 years. [13:13] Thats a bit re assuring! I remember using some software to partition the harddrive to make it dual boot. [13:13] Is it a similar situation now? [13:14] For a dual boot you can trust the install program, it will do the partition arranging for you [13:15] Be careful with partition management when you are not familiar with it [13:16] Whats the partition advice for a complete novice? [13:16] 50 50? [13:16] yep [13:17] For a regular kubuntu partition some 20 GB will do, when you are planning to cram it with extra software you'll probably need the double [13:18] the documentationj mentions MD5SUM but its not on windows is that going to be tricky? [13:18] MD5sum is a test for your download of kubuntu, that has nothing to do with windows [13:19] Just to confirm then. If I download Kubunu latest version and install it will partition and load the software? [13:24] First you download your wanted kubuntu iso. Then you make a startup disk, I always do that on a USB stick. You can make a bootable usb stick on Windows with the program Rufus. Then you disable 'fastboot' on windows, start again, hit F2 (most probably) to dive into the boot section, disable secure boot , put in the boot sequence the USB stick first, start the live session, and when it works use the installer (will be an icon). [13:26] After installation you'll have to find out which function key to hit to startup the boot choice when GRUB does not start. That sometimes happens, dependable on the laptop manufacturer. [15:46] Hello. I just upgraded from Kubuntu 23.10 -> 24.04. Suddenly I had issues connecting my Bluetooth devices to my computer. So I did "sudo systemctl enable bluetooth sudo systemctl start bluetooth" and got this: Failed to enable unit: Unit file /etc/systemd/system/sudo.service is masked. I tried "sudo systemctl unmask bluetooth" and then re-issued the systemctl command, but go the same result. Is this a known bug?? [16:00] are you sure you typed the command properly where its complaining about sudo? [16:02] mybalzitch: oh. mistype, sorry [16:04] mybalzitch: so anyway the device connection fails [16:56] HI [17:52] Hello, I tried to install and use the last version (v. of GrandOrgue software, but it doesn't work with Kubuntu. The error message returns "cannot satisfy dependencies. I am an user of GrandOrgue. === rdi64 is now known as rdi64__ === rdi64__ is now known as rdi64 === unclea is now known as JOHOMOFO === ps_ is now known as ps___ [23:15] Всем привет, здесь есть, кто понимает на русском?