
lotuspsychjegood morning03:01
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest3622
ubottuUbuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the 32nd release of Ubuntu and an !LTS release. Download at https://releases.ubuntu.com/focal/ - Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes12:28
lotuspsychjetime flies!12:29
lotuspsychjewich rss streams you like Psi-Jack 14:43
Psi-JackCool. Many different channels.. :)14:43
lotuspsychjethats to keep #ubuntu free for support14:44
Psi-Jacklotuspsychje: Usually security news, tech news, news related to important things, upcoming things, etc, in eneral about the community/distro, in this case obviously Ubuntu-centric.14:44
lotuspsychjejoin #techrss if you like14:44
lotuspsychjewe got a nice collection already14:44
lotuspsychjeif we miss one, let me know :p14:45
Psi-JackI see no harm in looking. My Nexcloud News server is pretty solid, thankfully. Been moving a lot of things over to quite different approaches than I'm used to in the course of the past several months. People think I'm crazy, but I'm running Docker Swarm now, and I find that to be the most eggcellent thing I've worked with in a while.14:46
Psi-Jack.oO(and I've worked with a LOT!)14:46
Psi-JackSo I have a lingering thought in my mind in with regards to snaps, specifically. I can definitely say since the first time I tried snaps back when it was pretty early and new... It's definitely become an interesting concept for sure. The very fact it allows you to run things as-if natively installed, unlike Flatpak which requires the use of the15:08
Psi-Jackflatpak tool to run them. I'm using nvim from snap now to have a later version of neovim than is packaged in Ubuntu 24.04 repos.15:08
Psi-JackWith, however, when I was running Discord, and I started running literally JUST the Steam client, I noticed Discord was reporting like 4~5 different seemingly random processes, as if it wasn't being sandboxed, for one, and secondly, just weird names like I'd seen as if I'd run Discord unsandboxed entirely. Names like srt-bwrap, and15:09
Psi-Jackpressure-vessel-wrap, until finally after a few of these changing things, it stopped and cleared presence.15:09
Psi-JackWhen I run the Discord flatpak, which I am now because of that.. None of this happens. Granted I have the access (and do so), to implement %t/discord-rpc-0 to point to app/com.discordapp.Discord/discord-ipc-0 so things using the socket can work. For steam presence, I use a service, steampresence.py which works fantastically and honors my insivible15:11
Psi-Jackstatus for privacy... But why isn't the snap Discord contained as I would expect?15:11
ravage1the discord snap uses standard confinement15:12
ravage1so it is contained within its allowed permissions15:12
Psi-JackStandard... As opposed to what? It's been a while since I really utilized snaps and I now see there's things like "classic" which nvim used. I assume which is not really confined but usable like any standard installed deb package.15:14
ravage1the only other option is classic15:14
Psi-JackOkay. So standard confinement, Discord app is allows to monitor processes? This seems a little abnormal to me. I know flatpaks are not, by default, allowed to just snoop on any processes outside of it's specific confined space, as such, Discords "auto" "Rich Presence" doesn't report random weird things like wine, srt-bwrap, pressure-vessel-wrap,15:15
Psi-Jackand all the various things I've personally witnessed it reporting. 15:15
ravage1monitoring processes is a permission15:16
Psi-JackYeah, and I noted Discord's perms were not set to allow that.15:16
Psi-JackHence my surprise it still somehow did..15:16
ravage1snap connections discord15:16
ravage1thats the permission it has on your system15:17
ravage1what those allow are in the snapcraft documentation15:17
Psi-JackIt's uninstalled from my desktop now, but I can re-install it to see.15:17
ravage1mine has system-observe for example15:17
ravage1"system-observe allows system status information to be queried, effectively giving privileged read access to all processes on the system"15:18
Psi-JackI see. Yes. I'm seeing system-observe in there on that connections list.15:20
Psi-JackIt's just in GNOME Settings->Apps->Discord, I noted "Read processes and system information" is not showing active.15:21
Psi-JackYet, connections shows system-observe. So this is kind of conflicting a bit. :/15:21
ravage1it is enabled here15:21
Psi-JackWeird. I installed Discord, new, on my tabtop which is also running Ubuntu 24.04, the connection shows, but the option in Settings shows off.15:22
Psi-JackSo I'm confused. :)15:26
ravage1it is not connected15:29
Psi-JackEven more a suspect reason why it's reporting on Steam..15:29
ravage1i have no idea how that works15:29
ravage1never had that enabled15:30
Psi-JackHeh. But you do, according to your screenshot. :)15:30
Psi-JackOr do you mean Rich Presence?15:30
ravage1the steam reporting i mean15:30
ravage1and i rarely use discord anyway15:30
Psi-JackThat's not steam doing it, though. That's Discord's "Automatic Rich Presence"15:30
ravage1i start it on demand sometimes15:31
Psi-JackIt's monitoring processes and somehow, the Discord snap is monitoring processes outside of confinement.15:31
ravage1you can did into every single permission if you want15:31
ravage1as i said i have no idea how that presence thing works15:32
Psi-JackIt's literally just monitoring processes, in this specific case. I know this because Discord running without any confinement at all, as in, a native binary package, it does the same thing. Its own process snooping for automated "Rich Presence" is quite intrusive and ignores any and all privacy and just reports things.15:33
ravage1i connected system-observe manally because in the past it reduces apparmor spam in my logs15:33
Psi-JackYeah, Discord itself enables, by default, this process snooping "Rich Presence" automation, which reports on processes it sees running and even if it doesn't seem to have any real information about it, properly, it still reports it. So, Steam, it literally goes through a list of processes it sees as steam is starting up, First is srt-bwrap, then15:36
Psi-Jackanother then pressure-vessel-wrap, then another, then another... then finally clears. 15:36
Psi-JackI started up a game, and it reported the game's process as well. Though in "Rich Presence" it only had the game title. Normally it has a graphic representing the title as well. Since it was strictly monitoring proccesses, it didn't have that.15:37
ravage1steam sees all your processes of course15:37
Psi-JackI'm not even talking about Steam itself. Steam's not even reporting this.15:37
Psi-JackThis is 100% Discord doing this.15:38
ravage1"So, Steam, it literally goes through a list of processes it sees .."15:38
Psi-JackSo, for Steam, Discord literally goes through...15:38
Psi-JackMy wording wasn't as clear, but hopefully that correction makes it more clear?15:39
ravage1listing processes seems to be allowed in general15:41
ravage1snap run --shell discord15:41
ravage1so you can test what that snap is allowed to do15:42
ravage1process list works15:42
Psi-JackWow. But... Why? LOL15:42
ravage1you would need to go through the other permissions in detail15:43
ravage1probably needed to make it work at all. maybe for desktop15:44
ravage1there is a snapcraft room on matrix. maybe also on IRC if you want to ask for details15:44
Psi-JackShouldn't Discord on Flatpak only gets processes within it's confinement. As observed by it's similar entry to the shell.15:45
ravage1i know nothing about flatpak15:45
Psi-JackLiterally, it cannot see user processes, system processes, just the processes running within the confinement cgroup of the flatpak.15:45
Psi-JackI see no connection, in snap, for discord that should be granting it any kind of permission, at least from "connections". But again, I know little about snaps which is why I'm discussing it, and this actual concern for security.15:46
ravage1it seems to be a default permission 15:47
ravage1could not find anything more recent15:49
ravage1but feel free to dig though the forums15:50
Psi-JackI will do so, and I found Snapcraft's matrix channel, so I'm digging more in there, as well.15:50
ravage1yep saw you there already15:51
=== madmax__ is now known as madmax
jeremy31!package linux-generic-hwe-20.04 focal20:43
ravage1it is !info here i think 🙂20:44
jeremy31Most likely20:46
oerheks!info x21:09
ubottuPackage x does not exist in noble21:09
oerhekselon 🤪21:10

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