
MikeAnblipsHi - on xubuntu/xfce, I wish to use the numeric keypad for mouse keys. To this extent, I do `setxkbmap -option keypad:pointerkeys' then press LEFT_SHIFT+ALT+NUM_LOCK to activate the behaviour08:04
MikeAnblipsI later added the proper options line to the /etc/default/keyboard file08:05
MikeAnblipsnow, the annoying thing is that - for some reason - this behaviour gets continually *lost*08:05
MikeAnblipsI have to press LEFT_SHIFT+ALT+NUM_LOCK again and again during my normal work08:05
MikeAnblipsI don't understand which mechanism, what am I doing that `removes' the mouse keys operation08:06
MikeAnblipshas anybody an idea what the root cause could be, or how to go about investigating it? Thanks08:06
diogenessMikeAnblips: afaik there is a timeout.09:14
MikeAnblipsanybody familiar w/ Ksnip?14:50
MikeAnblipsI would like to use the upload-to-imgur feature (which is available on other screenshot tools too) but I get an `unknown error' every time14:51
MikeAnblipshmm, it looks like there's a proper issue there: https://github.com/ksnip/ksnip/issues/104514:53
-ubottu:#xubuntu- Issue 1045 in ksnip/ksnip "ImgUr uploader broken since April 23st" [Open]14:53
PeGaSuSis there a way to bind a specific character to some sort of keybinding? or even replace the original character?15:43
dwfleenerI am having a problem installing many packages and even doing an apt update or apt upgrade. 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] and at the end it has E: Failed to fetch... I am running Xubuntu 24.04 in VirtualBox.16:05
dwfleenerI changed over to http://mirror.easyname.at and it seems to be working now.16:14
=== dwfleener2 is now known as dwfleener

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