
utkarsh2102sudip: hey there!18:54
sudiphi utkarsh2102, I didn't expect you to be here at this time of night18:54
utkarsh2102I wouldn't miss this at all ;)18:55
rbasakWho else is here?19:00
bdmurrayo/ but in another meeting19:00
utkarsh2102coolio, should I start?\19:00
rbasakPlease do.19:01
utkarsh2102#startmeeting Developer Membership Board19:01
meetingologyMeeting started at 19:01:43 UTC.  The chair is utkarsh2102.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology19:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick19:01
utkarsh2102hello, everyone! o/19:01
utkarsh2102we have some things to discuss19:02
utkarsh2102but per usual, I'll start with today's application19:02
rbasakI suggest looking at sudip's application first, but please note that there's an outstanding request from sgmoore that hasn't received attention.19:02
utkarsh2102looks like we have applicants for the next 4 meeting, yay19:02
rbasakIt'd be good to have someone take an action to address that please, if we don't have time to do anything else.19:02
utkarsh2102rbasak: I intend to reply to that but I wanted to talk about it here first19:02
utkarsh2102#topic MOTU Application19:03
utkarsh2102#subtopic  Sudip Mukherjee19:03
utkarsh2102#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/sudipmuk/MotuApplication19:03
utkarsh2102sudip: hellu, could you please introduce yourself? :)19:03
sudipHi All, I believe my application has the full intro. But for a summary, I have been an Ubuntu user for a long time but started contributing since last year (from Ubuntu Summit). I am not part of any Canonical team, just a community volunteer and like to look at bugs in my spare time.19:04
utkarsh2102And you're also a DD since 2020. Nice.19:04
sudipyes :)19:04
utkarsh2102thanks, sudip19:05
utkarsh2102with that, I am going to open the floor for questions19:05
utkarsh2102*ta dum*19:05
rbasakDisclosure: sudip is local to me, I see him regularly, and I introduced him to various Ubuntu-specific bits at the Ubuntu Summit in Riga last year. I don't think that there's sufficient conflict of interest to recuse myself though (or else we'd never get anywhere with promising applicants that we get to know well!)19:05
rbasak...and thanks to utkarsh2102 for introducing us :-)19:06
sudipyes, thanks to utkarsh210219:06
utkarsh2102which means, I know Sudip as well. :)19:06
sudiplol, yes, you do19:06
utkarsh2102but there's no conflict of interest, I haven't directly worked with Sudip but have interacted a bunch - he's a <3 person.19:07
rbasakSo let me start with a question on transitions. sudip: how would you identify if you're about to trigger a transition when you're ready to upload?19:07
sudipI will first check Debian bug report if there was transition request or not. If there is one, then it will definitely trigger a transition in Ubuntu. But if its not a Debian package and it bumps soname or changes API/ABI then I will check rdep.19:08
rbasakOK. In the common case, how would you identify if the upload bumps soname?19:09
* sil2100 has a question when there's a moment19:09
* utkarsh2102 joins the queue19:09
sudipthe package version should change, like libfoo0 will become libfoo119:09
rbasakThanks! I have further questions but let's go to sil2100 first I guess?19:10
sudipbut again, there was a recent Debian bug where the package version was not changed with SONAME bump19:10
sil2100sudip: let's say you want to bring a completely new piece of software into Ubuntu. How would you do that? What are the possible options and processes for that?19:11
sudipI will prefer to do it in Debian first. But if I have to do it in Ubuntu, then iirc, it needs to be reviewed by two core-dev first19:12
sil2100sudip: can you elaborate on the two core-devs?19:13
sudipwell, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages says "MOTUs can upload new packages directly to the archive. However they are greatly encouraged to have a new package reviewed prior to uploading"19:14
sudipand I was wrong about 2 core-dev, that is an old requirement which has been dropped now19:15
sil2100Is uploading the package the only thing that's needed? And when will the package be made available in Ubuntu?19:15
sudipnew packages will go through a review process and final review by the archieve admins19:17
sil2100Where will the review progress be tracked? Is there any 'paperwork' related to requesting new packages to Ubuntu?19:17
sudipthere needs to be a bug open for that for packaging it19:18
sil2100Fair enough! Ok, thank you :)19:19
sudipI missed saying with the tag "needs-packaging."19:19
sil2100I open the floor to others19:19
* sudip waits for questions from utkarsh2102 and rbasak 19:22
rbasaksudip: where can you find the dates of the relevant freezes in the current Ubuntu development cycle? For feature freeze in particular, what would you need to consider if for example feature freeze were active for Oracular and you were looking at uploading version 2.3.2 of package foo while 2.3.1 were in the Oracular release pocket?19:22
sudipOracular FF is at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/oracular-oriole-release-schedule/3646019:23
sudipdepends on 2.3.2 diff19:24
sudipif its a leaf package then I will be comfortable with it19:24
sudipbut if its a library, then I will check the diff to confirm there is no ABI/API change19:25
rbasakCould you give me an example of a change that, if it were in the diff, should block it from being uploaded during feature freeze without an exception?19:25
rbasakOh I suppose you already answered that, sorry :)19:25
rbasakWhat's the process of getting an exception if you thought one were appropriate?19:25
sudipI need to file a bug and attach the debdiff to it and subscribe the release team19:26
rbasakOK, thanks! Moving on, after you've uploaded a delta to Ubuntu, what happens next?19:27
sudipwhen a package is uploaded it will first go to -proposed where it will be built for all the arch its supposed to go to, autopkgtests will be run, if there are autopkgtest of the rdeps then those will also be run. And, if tests are ok, then it will migrate to the release suite.19:27
rbasakOK. And if something holds up migration, then who needs to take care of that and where can they find more information about it?19:28
sudipupdate_excuses will have the details and usually its the responsibility of the uploader to check and take care of that19:29
rbasakThanks. Long term, what happens to the Ubuntu delta with respect to further packaging/upstream updates in Debian?19:29
sudipUsually I also open a Debian bug if the bug is reproduced in  unstable, and the delta is added to Debian then it needs a sync or else with the new Debian package we have to do a merge19:30
rbasakDo you know how to find packages that require a merge?19:31
sudipI check at https://merges.ubuntu.com/19:31
sudipmostly - https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html?showProposed=true&showMergeNeeded=true&showLongBinaries=true19:31
rbasakGreat. Thanks!19:31
rbasakutkarsh2102: did you have a question?19:32
utkarsh2102what if update_excuses doesn't say anything but your package is still stuck in -proposed, what will you do? where will you look?19:32
utkarsh2102I mean, what if update_excuses has everything green and passing but still your upload hasn't migrated.19:33
sudiphttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration says to check the  update_output.txt bt thats quite cryptic19:34
utkarsh2102what will you do then?19:34
utkarsh2102heh, correct!19:34
utkarsh2102I am glad that you know where to look up at least ;)19:34
sudipI have a long list of bookmarks :)19:34
utkarsh2102sudip: re: cryptic - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration#The_update_output.txt_file_is_completely_unreadable.2119:35
utkarsh2102anyway, I might have more questions but I'll wait and see if anybody else wants to ask first?19:35
sil2100No questions from me19:36
utkarsh2102rbasak, sil2100, bdmurray?19:36
utkarsh2102thanks o/19:36
bdmurrayI have no questions19:36
rbasakI have no more questions thanks19:36
utkarsh2102ok, I have none either19:37
utkarsh2102let's proceed to vote19:37
utkarsh2102#vote Sudip Mukherjee to get MOTU rights19:38
meetingologyPlease vote on: Sudip Mukherjee to get MOTU rights19:38
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname')19:38
utkarsh2102seb128: o/19:38
seb128hey, sorry I had some personal conflict, still joining in case there is a need for a quorum or something19:39
rbasak+1 I have personally observed sudip's significant contributions flowing through the sponsorship and SRU queues over the past months. He has fixed many high impact bugs in universe that had been unattended for months or years. He's clearly a skilled engineer especially being a Debian Developer. I'm confident that he understands Ubuntu-specific process. I think his immediate addition to the MOTU team19:39
meetingology+1 I have personally observed sudip's significant contributions flowing through the sponsorship and SRU queues over the past months. He has fixed many high impact bugs in universe that had been unattended for months or years. He's clearly a skilled engineer especially being a Debian Developer. I'm confident that he understands Ubuntu-specific process. I think his immediate addition to the MOTU team received from rbasak19:39
meetingology+1 received from sil210019:39
rbasakwill be valuable to Ubuntu. And his various endorsements concur with my direct observations.19:39
rbasakThank you for your continued contributions!19:39
rbasakFWIW, I think your recent SRU work has been exemplary and I wish some existing uploaders could produce work of the same quality!19:39
utkarsh2102+1; great endorsements, good answers - I am glad that you have your links ready and know where to look. I will still ask that you consult a fellow MOTU/core-dev whenever in doubt or you're unsure about something. I appreciate your good work and I'm happy you've finally applied to be a MOTU. Hope to see you get core-dev soon! ;)19:40
meetingology+1; great endorsements, good answers - I am glad that you have your links ready and know where to look. I will still ask that you consult a fellow MOTU/core-dev whenever in doubt or you're unsure about something. I appreciate your good work and I'm happy you've finally applied to be a MOTU. Hope to see you get core-dev soon! ;) received from utkarsh210219:40
seb128+1 from me, sorry I had to miss most of the meeting but the wiki application is solid enough to convince me19:41
meetingology+1 from me, sorry I had to miss most of the meeting but the wiki application is solid enough to convince me received from seb12819:41
utkarsh2102bdmurray: hey? o/19:41
meetingology+1 received from bdmurray19:42
bdmurraysorry still in a meeting19:42
meetingologyVoting ended on: Sudip Mukherjee to get MOTU rights19:42
meetingologyVotes for: 5, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 019:42
meetingologyMotion carried19:42
utkarsh2102congratulations, sudip :D19:42
seb128sudip, congrats!19:42
sudipthanks all \o/19:42
utkarsh2102#action Utkarsh to announce successful application and add sudip to the right team.19:43
meetingologyACTION: Utkarsh to announce successful application and add sudip to the right team.19:43
utkarsh2102#topic AOB19:43
utkarsh2102rbasak: I find the request from Scarelett unreasonable19:43
bdmurrayI briefly looked and don't know how to create a diff of the packages19:43
utkarsh2102I would be a -1 to such a request which asks us to go through a seed with hundreds of packages and ask us to add them to the packageset19:44
utkarsh2102nope, not happening like that19:44
utkarsh2102I'll reply to the thread asking this to be a bit more systematically - that is, give us a diff and explanation for packages that aren't obvious19:44
utkarsh2102do you think that makes sense?19:44
bdmurrayWell if any of us know how to do it given how long its been I think we should19:45
rbasakWe used to have a script that worked all this out automatically. So it's a reasonable request IMHO - because we should just be able to run the script and call it good - except that the script has gone unmaintained.19:45
rbasakVolunteers to fix the automated packageset management welcome! But I've been saying that for years unfortunately with nobody volunteering.19:46
rbasakIn the meantime, I guess we can add a specific list of packages to the packageset or otherwise tweak it as needed to fix the holdup, but the details of that need to be worked out with sgmoore on the ML I guess.19:46
rbasakSo that's basically the same as utkarsh2102's suggestion then I suppose?19:47
utkarsh2102right, hehe19:47
seb128agreed, ideally the script would work but it doesn't but at least the DMB is usually responsive to reasonable requests to add packages to a set19:47
rbasakFor anyone else reading: it doesn't necessarily need a member of the DMB to fix the management script!19:47
rbasakWe're supposed to have a regular meeting agenda item to check for outstanding ML requests.19:48
utkarsh2102#action Utkarsh to reply to Scarlett's mail at some point this week.19:48
meetingologyACTION: Utkarsh to reply to Scarlett's mail at some point this week.19:48
rbasakI guess this is a reminder to not forget to do that :-/19:48
rbasakThanks utkarsh2102!19:48
utkarsh2102rbasak: I do a email scrub for DMB from time to time19:49
utkarsh2102Scarlett's mail hadn't been forgotten19:49
utkarsh2102it's one of those big thing to action on without any script or documentation, so..19:49
utkarsh2102anything else?19:49
rbasakOne more AOB item19:49
utkarsh2102yes, please19:50
rbasakNominations to stand for the DMB close end of day (UTC) tomorrow.19:50
rbasakPlease consider standing if you haven't already, and get those nominations in!19:50
rbasakAs it stands there are three nomineees, and seven seats.19:50
utkarsh2102anything else, anybody?19:50
utkarsh2102dw, it'll fill up fast19:51
rbasak(though there might be a flurry tomorrow; I hope there will be, anyway!)19:51
rbasakNothing else from me. Thank you for chairing utkarsh2102!19:51
rbasakAnd congrats to sudip19:51
utkarsh2102of course! :D19:51
utkarsh2102ending the meeting in 519:52
sudipthanks rbasak :)19:52
meetingologyMeeting ended at 19:52:22 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-06-10-19.01.moin.txt19:52
seb128thanks utkarsh2102!19:52
utkarsh2102thanks, everyone o/19:52
utkarsh2102I'mma drop off o/19:52
sil2100Thanks o/19:53
=== dbungert1 is now known as dbungert

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