=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [12:39] At least the 22.04.4 installer has a bug for static network configuration. It forgets the gateway and name server entries, and the search domains are appended each time. [12:43] what does the generated /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml look like? [12:48] mgedmin: I am connected over VNC. How can I check? [12:48] I guess open the file in a text editor or something [12:50] mgedmin: I am in the menu, and do not know how to switch to a console over VNC. [12:53] you should be able to open a terminal with ctrl+alt+t [12:53] also, are we talking about a desktop or a server? the mention of VNC confuses me slightly [12:54] IIRC 22.04 used different installers for the desktop and server editions, which one are we talking about? [13:02] mgedmin: It’s a server installation into a QEMU/KVM image, so QEMU provides the VNC connection. [13:02] ah! [13:03] so you're seeing the text login screen? [13:03] "Ubuntu 24.04.4 LTS tty1" "computername login:" [13:08] mgedmin: No the install menu starts right away. [13:09] ohh you're still in the installer! I thought the problem was with the configuration of the installed system [13:09] in which case please ignore my question about /etc/netplan === ajfriesen11 is now known as ajfriesen1