[00:00] ugLT (re @join_captcha_bot: ) [00:01] 🤣 === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === karenw is now known as KarenTheDorf [01:21] there seems to be some sort of bug. [01:21] i go in one folder, and select "sort by = date created" [01:21] i go in the folder before that, and then also that one does the same sorting [01:22] but on dolphin on mint i used to have one folder sorted in one way and another in another [01:23] hi KarenTheDorf === KarenTheDorf is now known as Guest1967 === karenw is now known as KarenTheDorf [01:23] hi KarenTheDorf [02:35] VanUnamed: That's a setting in Dolphin, in fact it should be the first setting you see if you go into Dolphin's settings! [02:36] Configure -> Configure Dolphin -> first page opened is the Behavior tab of General and the first option is for the View to use a common display style for all folders or to remember each folder's settings. [02:36] Toggle that and it should be back to your preference :) === jeff_ is now known as Guest4654 === Guest4654 is now known as jeffm1911 [03:14] keithzg: i am glad you took the time to read the manual for me [03:14] LOL === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian [06:22] Hi === richard_ is now known as yrichard [11:27] ... [11:27] ahhh [11:27] hello [11:27] plx software and spredsheets? [11:28] arduino [12:40] hello! can anyone elaborate where did screenshots.ubuntu.com gone? I'm using Kubuntu 22.04 with KDE plasma 5.24.7. Problem is that plasma-discover doesn't load some screenshots. My pihole logs resolution tries of screenshots.ubuntu.com which does not have any dns records except of ns. I found almost identical working site screenshots.debian.net, which seems to be original, and ubuntu version was a copy of it. Is there any [12:40] way to tell plasma-discover to use debian site instead? [12:49] Hi all === VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed [13:18] kde is starting to annoy me a bit. to many random bugs. windows disappears, icons on panel stops working, keyboard issues, and so on. [13:18] i am considering installing gnome [13:18] but. [13:18] its probably worse there [13:19] * nuxil hates how sitty DE experience on linux sucks in general. the fasade looks great until you dig somewhat into it. === wodencafe is now known as wodencafe2 === wodencafe2 is now known as wodencafe [16:34] GAHm [19:36] Hello good Evening, [19:37] afternoon here [19:42] Im Having Kubuntu 22.04 and Thunderbird 115.11.0 (64-Bit). [19:42] There is not opening any Link in my browser when i click on it in an Email. Is there in Thunderbird a setting wher i can adjust how to handl a Link? [19:42] Thank You very much. [19:42] Kind regars Wieland from Germany after 10pm :) [19:44] hmmmm [19:44] ;) [19:49] williwen: if you click https://paste.asmcbain.net/681eec4f <--- on that link, what does Firefox do? [19:50] Its working normal showing this text "Dis ut vel viverra curae et. A conubia id leo dis dictum consectetuer ad. Mi, mus rutrum non non integer et urna turpis. Vitae velit amet ad porta condimentum eni. Cum in cum sodales parturient lectus porttitor quam. " [19:51] williwen: yes, but there's a link there, if you click it, anything happening? [19:53] AAh.. its opening Thunderbird with wanting to write a new Email to "williwen@microsoft.com" [19:54] williwen: then is working fine :) [19:56] Well the other way round it's not working. Clicking in an Email on a Link is not opening firefox :] . Dunno why. [19:59] williwen: ohh then I misunderstood, thought you said mailto links weren't opening hmmmm [20:01] williwen: is firefox your "default" browser? [20:01] Yepp [20:01] williwen: you can always set it in firefox under Edit > Preferences [20:01] i check again [20:02] It is [20:05] williwen: in Thunderbird, go to Tools > Settings, check the General section, make sure for "files & attachments" is set to "default-browser HTML Document" [20:08] there was an entry with chrome browser .. hmm i just deleted it .. try to find the next step now [20:10] SOLVED!! [20:11] That entry blocked it somehow! THANKS FOR HELPING! =D [20:11] np === karenw is now known as KarenTheDorf [22:45] My primary screen is 1680x945 but my secondary screen is 3840 x 2160 and the mouse pointer looks like a speck of fly poo. Any way to set mouse pointer to a separate size per display, or a relative size to the display? [22:46] genii, in short; no [22:47] :-/ [22:47] it should be one of the features of systemd [22:47] seperate theming, cursor and font size, and scaling [22:50] Ok, thanks [22:51] have fun! [22:55] seems like it is possible with wayland https://medium.com/@muffwaindan/using-multiple-monitors-with-different-resolutions-on-wayland-linux-530ef23fc5eb [22:56] cbreak: Thanks.. unfortunately I need to stick with X right now due to how I have several systems here interacting together [22:56] on Xorg (X11) [22:57] but not cursor size [22:57] neither on wayland, AFAIK