
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian
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luna_3thi computer 22.04 does not show me grub. what do I have to do to see the grub choices on restart?01:59
GeekDaDluna_3: did you press del or esc on reboot?02:01
luna_3on the computer that does show me grub no. on the other on no. Is that how I show grub?02:02
GeekDaDluna_3: or you jump into /etc/default/grub and add `GRUB_TIMEOUT=10`02:02
GeekDaDor modify it02:03
luna_3Complex. I just want to know what key to press on boot to get grub to show.02:03
oceanhey everyone04:23
Bashing-omocean: How can we help you ?04:24
oceani'm using lubuntu 22.04, i've been trying to figure out how to change the touchpad settings so that i can use two fingers to right click instead of clicking on the corner of the touchpad. this is a setting that can be found in gnome tweaks, but i cant find it anywhere in lxqt. what can i do to get two-finger right clicks?04:26
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RegularPasteis using rc.local depreciated? What is the prefered method of running a script at boot/reboot?06:19
rboxmake a systemd service06:25
Psi-JackWaiiiit.. rbox is here?06:26
rboxi'm everywhere06:26
Psi-JackHeh. Question is, do you run Ubuntu?06:27
rboxi run everything06:28
rboxand i run nothing06:28
RegularPasterbox: thank you06:28
Psi-JackI'm actually curiously tinkering with the idea of trying out Ubuntu for a bit, actually. I'm getting tired, old and want working.06:28
Psi-JackLooking at Ubuntu 24.04's many little details done to the thing, other than the background colors of things, it looks freaking good.06:29
rboxits all the same crap in the end06:30
Psi-JackI mean, yes, and no. It is, but some things are kept back a bit and not updated as much, some things update more often which can t end to break things06:31
Psi-JackOh sheash! NOW I find it, how to make the freaking folders in Nautilus not so freaking huge.06:32
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matthias__hi guys09:52
matthias__hi ilvipero09:53
gamergambit8is anyone able to help me with preseeding a ubuntu desktop 22.04.4 install? ideally i only want the timezone selection as i have everything setup. i have keyboard selection, network config and user setup all preseeded but cant seem to figure out how to skip the welcome screen, "updates and other software" screen, or partition screen (which im10:07
gamergambit8trying to get to just use the entire drive). here are pictures of the screens i want to skip/preseed https://imgur.com/a/1EaRztb and here is my current preseed file https://pastebin.com/bgHgpp7b10:07
vltHello everyone! I installed ubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso with its current kernel on a “ThinkPad X1 2in1 Gen9”. Wifi and audio seem to work fine. How to make the built-in camera available?10:46
vltlspci: https://termbin.com/7ezd10:47
vltlsusb: https://termbin.com/f4n810:47
vltThe datasheet https://techtoday.lenovo.com/sites/default/files/2024-01/ThinkPad-X1-2-in-1-Gen%209-Datasheet-ww-en-pdf.pdf (last page) claims Linux Ubuntu runs on it. What do I need to do to make it available in my fresh Ubuntu install?10:48
vltIn this Lenovo document it looks like a pretty stock Ubuntu Gnome DE on that device: https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/x1_carbon_gen12_2in1_gen9_linux_ug.pdf10:49
JanCvlt: according to the datasheet that camera is USB, but it doesn't show up in lsusb, so it must be shut off, either by the firmware (UEFI) setup, or by a hardware switch (the datasheet mentions a "privacy shutter")11:06
JanC"FHD + IR USB, 8MP + IR MIPI camera with webcam privacy shutter and Computer Vision"11:06
vltJanC: The privacy shutter is open. I searched the whole BIOS for anything about the camera without success. As a test I booted another OS (it came with) and there the camera works instantly.11:07
JanCmaybe it uses some other proprietary hack to enable the camera...  :-/11:09
JanCthrough ACPI or whatever11:10
realivanjxwhy is clicking the top bar "un-maximizes" a window on 24.04 desktop? how to stop that behavior?11:20
lotuspsychjerealivanjx: there's a resize bug going on, on autologin currently11:29
lotuspsychjesome gtk thing needs to be fixed11:30
realivanjxyes. on some application like brave browser, clicking the title bar also triggers un-maximize, where usually it takes double-click instead11:31
realivanjxlotuspsychje: can i get the link to the bug tracker?11:32
lotuspsychjerealivanjx: bug #206417711:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2064177 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Window borders and shadows missing from GTK3 dialogs (if autologin is enabled and Xorg is used)" [Low, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206417711:33
JanCvlt: if the "other OS" is Windows, maybe you can find what the USB device IDs for the camera are there?11:35
ravage1he refused to gather information from that OS yesterday11:36
JanCwell, that's not helpful11:36
ravage1it was also only known as "other OS" yesterday. must be very secret11:37
ravage1look very much like windows though11:37
JanClsusb might be showing an unhelpful name (i.e. I have no idea what "SLS Lattice AI" is)11:39
JanCand I can't find any useful information about it really11:39
vltJanC: Yes, it seems to be a version of Windows.11:42
vltravage1: I’m sorry if that came across as refusing. I just don’t know anything about Windows.11:43
vltI wouldn’t know where to look and what for.11:44
vltI’m really willing to provide any info that might help here.11:44
ravage1the device manager can already be helpful11:44
ravage1all devices there have a details tab with information about the device11:45
vltravage1: Thanks, I’ll try to get that running again and report back. Thank you!!!11:46
JanCmight also be useful if the text says something more about the camera11:46
JanCthe text as in the name of the device according to Windows11:47
vltFeels weird to ask here but does anyone know how to get to the device manager from an instance of cmd.exe I managed to run by pressing shift+F10?11:50
vlt(It says Windows [Version 10.0.22631...])11:51
JanCsomeone in #windows might know  :)11:52
JanCor a search engine11:53
ravage1google says devmgmt.msc11:53
vltFound it: it’s `devmgmt.msc11:53
vltOk, great. There’s one item under “Cameras”. It’s called “Intel(R) AVStream Camera”11:54
ravage1looks like that is done vie AVStream Camera11:57
JanCseems like even on Windows this camero often gives detection problems when you use anything but the "stock" OS install from the manufacturer11:57
ravage1and i could not find anyone who got it working yet11:58
ravage1https://github.com/intel/ipu6-drivers may be helpful11:59
Guest808hello all11:59
ravage1should work with dkms11:59
Guest808i had previously added a rule to allow incoming connections to port 8080 on ym server for test purposes11:59
JanCthere is an IPU6 DKMS driver in the repositories11:59
Guest808after deleting the rule, however, incoming connections are still being allowed on 808011:59
ravage1oh ok11:59
Guest808what gives?12:00
ravage1then try that first of course12:00
JanCif that is the specific IPU used by the camera...12:00
ravage1Guest808: addes a rule where and how? what is ym?12:02
Guest808sorry, ufw12:02
Guest808i added a ufw rule to allow incoming connections to port 808012:03
Guest808deleting the rule, though, i can still connect on 808012:03
Guest808from an external browser, i mean12:03
ravage1sudo ufw status verbose | nc termbin.com 999912:04
ravage1that should output a URL. paste it here12:06
Guest808looking at it again, my ufw was already allowing 8080 in before i added the rule12:07
Guest808is that default behavior?12:07
vltravage1: Thanks, I’ll have a look at the ipu6-drivers. Meanwhile, here’s a details tab of the device manager: https://ibb.co/2KSRZq512:07
Guest808i had a rule 6 at the bottom which i'm onlyu just now realising was identical to rule 312:07
ravage1vlt: what driver does it use?12:07
Guest808but i don't recall setting any other rules12:08
ravage1Guest808: mystery solved i guess12:08
Guest808i guess12:08
Guest808but is that default behavior?12:08
Guest808or did i set that myself for some reason?12:08
ravage1you added that rule12:09
Guest808wow, i really, really don't remember that12:09
Guest808well thank you12:09
Guest808i feel approprpiately stupid now12:09
tekisui09What is it with ubuntu and nvida ?12:10
JanCthere are some rules ufw sets by default (e.g. to make DHCP work), but those aren't in that list12:10
ravage1tekisui09: do you have an Ubuntu related support question?12:12
tekisui09i got twoubbles with running nvidia well on ubuntu 20.0412:13
tekisui0918.04 was good12:13
tekisui0922.04 now i believe ?12:13
tekisui09well 18.04 had twoubbles also but easy to fix12:13
ravage1the current LTS is 24.0412:13
tekisui09well maybe that will solve it12:14
tekisui09merci :)12:14
tekisui09cross fingers12:14
gryhope it works12:14
JanCvlt: the output of "lspci -nn" would be useful12:14
JanC(lspci doesn't show device IDs by default)12:15
vltravage1: The “drivers” tab: https://ibb.co/3d8f2p612:15
vltJanC: I will check `lspci -nn`.12:15
ravage1i found https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Lenovo_ThinkPad_X1_Yoga_(Gen_7)12:16
ravage1and there the webcam part was useful12:16
ravage1is that your device?12:16
JanCdifferent generations = different hardware probably12:16
JanCprobably new generation of Intel CPU, chipset, etc.12:17
JanCthat one requires a custom kernel package for Ubuntu 22.04, but I assume it should work OOTB with 24.04 ?  (there are no custom hardware kernels for 24.04 yet)12:18
vltravage1: Mine is a Gen_9 (and they replaced the Yoga brand with 2in1).12:19
JanCthere should be a line with "[8086:7d45]" in lspci -nn12:20
ioriai think that is the Intel meteor graphics12:21
JanCa bit surprising it shows up as PCIE in Windows when the datasheet says "USB"...12:21
JanCmaybe the datasheet is just wrong and they copy-pasted that part from another device or something12:22
JanCor maybe the PCIE part enables an USB device when activating the camera  :)12:22
vltJanC: Line 2 has the 7d45 device: https://termbin.com/tsf512:24
JanCokay, so it works through the graphics adapter (GPU)?12:25
ravage1maybe it needs AI features nowadays12:25
JanCit has graphics processing, so that makes some sense12:26
JanCfilters etc.12:26
JanCauto-correct, that sort of thing12:26
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KarenTheDorfHi, having an issue with kubuntu 24.04. Resuming from sleep or switching virtual terminal with alt+ctrl+f1 causes the display to corrupt. Sometimes the entire system hangs, other times switching to a text vterm (alt+ctrl+f3) and back fixes it. Hard for me to investiagte as the system is unusuable if it hangs. I'm assuming this is related to graphics stuff, so I will note it's an old laptop using radeon not amdgpu. I'd file a bug but I don't know12:27
KarenTheDorfwhat package to file it against!12:27
JanCand IIRC they also encode the video stream to some MPEG format, also something the GPU already implements, so why not reuse it...12:27
semhey all, I am about to attempt to upgrade my lubuntu 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS :)12:31
vltsem: Good luck!12:31
JanCvlt: I would try installing that 'intel-ipu6-dkms' package; it will compile a kernel driver which should then be loaded (possibly on next boot)12:31
semThe first step is to create a backup. I am not entirely sure how; would it be appropriate to use rsync to backup / with some exceptions to a samba drive on the network ? vlt-- thanks!12:31
vltJanC: That’s exactly what I’m preparing right now. Thank you! :-)12:33
semsudo rsync -aAXv / --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /path/to/Samba12:33
vltsem: rsync has a --one-file-system option that should make a lot of your excludes obsolete.12:35
JanCvlt: and if it doesn't work, and doesn't get load, probably best to remove it again (otherwise it will rebuild the driver for every kernel install, which is fine for things that work but useless waste of time/electricity otherwise :) )12:35
semvlt, sweet thanks for the tip!12:38
JanCjust a backup of $HOME, plus some extra stuff (database dumps, /etc, APT installed package list, ...) might work also, depending on what is important for you12:50
JanCalso, a backup of ~/.cache should not be needed either (you might be able to save quite some space from excluding it)12:51
JanC(for every user on the system, obviously, if there is more than one)12:52
BluesKajHi all12:57
vltJanC: `lsmod | grep ipu6` lists a few new lines after installing intel-ipu6-dkms and rebooting: http://termbin.com/3oe113:03
vltJanC: But there’s no /dev/video* and guvcview complains about missing camera.13:03
vltWhat package does provide the default “Camera” software that is available when choosing a “full installation”?13:04
JanCIIRC some new camera devices don't implement the V4L interface but something new (because of all the preprocessing features), but I'm no expert on this  :-/13:10
JanCthe default camera app is 'cheese', I think (at least, it was for 22.04)13:10
KarenTheDorfInstalling the default app won't necassarily pull in the required drivers though. It will just report "missing camera" the same.13:11
JanCwe installed a driver, the point now is chacking if it works  :)13:11
ioriavlt, gnome-snapshot13:11
JanCoh, that might work too13:11
vltioria: Thank you!13:12
JanCand might be the default now  :)13:12
ioriavlt, ok, maybe take a look here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntelMIPICamera13:13
JanCoh, so you probably need even more stuff?13:14
JanCunfortunately that's not been updated for 24.04 (yet)13:15
vltioria: Thank you, I’ll try all the things listed there, beginning with linux-modules-ivsc-generic, and report progress.13:17
* vlt has to go afk13:19
JanCvlt: you might want/have to remove the DKMS driver before trying those "OEM" drivers13:23
JanCand, why do manufacturers claim "linux compatible" or "Ubuntu compatible" but not document all this properly...?   :-(13:25
JanC(or "Windows compatible", which often also doesn't work OOTB if you actually try to install a standard Windows on the device)13:27
Psi-JackSo my usual main desktop, I have multiple solid-state and one spinning drive in, and my usual method of storage for my home directory is to move/set Documents, Videos, Downloads, Pictures, Music... etc. To the spinning mass storage drive which is in /mnt/storage/ and thus /mnt/storage/$USER/$dir -- Snaps, however, requires some additional13:44
Psi-Jackconfiguration to make this work, and I don't recall what it is in order to treat /mnt/storage as part of homedirs and allow access to it, and such.13:44
leftyfbPsi-Jack: why not just mount your drive to /home ?13:45
Psi-Jackleftyfb: Because everything else about /home I want to be on NVMe.13:45
Psi-JackI just don't need Documents and stuff to be on NVMe.13:45
Psi-JackThere's this documentation, but I'm not entirely sure if that adds a path to be used in the containment, or if it replaces is. https://snapcraft.io/docs/home-outside-home13:49
ruserfyi, the other day i asked about lsof hanging and some other disk processes not finishing, and zsh hanging on autocomplete.  Looks like it was a race condition in setuid binary keybase-redirector wihch is part of the keybase client.13:54
ogra_Psi-Jack, snaps use apparmor for their confinement ... apparmor in turn does not support following symlinks ... if your Documents etc dirs point to an external disk you should make sure to use bind mounts for these instead of symlinks14:03
Psi-Jackogra_: Here's the fun fact. I'm actually setting XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR, XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR, etc, in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs appropriately. So the symlinks that are there, are technically not needed.14:04
ogra_Psi-Jack, well, then you need to connect the "removable-media" insterface for the snaps that have it to allow accessing /mnt or /media ...14:05
Psi-JackIt's not removable-media, though.14:05
ogra_but i suspect not all snaps enable it14:05
ogra_what do you mean ?14:05
Psi-JackWell, /mnt is not intended for removable media, /media is(or was).14:06
Psi-JackSo it's internal persistent storage, not removable.14:06
ogra_the removable-media interface allows snaps to access these places ... regardless whats mounted there 😉14:06
Psi-JackThere used to be an option in apparmor specific to snaps to add additional paths to grant access to for home content. I'm assuming it's similar to the "snap set system homedirs=..."14:07
Psi-JackI'm just not sure if it's the same. I could possibly test this by running Rambox Pro, and seeing if the old problems still exist in my VM running Ubuntu 24.04 right now.14:08
ogra_there is no such option14:10
ogra_only removable-media ... you're also not able to edit the profiles manually since they are regulary regenerated14:11
Psi-JackOKay, I have my answer, actually. tunables/home.d/snapd @{HOMEDIRS} is a multi-value array, after using it to add /mnt/storage it becomes: @{HOMEDIRS}+="/mnt/storage" "/home"14:14
Psi-JackSo, yes, yes it is an option.14:14
Psi-JackThen there's tunables/home.d/site.local which suggests all the directories must end with a / which is weird.14:16
ogra_the /tunables/home.d/snapd endpoint is simply what  "snap set system homedirs=..." manages14:17
Psi-JackYes. Though it added /home, not /home/ heh14:17
ogra_i dont think you can just expand your homedir access with it beyond switching to a non stabndard home14:18
Psi-JackWell then it'll be an interesting test, eh? ;)14:18
Psi-JackAlright, stage is set in my VM. :)14:25
Psi-JackHmm.. EIther Rambox has massively changed things per my years old bug report that never really got "solved".. Or this is working as intended.14:28
Psi-JackBasically before, Rambox would crash on opening because it wanted to access multiple directories, like Documents, Downloads, etc.. And because snap was denying them, Rambox would ultimately just crash instead of load.14:32
ogra_if you suspect snap issues, install the snappy-debug snap and run it alongside the app ...14:32
ogra_if it doesnt print any denials it isnt a snap related issue ... if it does, it should tell you which interfaces would be needed to fix the issues14:33
Psi-JackThis was an issue years ago. I haven't even used Rambox in a while, but I did pay for Rambox Pro for Life, so I still have it.14:35
Psi-JackMy problem with Rambox Pro is that when you'd login to mutiple computers it would start to shut down others, which is a designed imposed limit which seems wrong.14:36
lutherA lot of people here! :D14:39
lutherI'm here just to test a VM, see you! Byebye! :)14:40
Psi-JackOkay then. LOL14:42
semOk I've booted into the live cd. Is it still best to use rsync to backup the old system, or is there a better way15:07
Psi-Jacksem: There's lots of ways, but just depends on what you're trying to do.15:09
semi'm trying to take a backup of my full system before I upgrade to 22.04 in case something fails. I want to be able to keep my documents and application settings15:10
Psi-Jacksem: Upgrade.. from what?15:10
semlubuntu 20.04 which I believe is EOL15:10
semalthough if I call it "ubuntu 20.04 using lxqt" it is still supported15:11
Psi-Jack20.04 is in ESM state now.15:11
semi have the free ubuntu pro on it15:11
leftyfbsem: rsync is fine15:11
Psi-JackAnd do you really want to backup the whole system, or just what's really relevant, like your data and what software you have installed?15:11
semwhole system bc I am not sure what I might have changed. Maybe I put something in /etc/ or something in /usr/local/bin, who knows15:12
leftyfbsem: you really only need to backup /home and MAYBE /etc.15:12
Psi-JackWell /etc and /usr/local and /opt and /srv and /var would be "data"15:12
semleftyfb, ok now I just need to craft the rsync command15:12
leftyfbsem: rsync -av /path/to/source /path/to/destination --progress15:13
semi saw one online that had a bunch of --excludes for the stuff you don't need15:13
Psi-JackI do my system backups very minimally. I backup /etc, /usr/local, /opt, and /srv, sometimes a little more depending, and I backup what packages have been installed in apt, flatpak, etc.. And that's it.15:13
semwhat about /media15:13
Psi-JackThen /home, is a different matter.15:13
Psi-Jacksem: What about it? /media is removable mounted disks.15:14
semlets say I made a custom mountpoint, wouldn't i need to backup /media15:14
leftyfbsem: what about ut?15:14
semor the new mount wouldn't work15:14
Psi-JackYou should never put persistent mounts in /media, literally not what it's for.15:14
leftyfbsem: unmount the storage device during the upgrade15:14
semwhere do you put them?15:14
leftyfb /mnt/15:15
leftyfbor anywhere else depending on the purpose and your needs15:15
Psi-JackUsually /mnt is for persistent storage.15:15
semLike if I have a samba network drive, it is better to mount it /mnt/samba than /media/samba if I'm understanding correctly? I thought /mnt was reserved for system use15:15
Psi-Jackheh /media is usually for temporary removable media.15:15
Psi-Jacksem: Is persistent storage not "system use?"15:16
sem*automatic system use I guress15:16
Psi-JackThat's /media15:16
semah i had them backwards for about a decade then15:16
leftyfbit really doesn't matter all that much honestly15:17
leftyfbthe important part is, unmount anything you don't need as part of the upgrade15:17
semI'm going to run it from a live cd because I heard that is safest15:18
leftyfbyou're going to run the upgrade from the live cd?15:18
semno just the backup15:18
semleftyfb, the rsync command I found has some extra options like -AX to preserve ACL and extended attributes. It also has a bunch of excludes for things like /dev and /proc. But it doesn't have --one-filesystem. I heard that one was important too...15:20
semsorry for being thorough -i'm trying to make sense of all the information before I proceed15:20
leftyfbsem: if you read the man page for rsync, you'll see that -a includes -A and -X15:20
leftyfbbe more thorough ;)15:21
semok, I'm looking at it now -- also it says --one-file-system doesn't cross filesystem boundaries15:21
semleftyfb, are you sure about -a ?  -a, --archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)15:22
leftyfbsem: I should be more thorough and don't try to offer support while in a meeting and doing my normal work all at the same time :)15:23
ogra_yeah, stop doing that "normal work" ...15:24
semheh thanks for your help even if it teaches me to always double check :P15:24
leftyfbogra_: it's actually an interesting network topology I'm implementing as a PoC. I don't like it at all and don't want it to ever see actual production, but it's interesting to get working15:25
ogra_heh, yeah, but it is distracting you from the important stuff 😛15:26
guest65Hi, how to install Tor?15:30
guest65i tried to download from Tor site, but i don't know how to install ... the file is tor-browser-linux-x86_64-13.0.15.tar.xz15:31
JanCit's available in Ubuntu's software store15:31
JanCjust install it from there15:32
guest65i even tried to extract it, but after i don't find the file that open tor15:32
guest65JanC it doesn't work15:32
guest65404 erro15:32
JanCoh, Tor Browser, not Tor (but it's also available from the software store)15:32
leftyfbguest65: sudo apt install tor15:32
leftyfbguest65: or for the browser: sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher15:33
guest65why is it so difficult install an application?15:34
JanCor just do it through the "Ubuntu Software" GUI  :)15:34
guest65JanC i did it15:34
guest65it doesn't work15:34
leftyfbdefine "doesn't work"15:35
leftyfbplease take a screenshot of the error15:35
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leftyfbguest65: ok, so you installed tor/torbrowser-launcher and after opening tor you get that error?15:36
guest65leftyfb yes15:36
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leftyfbguest65: what release of ubuntu are you running?15:37
guest65Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS15:39
ioriatoo old15:39
guest65i update all regularly15:39
leftyfbioria: they don't know you're joking :)15:39
ioriaguest65, it's a bug fixed in 0.3.6-2 : 22.04 has 0.3.315:40
guest65when i start pc, i always update all in "Software" the app with different colours on icon, i updated all even in ubuntu software (orange one)15:40
guest65and i update all when it propose me updates by little window with patches, ecc...15:41
JanCI use tor Browser regularly on 22.04, but of course I started using it long ago15:41
JanCso it did the first download long ago & then updates itself15:41
leftyfbthere's a repo from the tor project15:41
ioriaguest65, cat /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/torbrowser_launcher/common.py | nc termbin.com 999915:41
ioriaguest65, but i'd use the Debian way15:42
guest65ioria excuse me, I often make mistakes and mess up using pastebin services15:44
guest65it's just a text file15:45
JanCleftyfb: an APT repo from Tor Project? why isn't it mentioned on their download page then?15:46
leftyfbJanC: https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/15:46
ioriaguest65, we can fix the 404 error, but you'll have issues anyways15:48
JanCleftyfb: that page is obviously outdated15:48
guest65ioria why?15:49
leftyfbJanC: sorry, what part of it is obvious?15:49
ioriaguest65, outdated versions seem bugged15:49
ioriaguest65, let's try; sudo sed -i 's|self.language =.*|self.language = "ALL"|g' /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/torbrowser_launcher/common.py15:50
leftyfbJanC: the repo has releases from yesterday.15:50
ioriaguest65, and relaunch15:50
JanCAPT has been able to access HTTPS repositories without the need for 'apt-transport-https' for quite a while now, so this must date back to before then?15:50
JanCmaybe the repository is not outdated, but that page is  :)15:51
leftyfbJanC: that would be a bad way to determine the document as being outdated15:51
guest65nothing happens, no result after command15:51
leftyfbJanC: the instructions should work just fine15:51
ioriaguest65, and relaunch15:51
guest65ioria same error 40415:53
ioriaguest65, ok, nvm: https://tb-manual.torproject.org/installation/15:53
ioriaguest65, purge the apt version15:54
JanCthere appears to be no torbrowser packages in that repository also?15:54
leftyfbJanC: looks like it15:55
guest65ioria i did it, but it still open txt file15:59
ioriaguest65, in your home: check .cache .local/share and .config ; remove the torbrowser folder16:00
guest65ioria i don't understand which path16:03
guest65snap folder?16:03
ioriaguest65, nope; ls -al ~/.cache16:04
JanCioria: does the launcher try to download from the wrong location after a change on the tor site or something?16:04
guest65is it a command for the terminal?16:04
ioriaguest65, yes16:04
ioriaJanC, looks a lang config and path issue16:05
guest65ioria i did it16:05
ioriaguest65, do you see the torbrowser directory ?16:05
guest65just in download folder16:05
guest65ah ok, excuse me16:06
guest65u mean in the list?16:06
guest65drwx------   3 user user  4096 set 13  2023 torbrowser16:06
ioriaguest65, ls -al ~/.config | nc termbin.com 999916:06
ioriaguest65, please, the cmd above16:08
guest65excuse me, it's the simple way for me, in past i often wrong and get errors, problems with terminbin16:09
guest65ioria try here16:10
ioriaguest65, ok, remove those torbrowser directories; the same in ~/.local/share16:11
guest65how to remove the?16:11
guest65how to remove them?16:12
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oerheksuse your filemanager?16:13
ioriaguest65, open filemanager, press ctrl+h, navigate .cache .local/share and .config and remove them16:14
oerheksalso you might need this https://libera.chat/guides/connect 2nd part - tor16:14
guest65ok i did all16:16
ioriaguest65, more infos about the bug here: take your time : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1445050/updating-tor-screwed-up-my-client-download-error-40416:16
ioriaguest65, sy, afk16:17
guest65ioria so difficult for me understand all that described in that page16:20
guest65ioria too many technicalities16:22
guest65anyway i deleted those folders, now i try to install it again by ubuntu software16:23
guest65thanks all16:27
guest65i will try another time or maybe i have to format and reinstall ubuntu16:28
Psi-JackUgh, why oh why does Ubuntu 24.04 still not have a decent manual partitioner for installation? No subvolume support for BtrFS, no LUKS options. No EFI partition, so it literally refuses to let you choose to go Next when you've manually defined it. And why does EFI *need* to be 1.13GB specifically? heh17:40
leftyfbPsi-Jack: LUKS is part of the installer. I've been using it for years17:40
Psi-Jackleftyfb: Automatic partitioning, yes.17:41
Psi-JackManual partitioning: Flat no.17:41
leftyfbI choose manual partitioning17:41
leftyfbI did with 20.04 and 22.0417:41
Psi-JackI literally just went through it.17:41
KarenTheDorf1.13GB? My /boot/efi is 300M. I guess it's defaulting to some % of total drive size?17:42
Psi-JackKarenTheDorf: I'm not sure. I did this in a VM with a 40GiB HDD provided to it.17:42
KarenTheDorf(Fresh install of kubuntu 22.04, let the wizard set up an encrypted disk though, not manually partitioned)17:42
lotuspsychjethe new 24.04 installer still has a lot of bugs to sort, best to browse launchpad a bit, manualy partitioning might still be flaky17:43
KarenTheDorfYeah 1.13GB seems excessive for /boot/efi on a 40GiB VM.17:44
KarenTheDorf(I'm assuming 1.13GB == 1GiB?)17:44
Psi-JackKarenTheDorf: Indeed.. heh17:44
lotuspsychjePsi-Jack: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-provision/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=017:44
Psi-Jacklotuspsychje: 247... Wow.17:45
lotuspsychjeits new17:45
KarenTheDorfWow, that one bug title that's an entire setup log lmao.17:45
KarenTheDorfAnd the only comment on it is "can you provide a log"....17:47
Psi-JackI'm not sure about Ubunut prior to 24.04, as I just don't use Ubuntu regularly, and this is in part, part of the reason why, lack of BtrFS support and lack of good Manual Partitioning support.17:47
bpromptKarenTheDorf: OR someone screwed up on the html and ended up including too many bundled up as one17:47
bprompttis noteworthy to point out, you can run a liveUSB session and do the partitioning there manually, and when done run the installer inside the session, Kubuntu already comes with a partitioner17:49
KarenTheDorfI had to do that with one machine. I wanted to switch from unencrpted to encrypted LUKS and it wouldn't let me. Nuke the partitions in a liveCD then run the installer again and Robert is your father's brother.17:51
Psi-Jackbprompt: Yeah, I've thought about that. I was looking over the directions provided https://blackstewie.com/posts/install-ubuntu-24.04-with-proper-btrfs-setup/ here, and I was just dumbfounded by the method used here. Install, then most-install move data around... Pretty silly.17:51
bpromptPsi-Jack: the liveUSB session allows of installations as well, so one can, I've done it a couple of times, install gparted and use that as well17:52
Psi-JackI'm a person who has used Linux a.. very long time. 30 years and still counting. So it's not by any means a lack of knowledge issue at all.17:52
siakI couldn't find a replacement for firefox download manager.17:53
Psi-Jackbprompt: Yeah. I wondered about that, I'm doing this all in a VM, but my VM crashed mid-install due to graphics issues. I can't boot a Ubuntu VM in QXL, but had to use Virtio GPU and OpenGL support, which even that, can be a little finnicky.17:53
bpromptsiak: what are you exactly looking for?   a downloader for the webbrowser?  all browsers come with one, don't need to17:53
bprompt!info fdm | siak17:53
ubottusiak: fdm (1.9+git20181219-1.1build2, noble): fetching, filtering and delivering emails. In component universe, is optional. Built by fdm. Size 143 kB / 338 kB17:54
Psi-JackYeah, Firefox has it's own build-in download manager.17:54
bpromptwrong fdm17:54
siakFirefox built in discontinued two partially downloaded big files for no reason.17:54
oerheksfirefox can resume, no?17:54
Psi-JackI guess when I get back from dog walking I'll try the Ubuntu 24.04 manual method with pre-setting it up with Gparted.17:55
bpromptyeap, it can resume, there's a way to go about it though17:55
KarenTheDorfIf the server supports it.17:55
siakAnother time when I pressed clear history it cleared a partially downloaded failed download too17:55
bpromptPsi-Jack: ohhh the dog is going to be walking you, ok :)17:55
oerheksoh dear17:55
siakSo it trashed at least 30GB of my capacity.17:56
bpromptKarenTheDorf: most servers support it17:56
siakThere are some downloads that you can't copy their link. Only browser can pass them to another program.17:57
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:57
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic please17:57
bpromptsiak: so hmmm what's the issue anyhow?17:59
bpromptsiak: I mean, whenever I've needed, I've done file resuming in firefox, however there's a way to go about, is not just a one-click deal18:00
vltHello (I’m back). To get my built-in webcam working on Ubuntu 24.04 on an X1 2in1 Gen9, I first installed intel-ipu6-dkms without success, then removed it and now am trying to apply https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntelMIPICamera. I installed the mentioned kernel modules but now have no idea what “the userspace stack […] is still in OEM archives” is trying to tell me.18:00
vltHow to proceed?18:00
vltJanC: ^18:00
siakbprompt: I just explaind the incidents.18:00
oerheks did you reboot after installing intel-ipu6-dkms?18:01
vltoerheks: Yes, of course ;-)18:01
oerheksthen open cheese, set resolution 1 step lower?18:02
siakFor example I got uGet but its Firefox plugin did not forward downloads to it and of course I reported that.18:03
oerheksalso it could be firmware missing, https://github.com/fwupd/firmware-lenovo/issues/44218:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 442 in fwupd/firmware-lenovo "Ubuntu 22.04 Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen 9 - Cant installed unsigned cab" [Closed]18:03
vltoerheks: cheese says “no device found”.18:08
vltAfter step “install v4l2loopback and -relayd” there are /dev/video[0-8] which weren’t there before.18:10
lotuspsychjevlt: cheese is not installed by default anymore on 24.0418:11
lotuspsychjeand had a lot of issues, the whole 22.04 cycle18:11
Psi-Jackbprompt: Naaah.. I walk them. I'18:11
Psi-Jackm the pack leader, not them!18:11
vltlotuspsychje: Yeah, I had to install it manually ti run oerheks’s test.18:12
* oerheks still on 22.0418:12
vltlotuspsychje: Both gnome-snapshot and guvcview don’t find the camera.18:14
vltWhat could “the userspace stack […] is still in OEM archives” mean?18:14
vltHow am I supposed to act on that?18:14
vltThis is `lsmod` right now: http://termbin.com/t3j4  The v4l2loopback module is loaded.18:18
vltioria: Any idea?18:21
Psi-JackOkay. That was new. The boot splash to the installer literally flipped upside down before actually loading the GNOME DE live environment.18:22
Psi-JackBut huh. Yeah. even with using Gparted to define partition structure first, doing so with LUKS in addition to, well, Gparted doesn't, itself, manage LUKS so it's a manual tedious install.18:24
Psi-JackIf that will even work. :)18:25
JanCFWIW: Gnome Disks can create LUKS partitions18:27
Psi-JackWell then, I will look at that now, too! :)18:27
Psi-JackApparently that's limited to starting with ext4. LOL18:28
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Psi-JackIt creates ext4 on it, instead of whatever filesystem I actually want on it, like BtrFS.18:29
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Psi-JackAhhhhh.. Nevermind, it's just hidden deeper in "Other"18:30
JanCwas just going to say that  :)18:32
Psi-JackNow all that's left is.. subvolumes.18:32
JanCI don't know if it has support for that (never used Gnome Disks with btrfs :) )18:35
Psi-JackIt doesn't, but those are much easier, I could tell Gnome Disks to mount it, and it did as subvolid=5, so that was perfect.18:35
Psi-JackNow.... Will the installer let me use the subvolumes....18:35
Psi-JackStuck at the manual partitioner as the partition "crypto_LUKS", and cannot proceed.18:37
Psi-JackIt simply will not access it's actual filesystem underneath,18:37
Psi-JackWhat a bummer, too!18:38
Psi-JackHuh, apparently this has been specifically missing since 23.04.18:39
vltDuring installation from ubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso, is there a way to combine “install alongside Windows” and “LVM on LUKS”?18:40
Psi-Jackhttps://techtalkblog.ch/ubuntu-24-04-lts-fde-alongside-windows-installation/ like this?18:40
Psi-JackNote: I do not use Windows, and have not for decades. Nor have I used Ubuntu in a very looooong time.18:41
vltPsi-Jack: Are you me?18:42
Psi-Jackvlt: No, I am me!18:42
bpromptvlt: trying to dual-boot?18:43
Psi-JackHuh... Apparently there's a "Legacy Installer" option available for 23.10 that can thus then be upgraded to 24.04 post-install Wow...18:43
vltPsi-Jack: You rlink seems to do exactly what I was looking for, thanks!18:44
Psi-Jackvlt: I said about Windows and Ubuntu because I cannot validate it's usefulness.18:44
Psi-JackAhhhhhh.... 24.04 is the mark of ending the "ubiquity" installer, hence why all these functionality have been chipped away.18:46
bpromptmakes one wonder if that's a Plus or a Minus18:46
vltPsi-Jack: I have this quite new ThinkPad X1 and as a Debian user since 2005 I wanted to install it, but didn’t get very far on that hardware. The vendor claims it runs Ubuntu, so that’s why I’m here. (And I want to keep the Windows it came with just for weird edge cases like BIOS updates).18:46
Psi-JackA definite minus in current standing.18:46
Psi-JackThey've dumbed down the manual partitioning and did not actually improve upon it.18:47
Psi-Jackvlt: I use Hiren's BootCD for UEFI Firmware updates.18:47
JanCdoesn't Lenovo provide firmware updates on linux nowadays?18:47
Psi-JackJanC: Some... Thinkpad models, yes.18:48
Psi-JackConsumer models, no.18:48
bpromptPsi-Jack: when did you use hiren's last?18:50
Psi-JackWell, that marks Ubuntu out of my list though regardless. The new installer is too limiting to be useful anymore, for sure.18:50
Psi-Jackbprompt: A couple months ago.18:50
vltJanC: Good point. Then maybe I keep Windows installed because the person I bought the ThinkPad for might need it for some strange educational situations. Who knows.18:50
Psi-Jackbprompt: I needed to update my ASRock UEFI Firmware for specific ReBar issues.18:51
JanCmany UEFI firmwares have built-in support for upgrading firmwares nowadays, and many Windows "firmware installers" do nothing but drop the firmware image in the EFI partition...18:51
vltPsi-Jack: Hiren’s. I’ll definitely have a look at that.18:51
Psi-Jackvlt: Yeah, Ventoy + SystemRescueCd, Rescutux, Linux Distro(s) of choice) and Hirens BootCD ISO, all on one nice bootable USB3 thumb drive. Pure bliss.18:52
bpromptPsi-Jack: hmmmm tried, works on old machines, as in 15years or so old, not on new ones18:52
Psi-Jackbprompt: This is a very modern system abnnd it's Hirens BootCD PE, and it works great.18:52
bpromptPsi-Jack: loads windowsXP PE?18:53
Psi-Jackbprompt: No. Windows 11 PE18:53
bpromptPsi-Jack: ahh, hmmm ok18:53
Psi-JackIt was weird.. I'd never used Windows 11, so it was confusing. LOL18:54
Psi-JackBut, yeah, it says it right on the background "Hidren's BootCD PE Windows 1118:54
Psi-Jackwithout typos.18:54
bpromptPsi-Jack: yeah, last I used it, it was using XPPE, but it lacked drivers on new machines, was wondering if they ever updated it18:54
Psi-Jackbprompt: Yep! New version allowed me to flash my ASRock B450pro mobo.18:55
* vlt checks if he can include grml and live-build created stuff in Hiren’s ....18:55
Psi-JackAnd my Lenovo Yoga.18:55
Psi-JackLiterally all I ever really use "Windows" for besides fresh air.18:55
vltPsi-Jack: Are you sure you are not me? :D18:55
Psi-Jackvlt: I'm absolutely batshit crazy sure. :)18:56
JanCmy ASUS mobo UEFI firmware can install & even download firmware updates on its own18:56
Psi-JackBut yeah. I really liked looking at Ubuntu 24.04 on a VM, the extra polish Ubuntu does to GNOME 46 is quite impressive and nice, and I'd be curious to see it on my Lenovo Yoga tabtop.18:57
Psi-JackJanC: ASUS will never get a single penny from me ever again. Scamming company.18:57
Psi-JackI'm in the middle of a trying to get a class action lawsuit against them.18:58
Psi-JackPlus a personal lawsuit for fraud.18:58
JanCASRock is ASUS's el cheapo product line, no?18:59
Psi-JackNot at all.18:59
Psi-JackASRock people LEFT ASUS because of the corruption and issues going on in ASUS company and started their own company.18:59
JanCASUS bought it in 201019:00
Psi-JackUgh... frackin heck..19:00
Psi-Jackbprompt: Their RMA tries to rip people off big time.19:00
JanCwell, Pegatron bought it, but ASUS own Pegatron19:00
leftyfbCan we please stick to support topics only. Feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic19:01
vltIn spring of 2006 I spent hours ndis-wrapper’ing wifi on my sister’s new DELL notebook. This was almost 20 years ago! Now it’s the same all over again with that stupid webcam! Do we really deserve this?!?19:01
Psi-JackIn fact, Gamers Nexus actually recently did a 3-video story about it. Look it up, and you'll see a bit of what I'm talking about. I'll leave it at that and move on.19:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:02
JanCvlt: this is different, and I'm not sure why it's still this difficult with those IPU/MIPI cameras, as there appear to be open source drivers...19:04
JanCI think MIPI used to be proprietary to Android with only closed source drivers, and because of that it was never upstreamed to the mainstream kernel...19:06
oerheksi think that intel-ipu6-dkms is the right dkms..19:08
oerheksjust check for firmware updates19:09
vltoerheks: Ok, I will revert back to intel-ipu6-dkms. Then where do I get the needed firmware updates?19:10
JanCthere are other issues, like most software only supporting V4L2, so you need a userspace "proxy" to access MIPI devices, etc.19:10
JanCthat's part of the userspace part they talk about in that wiki page19:11
oerheksfwupd  installed19:14
JanCmaybe Lenovo support can help you  :)19:14
oerheksfwupdmgr refresh && fwupdmgr update19:15
vltJanC: I had just begun to type: Maybe tomorrow I’ll call Lenovo and ask how they got to run Ubuntu on that hardware.19:15
vltThey mention it in two different spec documents.19:16
JanCwell, it runs...19:16
JanCmaybe they just "forgot" to mention "except the camera", or they have pre-installed Ubuntu models that come with everything needed19:17
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bpromptJanC: or the camera worked, but is a different version of Ubuntu, not 24.0419:24
JanCI would assume it would have to be an LTS version, and 22.04 & 20.04 don't support IPU6 OOTB either19:37
JanCbut I guess maybe they have some OEM support... (somewhere through the extra hardware drivers or such?)19:39
parzivaldevAlguien conectado?21:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:27
oerhekshave fun!21:27
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ljbadewhat is the process for requesting that Ubuntu Server on ARM64 enable building of a missing kernel module? my MediaTek MT7986 SoC board is missing any Ethernet devices because the required kernel option "# CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_MEDIATEK is not set" is not built as a module22:11
ljbadedo I just file a bug report?22:11
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tomreynljbade: i'd think so22:42
tomreynthere's also #ubuntu-kernel (if you have much patience)22:42
DarkenedGentI've setup an ubuntu 22.04 LTS server in a software raid1 mirror across two NVME drives.  Each drive has 2 partitions, 1 for EFI, and 1 for the filesystem. A volume group was created using the raid1 array and a LV cut out for /.  Server boots and runs file but when I test a drive failure by pulling one of the NVME drives the server fails to boot with an error that it could not fine the root22:48
DarkenedGentLV.  Any idea where i'm going wrong here?22:48
tomreynDarkenedGent: is the EFI system partition part of the mirror raid? your bios would possibly have trouble reading, or certainly writing to it.22:56
tomreyni believe a systemd unit example for keeping two distinct ESPs in sync is provided with the systemd package.22:58
DarkenedGentEFI is on both drives and getting to the boot loader, selecting the kernel and starting the boot is not an issue.23:02
DarkenedGentIt basically gets to the init-premount area and dumps me to a busybox.23:02
DarkenedGentHere's a screenshot. https://imgur.com/a/eDt7rDH23:03
tomreynhmm, not sure why it takes the system ~30s to assemble the raid, does it always take this long or just with one device missing?23:06
tomreyni'm guessing that this is longer than rootdelay, so if you'll set that to a minute it may be fine.23:07
DarkenedGentI don't know, I havn't been able to ever get past this when booting with a drive missing23:07
tomreynalternatively you could manually start the lvm23:08
DarkenedGentWhere would I set that? and why do I need two, seams like this should just work if it's really for redundancy.23:08
tomreynon the kernel command line, i.e. via grub.cfg + update-grub23:08
tomreynif you're using a supported ubuntu kernel and version and this works around it, you could file a bug23:10
DarkenedGenttomreyn: i'm using 22.04 LTS but will probably re-install with 24.04 LTS since it's out and this machine is not yet in production.23:14
DarkenedGentSo your saying this is some kind of but in a older release?23:15
tomreynDarkenedGent: no, i wasn't meaning to say this.23:20
tomreynjust make sure your system is fully updated , includin g the kernel, before you test this, of course.23:20
DarkenedGenttomreyn: what am i testing?23:49
DarkenedGentThe system has the latest everything from 22.0423:49
tomreynDarkenedGent: okay, that's what i suggested to ensure - nopending updates per apt23:54
tomreynDarkenedGent: rootdelay defaults to 30 (seconds) according to https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man7/initramfs-tools.7.html , did you try setting rootdelay=60 in /etc/default/grub.cfg (and ran 'sudo update-grub' and rebooted?)23:59

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