
Scary_GuyWhat distro?06:28
Scary_GuyKind of reminds me of that FreeBSD server that was walled off that some IT team couldn't find but showed up on the network.06:30
jrwreninstalled in 2008, mobo and CPU and storage have been upgraded, but the install is the same install of ubuntu12:21
jrwrenbecause UNIX ;)12:22
greg-gnow, it'd be even more impressive if you hotswapped those things ;)15:10
jrwrenha! its desktop grade hardware, but yes, that would be impresssive mainframe/minicomputer stuff15:21
greg-gI just pre-ordered a framework amd laptop (ships August), speaking of quasi hotswappable things15:22
greg-gI'm excite.15:22
greg-galso, we're now in the "boxes will be showing up each day this week with computer hardware" step in the "build a gaming pc with the kids" project15:22
jrwrenoh fun!15:23
greg-gand of course it's going to be all rgb, because pre-teen boys :)15:43
jrwrenlol. LOOK A THE RAINBOW!15:44
jrwrenwell, it is pride month.15:44
greg-gtrue true15:47
greg-gat least I was able to get them not to get the weird ass bionic looking with a tilted motherboard case15:48
wolfgerNow I want a tilted motherboard LOL16:38
greg-gwolfger: if you want: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B098DW1BNF/ that's where the conversation started. Ended at a basic clear side with rbg fans in the end, thankfully16:39
jrwrenomg greg-g that is obnoxious looking16:41
wolfgeroh, it really is16:42
wolfgerI was thinking a tilted plane. This is just wrong. This it "let's make it harder to plug things in". 16:43
greg-gso obnoxious :)17:32
Scary_GuyOverpriced too.  Mine is a gigantic cabinet though that I got on eBay for $15 back in 2001.23:57

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