realivanjx | lotuspsychje1: should i run that apport-collect command on the client or the server pc? | 01:23 |
=== seanh__ is now known as seanh | ||
taytson | Opa.. tamo aih | 02:36 |
PeGaSuS | !pt | taytson | 02:39 |
ubottu | taytson: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 02:39 |
taytson | !eng | valeu irmao.. voce eh muito hospitaleiro mesmo. | 02:40 |
Roey | hello, on kubuntu 24.04 here. I did I did "sudo systemctl enable bluetooth sudo systemctl start bluetooth" and got this: Failed to enable unit: Unit file /etc/systemd/system/sudo.service is masked. | 03:00 |
Roey | what could be the cause o fhtis? | 03:01 |
Roey | (I just upgraded from 23.10 -> 24.04) | 03:01 |
Roey | I tried "sudo systemctl unmask bluetooth" and then re-issued the systemctl command, but go the same result | 03:07 |
siak | N: Missing Signed-By in the sources.list(5) entry for '' : This is what I get when I run apt update | 04:18 |
siak | I have only this /etc/apt/sources.list.d/third-party.sources. | 04:19 |
siak | Where all the source have gone? And what to do with the error? | 04:19 |
digitalmouse | lies! i didn't quit. I pinning for the fjords | 04:21 |
=== PasiZ3 is now known as PasiZ | ||
Bashing-om | siak: What release as it is now deb822-sources . | 04:24 |
siak | Bashing-om: 24.04 | 04:26 |
Bashing-om | siak: I have no 24.04 apt experience to this time - I am aware of the doc change notice: that might answer your issue. | 04:29 |
siak | Says default sources should be /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources. I don't have that | 04:31 |
Bashing-om | siak: I do have a 24.04 install (dual booting) and that file on that path does exist on my system. | 04:35 |
siak | So my installation is corrupt | 04:35 |
siak | But how the apt update works then I wonder. | 04:36 |
Bashing-om | siak: As I have no experience in this case - I can not ofer a reasonable response. | 04:39 |
Bashing-om | siak: However; I am seeing "" >> is unreachable. // Is the site still valid ? | 04:44 |
siak | Bashing-om: Don't know. Maybe I should delete that file altogether. | 04:45 |
Bashing-om | siak: "Hetzner is a German web hosting company and data center operator that offers various products and services for your online needs. " Guess one has to have a key to access the server ?? | 04:48 |
siak | Bashing-om: I guess they just provide some mirrors | 04:49 |
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toddc | siak ubuntu mirror list and status | 05:24 |
siak | toddc: What to do with them? | 05:26 |
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toddc | Hetzner is not listed as a current mirror for ubuntu updates but you can specify a mirror to use or the default sources should find the closest mirror to you | 05:28 |
gordonjcp | orning | 07:00 |
gordonjcp | *morning | 07:00 |
gordonjcp | Pulseaudio is broken | 07:00 |
gordonjcp | it's decided that my PC doesn't have a speaker output | 07:00 |
gordonjcp | how can I troubleshoot this? | 07:00 |
gordonjcp | hardware is fine, because the speaker output works just fine in Haiku | 07:00 |
gordonjcp | for future reference, the fix was to do "sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/pulseaudio" and the "sudo pkill pulseaudio" | 07:10 |
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Arjun | Hey Chat | 10:21 |
Arjun | does anyone here uses android studio? | 10:23 |
itu | what's the name for the multiple screens of a desktop? | 10:47 |
Guest86 | heyo | 11:19 |
kd_ | hi | 11:21 |
gamergambit8 | itu do you mean virtual desktops? | 11:21 |
gamergambit8 | is anyone able to help me with preseeding a ubuntu desktop 22.04.4 install? ideally i only want the timezone selection as i have everything setup. i have keyboard selection, network config and user setup all preseeded but cant seem to figure out how to skip the welcome screen, "updates and other software" screen, or partition screen (which im | 11:47 |
gamergambit8 | trying to get to just use the entire drive). here are pictures of the screens i want to skip/preseed and here is my current preseed file | 11:47 |
masber | hi, I have ubuntu 24.04, and I have installed hyprland as an extra window manager, for some reason, when I start a hyprland session gnore-keyring does not start. I would like to know the best way to start gnome-keyring? | 11:48 |
gry | masber, hi, maybe 'gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d' | 12:07 |
masber | maybe, I saw this documentation which says to put it in `~/.xsession` or `~/.xinitrc` so I was wondering if there was a similar thing for wayland? | 12:08 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 12:35 |
vorteckz | hey | 12:37 |
vlt | Hello everyone! I’m installing ubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso on a ThinkPad and am stuck in the “Connect to the internet” step: The connection is established and usable but the “Next” button just show the spinning Ubuntu logo. How to proceed? | 12:49 |
ravage1 | you do not need a connection to finish the installation | 12:52 |
ravage1 | so i would just try it without | 12:52 |
gry | vlt: can you try a wired connection instead, or what ravage1 wrote | 12:56 |
vlt | ravage1: Thanks, that worked. I chose “no connection right now”, it kept connected and continues the installation now. | 12:56 |
gry | 🙂 | 12:58 |
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jax | hi | 13:23 |
bogy997 | IDENTIFY bogy997 9615Ae19e..,, | 14:40 |
bogy99700 | hi | 14:41 |
bogy99700 | hello | 14:41 |
kostkon | bogy99700 hi | 14:42 |
leftyfb | bogy99700: time to change that nickserv password | 14:44 |
bogy99700 | what does it mean | 14:44 |
bogy99700 | ;D | 14:44 |
bogy99700 | @leftyfb | 14:44 |
leftyfb | bogy99700: /join #libera and ask for help with changing your nickserv password since you posted it for everyone to see | 14:45 |
bogy99700 | AH | 14:45 |
bogy99700 | XD | 14:45 |
bogy99700 | AHHEA | 14:45 |
bogy99700 | thanks for warning | 14:46 |
bogy99700 | :D | 14:46 |
htetlwink | Hello I'm new to this | 15:04 |
htetlwink | is this community chat or something like that ? | 15:04 |
mybalzitch | this is specifically a support channel | 15:04 |
mybalzitch | !offtopic | htetlwink | 15:05 |
ubottu | htetlwink: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 15:05 |
Roey | Hello. I just upgraded from Kubuntu 23.10 -> 24.04. Suddenly I had issues connecting my Bluetooth devices to my computer. So I did "sudo systemctl enable bluetooth sudo systemctl start bluetooth" and got this: Failed to enable unit: Unit file /etc/systemd/system/sudo.service is masked. I tried "sudo systemctl unmask bluetooth" and then re-issued the systemctl command, but go the same result. Is this a known bug?? | 15:47 |
vlt | Roey: Try putting a semicolon between commands. | 16:06 |
vlt | Roey: Otherwise ”sudo” is interpreted as another service you want to enable. | 16:06 |
vlt | Hello everyone! I installed ubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso on a ThinkPad. Wifi and audio seem to work fine. How to make the built-in camera available? | 16:09 |
ravage1 | webcams usually just work | 16:09 |
ravage1 | Make sure it's not disabled by any hardware key | 16:10 |
Roey | vlt: sorry forhte mis-type, I pasted it wrong | 16:10 |
Roey | I got it | 16:10 |
ravage1 | Or even the bios | 16:11 |
vlt | ravage1: There’s a “privacy slider” infron of it. I opened it but will check BIOS (or how a different OS behaves). | 16:11 |
toddc | hardware/keyboard camera on -off switch? never had a thinkpad camera not work but their are a lot of models | 16:11 |
vlt | toddc: It’s an “X1 2in1”. | 16:12 |
toddc | open a terminal type lshw see if you can find it listed | 16:12 |
vlt | toddc: What do I need to look for? | 16:21 |
toddc | looking | 16:24 |
ravage1 | Most webcams are connected to the USB bus so lsusb should show it | 16:25 |
ravage1 | If not it's in lspci | 16:26 |
ravage1 | If it's not there too the device is disabled | 16:26 |
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lnx | help me download movies? | 16:30 |
rbox | lnx: and stealing things has what to do with ubuntu? | 16:30 |
* oerheks mumbles yt-dl | 16:31 | |
=== ericus4 is now known as ericus | ||
vlt | ravage1, toddc: lsusb: | 16:41 |
vlt | lspci: | 16:43 |
ravage1 | Nothing there | 16:44 |
vlt | So, what do I need to use the camera on Ubuntu? | 16:47 |
ravage1 | Make the device available to the OS | 16:49 |
ravage1 | It's probably disabled by some hardware switch | 16:49 |
ravage1 | Or as I said even in the bios | 16:50 |
oerheks | to check; v4l2-ctl --list-devices | 16:54 |
ravage1 | I can't think of another bus the device could be on | 16:55 |
ravage1 | So if the hardware is not there no driver will find anything | 16:56 |
ioria | vlt, a MIPI webcam, probably | 17:25 |
jaco | Hello | 17:42 |
jaco | I am trying to install wine from ubuntu stor and this is the feedback i am getting. need help please | 17:43 |
jaco | | 17:43 |
Eeyore_TheDonkey | Is this the recently updated version of Wine available? What do you want to do with it? Just curious.. | 17:46 |
applepear | lol | 17:47 |
jaco | want to install a windows chat app | 17:47 |
Eeyore_TheDonkey | Ah.. lol | 17:47 |
jaco | yes recent Ubuntu 24.04 LTS | 17:48 |
applepear | ... | 17:48 |
jaco | any help or what is happening? | 17:48 |
bprompt | jaco: hmmm some of us just got here, so we never saw the question | 17:49 |
jaco | I am trying to install wine from ubuntu stor and this is the feedback i am getting. need help please | 17:49 |
Eeyore_TheDonkey | I've been trying 24.10 and it is pretty good, even in Beta.. I notice it handles devices cleaner. I'm running it off a persistent usb (mkusb) | 17:49 |
jaco | | 17:49 |
jaco | Thank u eyeore | 17:50 |
Eeyore_TheDonkey | Well, I don't think I can help with Wine. I never had much luck with it. The only thing I ever wanted from it was to be able to run rufus. But, when rufus went to v4 (I think) wine stopped working and mkusb is just as good now, perhaps better. | 17:52 |
bprompt | jaco: if you type this on a terminal ---> sudo apt check <---- any errors? | 17:52 |
bprompt | jaco: why do you need Wine anyway? | 17:53 |
jaco | eeyore: thank you anyway | 17:53 |
bprompt | Eeyore_TheDonkey: good to hear on 24.10 | 17:53 |
jaco | want to install a windows chat app | 17:53 |
leftyfb | jaco: which app? | 17:54 |
jaco | bprompt: {Invalid operation check} this is what i get when i run sudo apt check in terminal | 17:56 |
jaco | paltalk | 17:56 |
jaco | leftyfb: paltalk | 17:57 |
bprompt | jaco: how about ----> sudo apt-get check ? | 17:57 |
jaco | is wine not stable on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS? | 17:58 |
leftyfb | bprompt: what? | 17:58 |
leftyfb | bprompt: how would installing the "check" package help in this situation? | 17:58 |
bprompt | jaco: that command, just checking why the error is claiming something being removed, wondering if any packages are broken | 17:59 |
bprompt | jaco: nahh, "check" simply checks the status of installations | 17:59 |
Eeyore_TheDonkey | you mean check-dfsg-status yes? | 18:00 |
leftyfb | jaco: sudo apt install wine64 | 18:01 |
bprompt | jaco: yeap, try as ^ leftyfb said, using apt instead | 18:01 |
bprompt | Eeyore_TheDonkey: last I checked apt has a "check" argument | 18:01 |
Eeyore_TheDonkey | oooh.. ok | 18:01 |
jaco | leftyfb: i have installed wine n i am getting this feedback when i want to run setup of paltalk | 18:12 |
jaco | | 18:12 |
leftyfb | jaco: that's not how you install exe files | 18:12 |
jaco | pls help | 18:13 |
leftyfb | jaco: run: wine <name of application.exe" | 18:13 |
leftyfb | jaco: run: wine <name of application.exe> | 18:14 |
leftyfb | don't include the < and > | 18:14 |
m0t10n | running wine thru terminal? | 18:14 |
leftyfb | m0t10n: every application can be run from a terminal | 18:15 |
bprompt | jaco: you should be able to just right-click the .exe file and click "open with Wine" | 18:15 |
jaco | wine is not in the list of apps to run the setup | 18:17 |
bprompt | jaco: there are many messengers clients btw, do you have to use Paltalk? | 18:17 |
m0t10n | I thought so. I use it for alot of things | 18:17 |
bprompt | jaco: you can always say "open with" > "another application" and type "wine", and from there, make it the default by checking the checkbox for defaulting for .exe files | 18:19 |
jaco | i need a windows help to remove a supervisory password on my laptop gifted to me | 18:19 |
leftyfb | jaco: what? | 18:19 |
leftyfb | jaco: where is the password set? In the BIOS or in Windows? | 18:20 |
bprompt | jaco: hmmm and you need paltalk just for that? well, it was a gift, can't you just call him/her up for it? | 18:20 |
jaco | bprompt: he said has forgotten | 18:21 |
leftyfb | jaco: where is the password set? In the BIOS or in Windows? | 18:21 |
dreamon | Hello! Upgraded from 22.04 to 24.04. started thunderbird, it took 10minutes to start. All my mails were gone. so I removed snap und installed thunderbird by ppa an it works. I got trouble. after a "apt upgrade..." it installs "snap thunderbird" again. what can I do to prevent this? | 18:21 |
bprompt | jaco: what leftyfb is asking, where are you being prompted for a password? before windows loads or after windows loads? | 18:21 |
jaco | leftyfb: yes in bios. anytime u want to run bios it asks for password | 18:22 |
leftyfb | jaco: try asking for help with that in #hardware | 18:22 |
leftyfb | this isn't an ubuntu support issue | 18:22 |
bprompt | jaco: you can also try at #ubuntu-offtopic :), some of us may jump in | 18:23 |
jaco | leftyfb: okay thank u. cheers mates | 18:23 |
bprompt | jaco: quickie, two ways to reset the CMOS password, old way that works still on some models, remove the CR2032 battery for a couple of minutes, put it back, boot, OR using a jumper in the motherboard | 18:24 |
bprompt | jaco: you can also try at #ubuntu-offtopic :), some of us may kick in | 18:25 |
xangua | dreamon: your mails were not gone, snap simply uses a diferent directory to store files/config (not .thunderbird) | 18:26 |
vlt | ravage1: As a test I booted a different OS and checked the camera. It’s definitely there and activated: | 18:27 |
ravage1 | then find out how that OS detects the hardware | 18:28 |
bprompt | dreamon: I'm thinking that thunderbird may have a way to import its emails, you may want to check if the "snap" version can simply import your emails from the old .thunderbird directory, or don't use the snap version, is not a must | 18:29 |
vlt | ravage1: Unfortunately I don’t know anything about that OS :/ | 18:29 |
vlt | I’d rather focus on getting it to run on Ubuntu. | 18:30 |
dreamon | bprompt, somehow I have to prevent ubuntu from installing thunderbird by snap. apt upgrade uninstalls thunderbird each time its running packages. from this moment I have to uninstall thunderbird snap and reinstall "apt install thunderbird" again | 18:31 |
leftyfb | dreamon: why? | 18:32 |
dreamon | what why? | 18:32 |
leftyfb | dreamon: what's wrong with the thunderbird snap? | 18:32 |
dreamon | It dont works. After running snap thunderbird.. it takes 10minutes to start, an no mails are there. empty it ask me to create email account. | 18:34 |
bprompt | dreamon: hmmmm I'd check on "apt" options, it has many, for example I do updates manually, so I have autoupdates off, and a few other stuff, like I do manual "clean", because I keep .deb files and such | 18:34 |
leftyfb | dreamon: lets back up a moment. Did you have thunderbird running and configured on this machine before? | 18:35 |
leftyfb | ok, nevermind, you added a ppa. Good luck | 18:35 |
leftyfb | I'm happy to troubleshoot the thunderbird snap, but not the packages installed from a 3rd party ppa | 18:36 |
dreamon | snap didn't work anymore and thunderbird package was gone. so had no other option.. | 18:37 |
leftyfb | dreamon: you can install the thunderbird snap and we can get it working | 18:38 |
dreamon | Is it possible to prevent ubuntu from installing snap thunderbird again? | 18:38 |
leftyfb | after removing the thunderbird package from the ppa | 18:38 |
dreamon | what would you try to bring snap thunderbird to work correct? | 18:39 |
bprompt | dreamon: | 18:39 |
leftyfb | dreamon: that won't help | 18:40 |
leftyfb | bprompt: ^ | 18:40 |
leftyfb | dreamon: remove the thunderbird ppa package first, then reinstall the snap | 18:40 |
leftyfb | dreamon: once you've done that, let me know | 18:40 |
dreamon | snap refresh --hold thunderbird → might be a solution? | 18:40 |
leftyfb | no | 18:41 |
leftyfb | dreamon: that's only if you want to keep the thunderbird snap installed and frozen to a specific version (NOT recommended) | 18:41 |
dreamon | I do a backup of all my .thunderbird Data.. and remove package an ppa.. and you pse help me | 18:41 |
leftyfb | dreamon: please do that and let me know when you have removed the ppa and the apt package and re-installed the snap package | 18:42 |
ravage1 | keep in mind that different thunberbird versions are usually not able to just read the profile | 18:42 |
bprompt | dreamon: my understanding is that you "think" the snap installation of thunderbird tossed your emails, it seems from what others wrote, it didn't, it simply uses another directory for them, and never saw you old .thunderbird directory with your emails, mind you that snap is just another installer, you could try using the snap thunderbird and then try import the emails from your old directory | 18:42 |
leftyfb | ravage1: we can fix that | 18:42 |
bprompt | dreamon: however, I checked, and the -hold options seems to be the way to tell snap to not update an app, as far as stopping "apt" from using snap if installed in the system, seems there's no way unless you get rid of snap altogether | 18:45 |
dreamon | 22.04 I had same problems using firefox. it worked by snaps but opening okular to view pdfs was horror get it work. | 18:48 |
dreamon | backup is running | 18:49 |
dreamon | 20GB is very big. where does snap stores thunderbird stuff? maybe its better to delete it before installing snap again? | 18:50 |
leftyfb | dreamon: what location are you creating a backup of? | 18:50 |
bprompt | dreamon: you may like "qpdfview", is a tabbed pdf viewer, I've used it for a long long time, since I regularly load about 5 or 10 pdfs at once, mind you it uses the same pdf libraries as Okular, you simply can manage many pdfs open at once better | 18:50 |
dreamon | source: ~/.thunderbird to external compressed file ./thunderbird.tgz | 18:51 |
leftyfb | dreamon: ok, you don't need to take a backup of that right this moment | 18:51 |
bprompt | dreamon: emails can have blobs, namely binary files like zips or tgz or images or even videos, so 20gbs is not irregular | 18:52 |
leftyfb | dreamon: did you remove the thunderbird ppa package and reinstall the snap? | 18:52 |
dreamon | bprompt, that was some kind of permission thing so firefox(snap) could not sart okular(snap). Or could not access xxx.pdf of it | 18:54 |
dreamon | leftyfb, not till now. let me backup first. I have a lot to lose.. | 18:55 |
leftyfb | dreamon: you won't be losing anything | 18:55 |
leftyfb | you'll actually be making yet another copy of it | 18:55 |
leftyfb | also, if you don't already have a backup of the data, it's not all that important to begin with | 18:56 |
bprompt | dreamon: or may have been a configuration setup in firefox(snap) trying to trigger the wrong okular executable | 18:58 |
leftyfb | bprompt: sorry, what are you going on about? | 18:58 |
dreamon | Ok, starting to uninstall | 18:59 |
bprompt | leftyfb: ohhh just replying to previous lines :) | 18:59 |
dreamon | removing ppa:mozillateam/ppa | 18:59 |
leftyfb | dreamon: you'll also want to remove the package, not just the repo | 18:59 |
dreamon | i uninstalled thunderbird first.. after that removed ppa.. ok, read | 19:00 |
leftyfb | install the snap package | 19:00 |
dreamon | ready.. an now? | 19:00 |
bprompt | dreamon: if you use POP3 mail, all your email is in the .thunderbird folder and making a backup helps greatly, if you use IMAP mail, then all your email is at your mailserver, and you have lost nothing, and making a backup of .thunderbird will just save you on configuration, not that much I'd think | 19:00 |
leftyfb | open thunderbird, close out the setup and then close the app | 19:00 |
bprompt | dreamon: mind you that most folks these days use IMAP | 19:01 |
dreamon | I use pop3 and imap, too | 19:01 |
leftyfb | bprompt: unless they created local folders to save mail in and didn't sync it up with the server | 19:01 |
leftyfb | dreamon: once you open and close thunderbird then run this: rsync -av ~/.thunderbird/ ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/ --progress | 19:02 |
bprompt | dreamon: ahhh, then the backup makes a lot of sense | 19:02 |
dreamon | ps aux | grep thunderbird → nothin is running anymore. starting thunderbird.. → not found | 19:02 |
leftyfb | log out and back in | 19:02 |
leftyfb | then open thundernird , then close it | 19:03 |
dreamon | rsync: [Receiver] mkdir "/home/dreamon/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird" failed: No such file or directory (2) → there is no folder ../snap/thunderbird/ dont exists | 19:04 |
leftyfb | that's because you didn't open thunderbird first | 19:04 |
dreamon | I didnt installed: snap install thunderbird → wasnt done till now | 19:05 |
dreamon | I think, after that it tries to import it by it self.. (thats failed last 3times!) | 19:06 |
leftyfb | show it trying to import and failing | 19:07 |
dreamon | so, you want me to install ist by doing "snap install thunderbird"? | 19:07 |
leftyfb | seriously? | 19:08 |
leftyfb | I've only told you 3d times to do that after removing the ppa package | 19:09 |
dreamon | leftyfb, sorry, Im blind.. | 19:09 |
bprompt | dreamon: for what is worthy, "mkdir -p" creates any folders in the provided directory structure that may not exist | 19:10 |
leftyfb | bprompt: lets please stick with the proper way to do things | 19:10 |
dreamon | Ok installed snap.. starting thunderbird | 19:11 |
leftyfb | then close it | 19:12 |
dreamon | starting (created starter)→ env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/thunderbird_thunderbird.desktop /snap/bin/thunderbird %u | 19:12 |
dreamon | Importing existing thunderbird profiles from /home/dreamon/.thunderbird | 19:12 |
leftyfb | dreamon: please use pastebin | 19:12 |
dreamon | now PC is slowing down.. this takes a while, as I said. 10minutes I think.. | 19:14 |
bprompt | !paste | dreamon | 19:14 |
ubottu | dreamon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:14 |
dreamon | I started in terminal so I can say whats happening. | 19:14 |
leftyfb | ok, so that's not "10 minutes to start" , that's 10 minutes to import your 20GB profile as part of the installation | 19:15 |
bprompt | dreamon: depends on the cpu speed, how many apps are running and HDD speed, if you're on SSD that'd go fast, mind you is over 20gbs of small files, many small files take longer to transfer than a few big files | 19:15 |
=== saavedro6 is now known as saavedro | ||
dreamon | now its started. now all emails are gone. imap was syncing again, but all of my old pop3 emails are gone. (20 messages of thousend) are there. Tabs are empty too.. | 19:19 |
leftyfb | close thunderbird | 19:19 |
dreamon | done | 19:19 |
leftyfb | rsync -av ~/.thunderbird/ ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/ --progress | 19:19 |
dreamon | ok.. that was really fast. | 19:21 |
leftyfb | is it 20GB? | 19:21 |
leftyfb | du -sh ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird | 19:21 |
dreamon | 21G/home/dreamon/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird | 19:22 |
leftyfb | ok, do NOT open thunderbird | 19:22 |
leftyfb | ls -l ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/ | 19:23 |
leftyfb | you probably have 2 profile directories | 19:23 |
leftyfb | random names | 19:23 |
leftyfb | can you confirm? | 19:23 |
cbreak | I had that with firefox when I switched away from the snap. You can change the active profile if you start it with "thunderbird --ProfileManager" | 19:24 |
dreamon | you mean inside of Profile folder? | 19:24 |
cbreak | well, if you start the snap one like that | 19:24 |
leftyfb | ls -l ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/ | nc 9999 | 19:24 |
leftyfb | dreamon: ^ | 19:24 |
leftyfb | cbreak: I got this | 19:24 |
dreamon | | 19:25 |
loswedseded | what package do I need to edit mp4 files for hue, saturation, color... on vlc? now I can change those parameters, but only for mkv, not mp4 | 19:25 |
leftyfb | ugh | 19:25 |
leftyfb | dreamon: ls -al ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/ | nc 9999 | 19:25 |
dreamon | | 19:26 |
leftyfb | hm, this might be new | 19:26 |
leftyfb | look in the profiles directory/ | 19:27 |
cbreak | loswedseded: ffmpeg can do it if you like the command line. If you're more in favor of extremely featureful professional software with a GUI, you can take a look at | 19:28 |
loswedseded | cbreak, now we make advertising for private companies? | 19:29 |
cbreak | loswedseded: I heard that some people use kdenlive, but I've not | 19:29 |
cbreak | loswedseded you are in the add business? | 19:29 |
cbreak | then I guess you want the more professional one, even if it's a gigantic monstrosity | 19:30 |
loswedseded | no | 19:30 |
dreamon | leftyfb, I think your on the right track. There is a folder call homeFAST. | 19:30 |
leftyfb | dreamon: du -sh ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/profiles/* | 19:30 |
dreamon | I used it long time ago to speedupd thunderbird to use it on ssd.. | 19:30 |
bprompt | !info handbrake | loswedseded | 19:31 |
ubottu | loswedseded: handbrake (1.7.2+ds1-1build2, noble): versatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK+ GUI). In component universe, is optional. Built by handbrake. Size 1,494 kB / 5,818 kB | 19:31 |
dreamon | other location.. ls -lha ~/snap/thunderbird/common/ | nc 9999 → | 19:33 |
leftyfb | dreamon: du -sh ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/profiles/* | 19:34 |
dreamon | other location.. ls -lha ~/snap/thunderbird/common/ | nc 9999 → | 19:34 |
dreamon | sry.. | 19:34 |
loswedseded | thanks bprompt , will reboot | 19:35 |
bprompt | np | 19:35 |
dreamon | | 19:36 |
leftyfb | dreamon: du -sh ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/profiles/* | 19:37 |
dreamon | Profiles instead of profiles → | 19:38 |
leftyfb | dreamon: cat ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/profiles.ini | nc 9999 | 19:39 |
dreamon | inside snap/thunderbird/common there are to folders .thunderbird and homeFast(both having same profile in it. inside homefast there is .thunderbird/Profiles/exes.. | 19:40 |
leftyfb | I don't think we care about homeFast | 19:40 |
dreamon | homefast is 20GB and .thunderbird only 60MB! | 19:41 |
leftyfb | 21G/home/dreamon/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/Profiles/exessk1j.default | 19:42 |
dreamon | I think wrong profile.ini is used | 19:42 |
leftyfb | this is more than likely your profile | 19:42 |
leftyfb | stop | 19:42 |
leftyfb | dreamon: cat ~/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/profiles.ini | nc 9999 | 19:42 |
dreamon | your right | 19:42 |
dreamon | | 19:43 |
leftyfb | ok, open thunderbird | 19:43 |
dreamon | running | 19:44 |
dreamon | Profile Dir: /home/dreamon/snap/thunderbird/common/.thunderbird/Profiles/exessk1j.default/ | 19:45 |
leftyfb | is thunderbird working properly now? | 19:47 |
dreamon | yes.. like before. very empty | 19:47 |
leftyfb | you sure you don't have a different view selected or something? | 19:48 |
leftyfb | check the account settings | 19:48 |
dreamon | email accounts are all there, but emails are empty.. | 19:49 |
leftyfb | how many email accounts do you have configured? | 19:49 |
dreamon | 8 | 19:50 |
leftyfb | click on the 3 dots in the left pane and select folder modes and all folders | 19:51 |
dreamon | already active.. | 19:51 |
dreamon | I had some tabs open, with old email content. those tabs are totally empty. | 19:53 |
dreamon | can I delete homefast? | 19:55 |
leftyfb | I have zero knowledge or experience with that | 19:56 |
bprompt | dreamon: just out of curiosity, as cbreak suggested, how about starting the profile manager "thunderbird --ProfileManager", "create" a new one, and give it your old profile location from "choose folder", or use the new copied version of the old profile you just made | 19:58 |
dreamon | thats interessting.. I stoppt thunderbird. renamed homefast to __homefast__, and restarted thunderbird again.. he created homeFAST again.. | 19:58 |
bprompt | dreamon: that just means is an app system folder | 19:59 |
dreamon | no this one I created myself, long time ago.. maybe 18.04 or so.. | 19:59 |
bprompt | dreamon: well, I know that, first off, I think leftyfb suggestion worked, however is in the wrong spot for thunderbird to load it as profile | 20:01 |
leftyfb | it's not in the wrong spot | 20:01 |
bprompt | dreamon: a lame way to go about it will be, run "thunderbird --ProfileManager", make a new one, pay attention to the folder it'll be using, it shows right above "choose folder" button, then close thunderbird, and then move your profile files to that location, run thunderbird again, recheck | 20:03 |
bprompt | dreamon: difference being, some applications rely on a lite sql database for their profiles and locations, is simply possible the new installation doesn't have a pointer or entry for that profile you moved in its database, making a new profile will insert one that you can use, and simply move the files there | 20:05 |
leftyfb | thunderbird uses the profiles.ini to point to where the profile is | 20:06 |
dreamon | hm.. I could give it a try.. creating a new profile and copy all off it in there | 20:08 |
dreamon | there is a file called Pkcs11.txt that has a line: sql:/home/dreamon/homeFAST/.thunderbird/Profiles/exessk1j.default' | 20:09 |
dreamon | Oho.. /home/dreamon/homeFAST still exists with 218GB content.. | 20:11 |
bprompt | dreamon: I don't run thunderbird, but I know many apps have switched to using sql, in fact in Bash I run a history manager that uses litesql :) | 20:11 |
cbreak | bprompt: is that worth it? | 20:16 |
cbreak | history is probably tiny enough to just read the text file into memory every start | 20:16 |
bprompt | cbreak: very | 20:16 |
bprompt | cbreak: the app does more than that, you get an interactive history listing | 20:17 |
dreamon | Ok. I give up, removing snap.. again. | 20:18 |
dreamon | → this prevent me from installing snap.. | 21:01 |
esv | hey folks, I used to use Flameshot to capture screenshots on Ubuntu 22.04+X-windows, but a recent bug on the x-windows setup takes up to 2 minutes to login. I believe there is a report for that already. | 21:16 |
esv | since I don't expect the x-windows bug to be fixed and I just can't deal with the 2 minute delay, now Flameshot does not work as desired, it still takes screenshots but I can't do annotations without a 3rd party tool | 21:16 |
esv | is there a tool that I could use to do the screenshot annotations as it is captured without the need of a 3rd party tool? | 21:17 |
gry | esv did the xwindows bug get filed upstream and if so then what did they say? | 21:19 |
esv | I am not sure about that, someone here pointed me to the report and it was over my head. | 21:20 |
andrewboltachev | Hello. Could anyone suggest dropdown terminal that is good for standard Ubuntu? I've used Guake for so long, but it started to slow down, i.e. it's very unpleasant and slow to type | 21:20 |
esv | I'll be back, need to restart in x-windows | 21:21 |
gry | andrewboltachev: make a new user on your os named "abtest" or something: is guake also slow there under the new user? if not, perhaps there is cache or configuration that can be fixed? | 21:23 |
andrewboltachev | gry: well, my existing installation is relatively new (after old NVMe died). So I'm not sure. I've now switched (as I think) Wayland to X11 and it seems that it's no effect | 21:24 |
gry | yet in this new installation guake is slow, right | 21:25 |
gry | !info shutter | 21:25 |
ubottu | shutter (0.99.2-4, noble): feature-rich screenshot program. In component universe, is optional. Built by shutter. Size 1,155 kB / 11,079 kB | 21:25 |
gry | esv | 21:25 |
esv | here | 21:25 |
gry | see what ubottu wrote | 21:25 |
esv | thnx, I'll try | 21:25 |
gry | ok | 21:25 |
andrewboltachev | gry: yes, e.g. warp is faster. but I'm used to guake (F12 etc) for 10+ years | 21:27 |
gry | andrewboltachev: there is also "tilda" and "altyo" | 21:28 |
gry | andrewboltachev: what is the upstream report about this slowness? | 21:28 |
gry | andrewboltachev: maybe they already fixed it in a later version? | 21:29 |
gry | andrewboltachev: it could be either a bug, or your cpu/ram/disk being too slow, or graphics driver issue... I can't think of anything else at the moment | 21:29 |
andrewboltachev | gry: on forums I also see that certain fonts (one and not the other) could be a problem | 21:30 |
gry | andrewboltachev: is that configurable? | 21:30 |
andrewboltachev | sure | 21:30 |
andrewboltachev | I have selected different font (an awkward one) and it seems to be just a bit faster | 21:34 |
andrewboltachev | gry: thanks for help! I'll try to search for other clues later on | 21:34 |
gry | ok | 21:35 |
andrewboltachev | (source code should be available after all, haha) | 21:35 |
gry | please come here and share the solution | 21:35 |
andrewboltachev | gry: will do | 21:35 |
gry | and maybe if the font this software uses in ubuntu by default is not working properly, then the ubuntu package for it could be modified | 21:36 |
andrewboltachev | aha... would be good to measure how much time certain instructions take | 21:36 |
gry | to setup a comfortable and fast font as the default setting | 21:36 |
gry | yes | 21:36 |
gry | you can video your screen using obs-studio | 21:36 |
gry | which is a bit manual, but probably better than nothing | 21:37 |
gry | there also is "time" command in cli, but that only works if there is a specific command in terminal whose execution time you would like to measure | 21:37 |
andrewboltachev | I use simplescreenrecorder | 21:37 |
gry | that works | 21:37 |
oerheks | Press the Print key ~ click to switch to screencast mode. ... | 21:38 |
aprompt | Hello. I just installed ubuntu 24.04 on my laptop. Was looking to install a theme I got from I installed gnome-tweaks, but there's no place to tell it to search for themes in my home folder. Any ideas how to make it do that? | 23:24 |
=== aprompt_ is now known as aprompt | ||
aprompt | oops | 23:29 |
aprompt | lol | 23:29 |
vortexx | aprompt: have you tried putting the themes into ~/.themes ? | 23:35 |
aprompt | yes | 23:35 |
vortexx | strange | 23:37 |
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