[06:56] newhoa, how much bigger would the package actually be if it built the hidpi version as well? tbh, it might be easily worth it, considering images are already big (difference is not considerable in percentage) and most people have decent enough internet speeds [06:57] newhoa, especially if the alternative was that you would have to either build the hidpi theme yourself or fetch it from the repository separately or even worse, somewhere manually [14:51] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-settings 4.18.6 released @ http://www.mail-archive.com/xfce-announce@xfce.org/msg00952.html [18:38] knome, I think package size would increase by 3.7MB (I think it compresses well since HiDPI is all svg which are just text files, I tested using xz compression). Extracted/installed to disk it would currently add an additional 48MB. [18:41] So currently package size is 6.3MB, current size installed to disk is 8.1MB. With HiDPI included, package size would be 10MB, size installed to disk would be 56.1MB. [18:42] bluesabre, Unit193, do we know what's our current total installed size is? [23:29] knome: I do not know.