
TingoDarkenedGent: if your apt update command installed new Kernel or Updated a Kernel then you must need to reboot machine to run/boot Ubuntu with New Kernel.. otherwise it will be running on OLD kernel untill dont reboot..00:00
tomreynalso, not sure you know this: in case you're removing the disk while its online, this could be causing this. make sure to remove it while the system is off, or ensure that all of bios/uefi, controller/mainboard and storage support hot removal.00:04
tomreynOS, too00:04
KarenTheDorfHow do I shut the "There was one update that couldn't be installed" message when logging into a text console? (It is fine, I don't want to 'upgrade' firefox from the mozilla ppa to the ubuntu stub package that just installs the firefox snap)00:46
oerheksKarenTheDorf, override by installing x00:47
oerhekselse, wait for the teams to check the update.00:47
DarkenedGenttomreyn: If this doesn't work just like a hw raid card meaning if a disk fails the system will continue to run and boot then i'll be moving back to hw raid cards.00:48
oerheksit is calles phased updats00:48
KarenTheDorfWell I assume Ubuntu isn't going to stop shipping a stub firefox package that just runs "snap install firefox" any time soon. :D00:48
DarkenedGentPretty pointless if the system can't boot after loosing a drive when in a raid1 array00:48
KarenTheDorfThis is nothing to do with phased updates.00:48
leftyfbKarenTheDorf: apt-cache policy firefox | nc termbin.com 999900:49
oerheksjust update , and you'll be fine00:49
KarenTheDorfIt's unattended updates getting mad I have an apt_preferences entry.00:49
leftyfbKarenTheDorf: please post the resulting URL here00:49
oerhekssnaps do not say "couldn't be installed"00:49
tomreynDarkenedGent: i think it normally would, and yours is not behaving as as it's supposed to. but i can't tell why (short of info, but also not keen on investigating now, thus my suggestion to file a bug report)00:50
leftyfbKarenTheDorf: please pastebin the entire message about "update couldn't be installed" along with what you typed to get the message00:50
leftyfbKarenTheDorf: btw, firefox isn't the package it's complaining about00:51
leftyfbyou have the "latest" according to your configuration00:51
KarenTheDorf"1 update could not be installed see /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log" (tail of that log: https://termbin.com/ynt1). My system is in the state I want it, I just want it to stop nagging me about it.00:53
leftyfbKarenTheDorf: what command did you run to get it to show that message?00:53
leftyfb"or due to local apt_preferences"  this is self-inflicted00:54
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KarenTheDorfSorry, machine crashed. I don't run any particular command, I just log in to a text console and it's one of the things printed before getting the shell prompt. I am aware it's self inflicted I just wondered how to get rid of the nagging not fix the problem itself since it's not a problem.01:02
oerheksYour termbin does not show what update01:03
KarenTheDorfIt's not firefox from this line? "2024-06-10 13:17:30,479 INFO Package firefox is kept back because a related package is kept back or due to local apt_preferences(5)."01:04
leftyfbKarenTheDorf: remove unattended-upgrades01:04
oerheksapt install -f01:04
KarenTheDorfoerheks: https://termbin.com/vyms01:05
oerheksso, nothing for firefox snap to do01:06
KarenTheDorfBut it sounds like this isn't something I can do so I'll stop asking.01:06
leftyfbKarenTheDorf: remove unattended-upgrades01:06
KarenTheDorfleftyfb: Thanks. (I'll think about that one, unattended upgrades is probabally worth ignoring the nagging)01:06
leftyfbnot if you're doing regular updates on your own01:06
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yydsquestion about xorriso.01:43
yydsI unpacked ubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso, imported autoinstall.yaml and then packaged it into output.iso. However, output.iso is normal in bios and cannot be booted on uefi.01:43
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yydsthe original packaging command, how to do that?01:45
tomreyni would not know. what i know is that the ubuntu iso's are crafted to be "hybrid", allowing booting in both classic bios and uefi mode.01:47
leftyfbyyds: xorriso -as mkisofs -r   -V 'Ubuntu 22.04 LTS AUTO (EFIBIOS)'   -o ../ubuntu-22.04-autoinstall.iso   --grub2-mbr ../BOOT/1-Boot-NoEmul.img   -partition_offset 16   --mbr-force-bootable   -append_partition 2 28732ac11ff8d211ba4b00a0c93ec93b ../BOOT/2-Boot-NoEmul.img   -appended_part_as_gpt   -iso_mbr_part_type a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7   -c '/boot.catalog'   -b '/boot/grub/i386-pc/eltorito.img'     -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 401:48
leftyfb-boot-info-table --grub2-boot-info   -eltorito-alt-boot   -e '--interval:appended_partition_2:::'   -no-emul-boot   .01:48
leftyfbchange the naming and iso accordingly01:49
leftyfband maybe the partition uuid01:49
yydsleftyfb: thank you so much.01:50
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KarenTheDorfOkay, so after investigation into the message from unattended-upgrades on text login, I discovered it's from `/etc/update-motd.d/92-unattended-upgrades`. I removed execute permission from that file, and now the nagging has gone away but without removing unattended-upgrades. (It still reports '0 updates available' which is from a different file)01:52
leftyfbKarenTheDorf: it's possible future updates of the unattended-upgrades package might fix the permissions on that file01:53
KarenTheDorfYeah, I couldn't find a better way to disable it. Removing the file would have the same issue.01:54
=== lubuntu is now known as chonechavex
Psi-JackSo a curious question if anyone got any ideas. When I plug/unplug my USB-C based dock I want to run, as the running user, a script that stops, starts, or restarts a user systemd service.02:13
rboxyou could probably write a user service thats tied to whatever hardware being inserted02:15
rboxi've run system services when plugging in devices02:16
Psi-JackHmmm.. Interesting. Got a starting point on how I'd start that?02:16
yydsleftyfb: It works on ubuntu-24, thanks again.02:17
rboxi feel like bindsto was what i used?02:17
Psi-JackI'm basically trying to stop and start waynergy.service as a user systemd service based on being plugged/unplugged from the dock.  Because undocked, it doesn't need to be running, Docked, I prefer it to be running.02:17
Psi-JackSven00: Please don't DM me with "answers from AI".02:21
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Psi-JackThere we go, got the USB device I need specifically. Bus 002 Device 030: ID 0711:5601 Magic Control Technology Corp. USB Station02:36
Psi-Jackrbox: Hmm.. Did you also happen to use a udev event trigger of some kind?03:00
rboxno, the service shoudl handle it all03:00
rboxalthough i think it needed a systemd "tag" in udev03:01
Psi-JackHmm.. I'm only seeing methods that depend on udev. Either by way of /etc/udev/rules.d with a ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}, or some method I can't find ... Well, really any documentation on ~/.config/udev/events.d/03:02
gryhi closertopop04:24
closertopopplanning a trip abroad, how about you04:25
gryi might get penalized if i share my trip stories here, what about #ubuntu-offtopic ? this is only for ubuntu support04:26
closertopopofftopic chat seems more appropriate. thanks04:26
LiowenexUbuntu 24.0404:39
LiowenexI don't want a swap.img, how do i replace that stupid idea with a traditional swapfile?04:39
Psi-JackHuh.. How come alsamixer only shows the one sound device that I don't actually use, but all the others are not even visible to it somehow? I have the realtek (not used, onboard), CM106 USB audio system (Primary), Arctis Nova Pro headset (passthrough to CM106 as well, which is why I'm looking into this issue, it's not passing audio through).04:52
fbagnatoHello all, I have just installed Ubuntu 24.04 on a MacBook Pro (Mid 2010) and am having freezing where the only way out is to turn off the laptop and turn it back on. Where do I start to work out the cause of the freezing?04:55
Liowenexfbagnato: Have you checked your thermals?04:56
Psi-JackHaha, nevermind. I was ssh'd into my laptop.04:56
fbagnatono I haven't........I ran the dmesg command and see a lot of nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: 00100000 [] ch 3 [001fa70000 gnome-shell[1509]] subc 3 class 8597 mthd 1304 data 1d1c1b1a and nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: DATA_ERROR 00000012 [RT_LINEAR_WITH_ZETA]04:57
fbagnatoI don't know if the messages are indicative of the cause?04:58
Psi-Jackhmm. But I am definitely having issues with the snap version of bitwarden not syncing from my server.04:59
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Psi-JackYeah, wow.. Bitwarden's just... "spinning.05:09
LiowenexProbably a good idea to not use the open-source NVIDIA driver..., fbagnato05:11
fbagnatoLiowenex: Do you mean download the Linux driver from the NVIDIA website?05:11
LiowenexOpen the Start menu05:12
LiowenexAnd search for Additional Drivers05:12
fbagnatook...I will try that now05:12
LiowenexNever get the NVIDIA drivers from NVIDIA's website....05:12
LiowenexThat's a receipe for disaster05:12
fbagnatook...I have opened "Software & Updates" and the "Additional Drivers" tab and the only driver that shows is the Wifi drivers05:14
LiowenexWhat graphics card do you have?05:14
fbagnatoI'll check05:14
Psi-JackWow.. This is the first "modern" distro that doesn't come with inxi out of the box.05:15
LiowenexWhich one, Psi-Jack?05:15
Psi-Jackinxi, it's a great diagnostics tool. inxi -G for example shows you about your GPU.05:15
LiowenexYes, which distro?05:16
LiowenexAlso doesn't come with glxinfo normally05:16
LiowenexWhch is part of mesa-utils05:16
Psi-JackNot quite as useful. :)05:16
Psi-JackSometimes useful, just not as much.05:16
Liowenexglxinfo -B is nice05:17
fbagnatoLiowenex: I have 2. 1) NVIDIA Geforce GT 330M and 2) Intel Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller05:17
fbagnatoListed in that order05:19
Bashing-om!info nvidia-graphics-drivers-34005:28
ubottuPackage nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 does not exist in noble05:28
Bashing-om!info nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 focal05:28
ubottu'focal' is not a valid release05:28
Bashing-om!info nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 jammy05:28
ubottuPackage nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 does not exist in jammy05:29
fbagnatoDoes that mean that my video card is not supported in Ubuntu 24.04?05:29
Bashing-omfbagnato: Perhpas - I still looking at the options you may have --- that is a very old card.05:31
ravage1i am almost sure that the nouveau driver supports your card05:31
ravage1you do not need the proprietary driver05:31
ravage1and the nvidia driver version 340 is too old to support newer kernels like in 24.0405:32
fbagnatoBashing-om: OK I will await your advice05:33
fbagnatoravage1: OK, so that is not an option for 24.04. When you say nouveau supports my card, could it still be the cause of the freezing?05:34
ravage1it is possble but not very likely05:34
ravage1if the mac book also has an internal intel gpu then it probably only used that anyway05:35
ravage1but i never owned a macbook 🙂05:35
fbagnatoWhere would I start to work out the cause? I ran sudo dmesg and saw those repeated nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: 00100000 [] ch 3 [001fa70000 gnome-shell[1509]] subc 3 class 8597 mthd 1304 data 1d1c1b1a and nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: DATA_ERROR 00000012 [RT_LINEAR_WITH_ZETA] entries hence why I thought it could be the cause05:36
Bashing-omfbagnato: as ravage1 says - there is no other driver support for that card after 20.04 release, other than the nouveau driver :(05:37
ravage1try: sudo nano /etc/default/grub05:38
ravage1set: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset"05:38
ravage1(replace the existing line)05:38
ravage1sudo update-grub05:38
ravage1then reboot05:38
fbagnatoravage1: I will try that and test05:39
Psi-JackSo yeah. Snap version of BitWarden fails. Flatpak works. AppImage ... Is being extremely weird about wanting something in /tmp to be root-owned which makes no sense at all.05:39
ravage1also found this package. not sure if you need it but sounds useful for your hardware05:39
ravage1!info macfanctld05:39
ubottumacfanctld (0.6+repack1-2, noble): fan control daemon for Apple MacBook / MacBook Pro computers. In component universe, is extra. Built by macfanctld. Size 14 kB / 48 kB05:39
ravage1Psi-Jack: installed the snap about 2 weeks ago. working fine so far05:40
Psi-JackHmm, That's weird. Bitwarden actual host, or self-hosted?05:40
Psi-JackAnd I'm talking the desktop client, you as well?05:41
ravage1oh. im talking about the cli05:41
ravage1i use the browser as my gui05:41
Psi-JackThat's why i asked. I very heavily use the desktop client and browser extension.05:41
ravage1(extension in firefox)05:41
ravage1i only need the cli for scripting05:41
Psi-JackBut right now the current Bitwarden client on Snap.. Is failing.05:41
ravage1let me test05:42
Psi-JackIf you don't mind. ,Can always kill it after. :)05:42
Psi-JackOh sheash..05:42
Psi-JackMaybe this is the issue The "installation" notes on the bottom of the description.05:42
ravage1oh well yes05:43
ravage1you need to do that05:43
Psi-Jackheh.  Pain in the arse I swear. LOL05:43
ravage1they could actually ask for an auto connect on the discourse05:43
ravage1im sure they would get that granted05:43
Psi-JackYeah. Or like... What was it. Some app I installed one time wanted a whole list of things to add.. Was it Rambox I think? It just needed all kinds of permissions.05:44
ravage1ok so the app is running and im logged in05:46
Psi-JackYeah, I got logged in and synced, after the password-manager-service was hooked up.05:46
Psi-JackFinally. LOL05:46
Bashing-om!cookie | ravage105:47
ubotturavage1: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:47
Psi-Jackravage1: 🍪05:48
ravage1he found it himself 😄05:48
ravage1but waiting for the return of fbagnato05:48
Psi-JackThanks for confirming BTW. That actually is helpful. It's just weird. This is my first time actually using Ubuntu in like... ~10 years, actually actually using that is.05:48
Psi-JackI'm giving snaps a thorough look over as well.05:49
Psi-JackCause, snaps have vastly changed over the years.05:49
ravage1still far from perfect but much improved05:50
ravage1and the fastest way to get your app to people05:50
Psi-JackIt actually is, from what I'm seeing. Still a bit of a PITA at times, but I have Flatpak as a backup.05:50
ravage1at least in the Ubuntu cosmos05:51
Psi-JackI'm still not entirely sure how I feel about it yet. All the loopbacks are insane.05:51
fbagnatoravage1: I am testing the nomodeset now.05:51
ravage1built some for fun so far: https://snapcraft.io/publisher/nbuechner05:51
ravage1it really depends on the app05:52
Psi-JackThough it's funny. Discord (which does not seem to be working with Rich Presence as a snap just like the Flatpak was like), Firefox, Ferdium, and BitWarden, are all mounted nsfs now, but my nvim snap for neovim is not mounted this way.05:52
Psi-Jacknvim uses the "classical" so it's on squashfs. 😵‍💫05:53
ravage1snap is always squashfs05:53
ravage1the classic option just disables most of the sandboxing05:53
Psi-JackAnd being nvim is a text editor, that I could use pretty much anywhere on the system for any purpose, I get it's reason for being unsandboxed.05:55
Psi-JackI just needed neovim 0.10 for my favorite plugin, nvchad.05:56
Psi-JackSo, hence.... I'm trying out Ubuntu literally head first, into everything that Ubuntu is today.05:56
Psi-JackI'm kinda tired of constant updates breaking random things.05:57
fbagnatoravage1: So far hasn't locked up. Still testing05:59
ravage1Psi-Jack: thats why i came to Ubuntu too06:01
Psi-Jackravage1: Weird ainnit? Been using Linux for 30 years, and.. I'm just tired, I want things to work, and stay working.06:02
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Psi-JackThen again, part of the problem's been this horrific rush of a push to Wayland. That's what's offputting me the most.06:07
ravage1back to Xorg atm. but mostly because nvidia is not ready for it yet06:08
Psi-JackNot my specific issue, I'm on AMD RX and Intel UHD. It's Barrier/Input-Leap that's not ready for Wayland yet.06:08
Psi-JackAnd so I suspect... Ubuntu will be at least maintaining GNOME on X11 for the next ~6 years. heh06:09
fbagnatoravage1: Still hasn't frozen. I checked dmesg and those nouveau messages are no longer there06:10
ravage1sounds promising 🙂06:10
fbagnatoit does :)06:10
Psi-Jackheh, tomorrow, after some now much needed sleep, I will begin the steam testing.06:10
Psi-JackG'night all! :)06:10
ravage1good night06:10
fbagnatoGood night06:11
Psi-Jackrbox: If you still have any of that stuff you done, and have any of it handy, please let me know. I'd love to see what you've done and how you've done it, so I can try to do it too. My dock would be very much nicer for it.06:11
fbagnatoravage1: Unless it's a thermal issue as per Liowenex questioned?06:11
fbagnatoI will wait and see06:11
fbagnatoravage1: If I need it how do I install macfanctld? I searched for it in the App store but couldn't find it.06:26
ravage1sudo apt install macfanctld06:27
fbagnatoExcellent. Thanks for that :)06:28
fbagnatoravage1: I think the nomodeset avoids the freezing. Should I be reporting the nouveau bug to Ubuntu?07:06
ravage1nomodeset fixes a lot of old gpu bugs07:09
ravage1I'm not even sure if your Nvidia GPU is the problem07:09
fbagnatohmmm....do I lose functionality with the nomodeset?07:10
fbagnatook..that's good, because it seems to be running ok. One of the test windows I have open is a Firefox Youtube Aquarium 4K video with sound and it is running fine07:11
fbagnatoI have about 8 windows/programs open and it is not freezing07:11
ravage1nice 🙂07:12
fbagnatoI keep going to the laptop and trying to make it freeze and it is rock solid. Thanks for your help :)07:12
fbagnatoLinux can be daunting to a Windows user07:13
fbagnatoI like it though :)07:13
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RhondaI am upgrading from 22.04 to 24.04.  And I had yesterday the issue on a different host that the interface name changed, got an np0 added to the end.  For that host it was okay because I could reach it, but for the upgrade today I don't have a remote management interface.08:10
RhondaIs there any way to "calculate" or predict what the interface will be called after the reboot?08:10
toddcRhonda: https://serverfault.com/questions/965873/how-to-determine-predictable-name-of-network-interface  you can also disble it so it stays the same. also the first device on the pci would be eno108:18
toddcRhonda: old way assigned by eth0 eth1 not by location on the board the new way is based on location so it is much esier to locate network devices08:20
RhondaNope, it's not eno1.  It's currently already eno1np0.  On the other hand the device was enp65s0f0 and is now enp65s0f0np008:27
dTalAside: I don't understand why "predictable" network names also had to be "indecipherable, gibberish" network names. Couldn't the same system of taking into account bus address etc simply have been used to impose a deterministic *ordering* of eth0, eth1 etc?08:31
LiowenexInstalling the lowlatency kernel seems to have fixed Ubuntu's 24.04 random crashing08:38
LiowenexSpecifically linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-22.0408:38
LiowenexI did initially try to fix it by going to 6.9.3 with the mainline utility, but that made it worse...08:40
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BluesKajHi all12:49
dvergata1hi guys I'm running into an issue recenlty with newest ubuntu docker image, meaning I've been adding user lets call him simply user and in 22.04 LTS when I was running `sudo -H -u user bash -i -c 'whoami'` I was getting the `user` value now when I have switched to 24.04 this same command is returning for me `ubuntu` value13:06
anankedvergata1: how are you adding the user? did you verify if said user exists afterwards?13:09
dvergata1it is added and exists13:10
dvergata1added like this useradd --shell /bin/bash -u 1000 -d /home/user -o -c "" -m user13:11
dvergata1and when I'm running from my entrypoint script that was working before this sudo command I'm getting wrong user name13:12
dvergatalhmmm let's talk from this account13:13
anankedvergata1: why are you hardcoding userid? you may be overlapping existing user 'ubuntu' with uid 100013:13
dvergatalananke: hmmm because previously it behaved diffrently but you are right13:15
dvergatali need to check it13:15
anankeunless you have some dire need to have specific UIDs, don't hard code them, as it lends itself to issues13:16
JanCstill remains the question why the 'ubuntu' user is (still?) there though?13:18
realivanjxi noticed that after updating my ubuntu 24.04 some blue colors are getting purple-ish at least on my brave browser. what settings i can check to tweak the colors?13:19
dvergatalJanC: I have no idea13:21
realivanjxnvm, i think it is just the brave browser messing up with blue color. does not happen on firefox for the same website13:26
JanCdvergatal: it's also usually recommended to use 'adduser' instead of 'useradd' (on Debian & Ubuntu)13:27
JanCAFAIK it would warn about double UIDs for example  :)13:28
dvergatalJanC: ahaa13:28
dvergatalJanC: OK finally it is working as expected13:28
dvergatalI'm not adding this user `user`, instead switched to ubuntu user13:29
anankeuseradd would be fine, if one didn't try to specifc uid. not to mention, adduser is not part of the containers13:29
JanC('adduser' is a frontend to 'useradd')13:29
dvergatalbut why there is even this ubuntu user?13:29
anankedvergatal: so you don't have to add it yourself? :)13:30
dvergatalananke: yeah it was a previous workaround to add this user called user because it was always a random user...13:30
dvergataland now it contains this ubuntu user somehow13:30
anankeyou can add a simple check to verify if one exists13:31
dvergatalananke: if ubuntu user exist or what?13:31
dvergatalor any user in home?13:32
ananke[ id -u 1000 ] && echo do nothing, user exists || echo make my own user here13:32
dvergatalahhh nice one13:32
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anankeand  'id -u 1000 -n' will give you its username13:33
dvergatalman is always learning13:34
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=== realivanjx9 is now known as realivanjx
DarkenedGentTrying to install 24.04 off a usb key and the insaller seams to be getting stuck.  I have a feeling it's from a old software raid setup that was on this server previously.  Any ideas? https://imgur.com/a/0w4Ju9n16:16
ioriaDarkenedGent, not a raid expert, but sounds degraded16:35
DarkenedGentioria: This is a install that is happening over the last setup.  I don't need any of the existing raid configs, i'll be redoing all the disk partitioning and raid configs.16:40
ioriaDarkenedGent, can you start the installer in live mode, like 'try ubuntu without install' ?16:41
ravage1DarkenedGent: sudo wipefs -a /dev/yourdevice(s)16:42
ravage1from the try ubuntu mode16:42
ravage1then reboot and try again16:42
DarkenedGentThat would require me having to boot an OS, add these drives to it, and then running that command.16:42
leftyfbyou should be able to do that with either the desktop live installer or the server installer16:43
DarkenedGentThe installer fails to load, if you take a look at the screenshot i posted above.16:43
ravage1any other live linux like grml will do too16:43
darkdrgn2kso i accidently replaced my /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 file and as you can imagine everything stopped working.16:45
leftyfbdarkdrgn2k: reinstall16:46
realivanjxhow to remove x11 from ubuntu 24.04 desktop? sometimes something changes my /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and disables wayland without my knowledge (either steam, lutris, or mesa, not sure)16:46
darkdrgn2ki booted the ubuntu server iso, mounted the root disk and replaced the file16:46
darkdrgn2kspecifically  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2which is the one that it links to16:47
darkdrgn2kbut now im getting __vdso_gettimeofdaySegmentation fault (core dumped)16:47
ioriaDarkenedGent, so , or you boot first another linux livecd , wipe the disk and reload ubuntu, or try some kernel parameter16:47
leftyfbdarkdrgn2k: reinstall16:48
darkdrgn2kleftyfb, what if that is not an option16:49
darkdrgn2ki assume its libc616:49
leftyfbrealivanjx: removing "x11" isn't going to prevent a 3rd party application from making changes to your system16:50
leftyfbdarkdrgn2k: why isn't it an option?16:50
darkdrgn2kcause it seems like overkill to fix one file.16:50
DarkenedGentioria: ya, I can do that.  It's just really stupid that is what needs to be done.  I pulled the drives and booted the installer and once it came up I put them back in.  Havn't gotten to the disk part yet of the installer so we'll see what happens when I get there16:57
ioriaDarkenedGent, i suggest you start the 'try mode'  nevertheless17:00
DarkenedGenttry mode?17:03
ioriaDarkenedGent, 'try ubuntu without install'17:05
ioriaDarkenedGent, https://www.linuxbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Select-Install-Ubuntu-During-Installation-1024x640.png17:07
darkdrgn2kok grabbed  libc6_2.35-0ubuntu3.8_amd64.deb and extracted it over /mnt    works great now thanks17:13
leftyfbdarkdrgn2k: can I ask, why were you messing with anything in /lib64 to begin with?17:14
darkdrgn2kwas making an custom initrd and used the wrong variable, copeid the files to /lib64 instead of /stg/lib64 or whatever17:16
darkdrgn2kcd sbin17:16
Psi-JackHuh, weird.. After system updates to my tabtop, uinput module won't load. No rhyme or reason why, but it just won't load anymore.17:52
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taeaadWhat does fnmode set to 3 do?18:15
taeaadhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard#Change_Function_Key_behavior only describes 0, 1, 2.18:15
taeaadIt seems like the same as mode 2, but guessing here, maybe I'm wrong.18:16
bprompttaeaad: well, reading that, it doesn't have a 3 mode18:17
bprompttaeaad: is just 0, 1, or 218:17
oerheks3 - auto (Default)18:17
oerheksnot all manuals show 318:18
bprompttaeaad: I'd like to point out,  you can do lots of keyboard remapping with autokey, which I do btw18:20
bprompt!info autokey | taeaad18:20
ubottutaeaad: Package autokey does not exist in noble18:20
bpromptit doesn't? hmmmm18:21
Psi-JackOh, Ubuntu's kernel setup doesn't make uinput a module, but baked in, eh? heh18:21
oerheks!find autokey18:21
ubottuFound: autokey-common, autokey-gtk, autokey-qt18:21
bprompthmmmm that info bit needs to regex the string or something18:22
bprompt!info autokey-qt | taeaad18:22
ubottutaeaad: autokey-qt (0.95.10-2.1, noble): desktop automation utility - Qt version. In component universe, is optional. Built by autokey. Size 130 kB / 645 kB18:22
bprompttaeaad: but in essence, using autokey, you can tell it to "trap" any key and do whatever you want instead when pressed, or key combination18:24
taeaadoerheks: Thanks, that explains it.18:37
oerhekshave fun!18:37
taeaadI'm not sure that Qt is fully enabled on my system.18:37
taeaadThough I don't fully understand Qt to start off with, I just noticed that VLC doesn't have Qt enabled in settings.18:38
oerhekson Kubuntu?18:39
bprompttaeaad: some apps provide a qt widget support, many don't18:39
taeaadWhat is the idea behind Qt, for me it's just confusing.18:40
oerheksQT is part of KDE, i guess18:40
taeaadI do have all those autokey options in apt.18:42
Psi-Jackoerheks: Well, KDE uses Qt, anyway, not a part of.18:42
Psi-JackKDE Plasma, and KDE Apps that is, since KDE is now to be considered the group of developers working on it.18:43
oerheksi know one can use those tools to build, but i find them mostly in KDE.18:43
Psi-JackThere's plenty of things that use Qt without KDE.18:43
bpromptwell, QT is not part of KDE, but is regularly run with kde apps18:43
Psi-Jackbprompt: 👍 Exactly.18:43
Psi-JackKDE Plasma/Apps uses Qt as GNOME uses GTK4.18:44
bpromptbut if I had to choose a QT widget or a GTK one, QT is better IMO18:44
taeaadThe Ubuntu Studio peeps use KDE, but when they switched I was a bit disappointed, but of course the topic is a bit subjective. I just like speed.18:44
taeaadOr maybe, "speed everywhere".18:45
taeaadIs autokey-common a better option then?18:45
EickmeyerIn KDE Plasma: "alt-shift-F12" disables effects and it becomes super-speedy.18:45
taeaadEickmeyer: What about systems with limited hardware, like (very) old laptops?18:46
bprompttaeaad: autokey-common better to?18:46
taeaadApt says there is: autokey-gtk, autokey-qt, autokey-common18:46
Eickmeyertaeaad: Considering the benchmark of KDE Plasma was an increase of 50MB over Xfce, the RAM usage of Plasma is greatly exaggerated.18:46
taeaadEickmeyer: OK, thats good to know.18:47
oerheks"alt-shift-F12" noted18:47
bprompttaeaad: hmmm I run kde apps, however I don't run Kwin or a kde session, though my window manager is Kwin, I use LXQT, is like a LXDE but with QT widgets, runs fast18:47
bprompttaeaad: autokey-common are the core files for the app, not optionals per se, from there you can use either the GTK or QT version of it18:48
bprompttaeaad: but I use autokey-qt quite a bit for remapping and a few others stuff, since it does Python scripting too, I have well over 40 snippets in it18:50
Psi-JackI have issue with volume settings not persisting accross reboots. My USB Audio Device, which is my primary audio connection to my speakers, is constantly dropping to 21% every reboot.18:53
Psi-JackThat is, the actual hardware mixers shown in alsamixer for the actual sound device itself.18:54
bpromptPsi-Jack: no using pulseaudio?18:57
Psi-Jackbprompt: No should be all default 24.04 setup which I believe has fully moved on to Pipewire now.19:02
Psi-JackYeah, I see pipewire and wireplumber, so yeah, pipewire stack,.19:02
Psi-JackBut yeah, even setting the volume as I like, at 94% on each hardware mixer channel, and running alsactl store, it's right back to 21% on boot.19:03
bpromptPsi-Jack: hmmm I recall some fellow having "hisssing" issues in Pipewire in Kubuntu, he installed PulseAudio, and kaboom, everything began to work, they may have moved to PipeWire, doesn't mean is fully integrated though19:05
Psi-JackI've had zero issues with Pipewire in Fedora, Arch Linux, Linux Mint (manually migrated), openSUSE, etc..19:06
Psi-JackWith this specific issue, this is alsactl specific.19:06
magga-hey guys im trying to set a custom name for my bluetooth speakers but im not able. i tried this: https://bpa.st/SJ4Q - but that didnt work. anyone suggestions? :)19:07
Psi-JackHuh, alsa-utils.service is masked?19:07
Psi-JackAhh, funny, alsa-utils.services links to /dev/null19:09
Psi-JackAnnnd ConditionPathExists=/etc/alsa/state-daemon.conf -- File does not exist. hmmm19:10
bpromptPsi-Jack: no soup for U!19:10
Psi-JackOkay, So alsa-restore.service is the responsible service for this.19:11
Psi-JackBut... What the.... It's ... saving... state to /run/alsa? WTF?!? This doesn't make sense..19:13
chandooHi I am having issues with apt update and upgrade19:13
chandooW: Failed to fetch https://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/t210/dists/r32.7/InRelease  Could not resolve 'repo.download.nvidia.com'19:13
chandooW: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:13
Psi-Jackchandoo: Sounds like a network problem.19:14
chandoowhen i click the link i can download the file19:14
chandooPsi-Jack, can you help me fixing it from cmd line, i am using jetson nano with wifi19:15
chandooifconfig shows the ip19:16
Psi-Jackchandoo: If you're running cmd, you're doing it wrong. (This is not Windows)19:16
chandoosorry i mean command line, bash19:16
Psi-JackI also don't use Nvidia, so I would not be able to provide sufficient help to know if I'm actually helpful or not.19:17
Psi-JackI'd thought that drivers direct from nvidia.com was always the worst thing in the world.19:17
Psi-JackNotoriously, they had been.19:17
chandooit was working before, I think after setup some thing got messed up19:18
chandoolet me search plain ubuntu wifi config from command line19:18
Psi-Jack"after setup?"19:18
leftyfbchandoo: did you confirm that other sites are resolving fine?19:21
bpromptchandoo: btw repo.download.nvidia.com is returning a ping19:21
bpromptat least from my end19:21
leftyfbchandoo: can you ping repo.download.nvidia.com ?19:22
sky026hi all19:22
chandooping not working on any site19:22
chandoobut wifi says connected and got an ip as well19:22
leftyfbchandoo: can you ping ?19:23
chandooleftyfb, No cannot19:23
leftyfbchandoo: what is your local ip address?19:23
Psi-JackSo, as I said, network issue. :)19:23
bpromptchandoo: sometimes you can have a "wifi" connection per se, however so-called "no internet" status, meaning, you're connected to a router or access point, that's not routing anywhere19:24
bpromptPsi-Jack: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/210113/default-sound-volume-for-all-alsa-devices    check the "sudo alsactl store" bit maybe =)19:25
Psi-JackThis seems to be a very Ubuntu-specific issue as of 24.04 or so.19:26
Psi-Jackalsa-*.service files are wonky on the new version here, causing alsa state to not actually be saved or restored, at all.19:26
bpromptPsi-Jack: agree19:30
bprompt*cough* pulseaudio *cough*19:30
Psi-JackYeah no. Pipewire is massively better. Having been there, done that.19:31
Psi-JackHeh, sheash, even switching to alsa-state instead of alsa-restore didn't solve it.19:35
Psi-JackI think I know what the problem is.... For some reason CM106 was set to S/PDIF Digital output.19:36
Psi-JackBoom! That was it.19:39
Psi-JackAnd this... is why I like having pavucontrol.19:39
Psi-JackBasically for those unfamiliar. When you have an audio device's profile set to Digital Output, or even Pro Audio, the volume is not effected by normal means anymore as it's intended for the digital receiver to handle audio amplification at that point., according to ALSA specifics. So saving and restoring volumes in this same manner is set to19:44
Psi-Jack"digital" defaults in this situation.19:44
Psi-JackProbably I ended up accidently selecting the Digital Output at some time in the audio devices. (My system has many sound output & input devices), which I normally use gnome extensions, Quick Settings Audio Device Hider/Renamer to filter/name for easier use.19:46
Psi-JackHuh... Okay... installing steam-installer fails with: Depends: steam-libs-i386 (= 1: but it is not installable19:56
Psi-JackI guess to not use the Steam snap, I need multiverse, eh?20:00
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Psi-JackIs there a GUI, similar to Flatseal is for Flatpak, for Snap to manage/see permissions and such?20:07
ravage1do not use the steam snap20:08
leftyfbwhy not?20:08
ravage1too many bugs20:08
Psi-Jackravage1: That's like saying "Do not breath air".20:08
ravage1just use "sudo apt install steam" or download the .deb from their website20:09
Psi-Jackravage1: Ironic. That fails, just as I said earlier. :p20:09
ravage1then this is not a default desktop install20:09
Psi-JackIt is.20:09
Psi-JackFor one, installing "steam" specifically states that you need to install "steam-installer" and "steam-devices" specifically, in 24.04.20:11
ravage1sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 ; sudo apt update20:11
Psi-JackThere we go!20:11
oerhekssnaps settings are in gnome > settings > applications > <app>20:14
Psi-JackI did notice Steam (the snap), would not allow me to add any storage locations, which is why I asked earlier about the GUI for snap permissions.20:14
Psi-Jackoerheks: Hmmm. Interesting.20:16
oerheksand as of 2023, you should be able to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/steam-snap-status-improvements/3979620:16
oerheksnot installed steam myself, so cannot check20:17
Psi-Jackoerheks: Yep. the moment I tried to access "storage" it literally threw errors just opening.20:17
ravage1you run shaders on your GPU kind of unrestricted with a closed source GPU driver. snap wont save you here anyway. so you can skip the pretended security and go for the deb20:19
Psi-JackThen again, so did the native. Hmmm20:19
Psi-Jackravage1: I use AMD RX.20:19
Psi-JackHmm, ProtonUp seems to only be in Flatpak though. heh20:21
Psi-JackArgh. Same problem I had before, Far Cray 3, specifically, just does not run . Yet I got this particular game title to run flawlessly in openSUSE. Just not Fedora, Arch Linux, and now Ubuntu.20:41
oerhekswhat if you copied it to internal hdd?20:42
Psi-Jackoerheks: Er.. It's not installed on anything but. :20:43
Psi-JackIt's in my ~/Games/Steam directory locally installed on ext4.20:43
oerheksoh oke, i assumed external20:44
Psi-JackYeah no. I don't do that kind of weirdness. :)20:44
Psi-JackAhh, overlay renderer is one issue, I forgot to disable that.20:45
Psi-JackYeah, I don't get it. Why it works specifically and only on openSUSE>20:52
Psi-JackDoes not make sense. LOL20:53
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Psi-JackOkay, WEIRD! I don't even have gamemode yet setup properly, but wrapping it with gamemoderun %command% specifically actually stepped it through to get the Ubisoft Connect installer to run and finally run the game!21:10
rooti am mr.root21:16
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Guest557hey hey21:17
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