
beantaxicatred: Thank you for your response. Perhaps I was using 'user data' too loosely ... I was referring to anything you would use in the creation of a VM, at creation time, including MIME-encoded data, eg created with `cloud-init devel make-mime` etc. 01:39
beantaximinimal: Thank you for your OVH- and IONOS-specific details. In the case of IONOS, I don't see any way of setting user data other than their DCD tool, which doesn't look like a tool I'd enjoy using. In the case of OVH, it would just mean doing some homework, but looks possible.01:46
minimalbeantaxi: the IONOS document I linked to shows how to use their API via curl to set user-data13:17
beantaximinimal: Thank you, and sorry I missed mentioning that before. I did see that, but was deterred by the big long curl, and their mentioning that it only is valid on Volume creation -- which, from reading their API documents, is not true, it's actually on Server creation, hence the /servers path ... or maybe I'm just misunderstanding them.15:56
beantaximinimal: I'm still interested in how to use cloud-init to 1. add a per-boot script to a running instance, such that it executes on reboot, and 2. remove that script, or ideally flag it for removal after one execution. If that isn't supported in the cloud-init CLI, I'd be interested in how to make it happen with scp etc16:01
minimalyou have the script itself disable itself at the end of its (first) run?16:29
Davidian1024hey group, i've been unsuccessful at finding out how to do this via the docs so far.  so i'm giving in and asking here.17:07
Davidian1024i'm trying to get cloud-init to add the i386 architecture to an ubuntu instance on first boot17:08
Davidian1024basically, the cloud-init equivalent of this command: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38617:09
beantaxiDavidian1024: This might be a very silly question, but can you put it in runcmd: in a cloud config?18:12
Davidian1024i was imagining there would be some apt or dpkg options that did this.  but, yeah, using runcmd to run a little script is looking like my only option.18:15
beantaxiDavidian1024: I just grepped the source and checked the docs ... the only references I see to dpkg are related to grub. E.g. https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/modules.html#grub-dpkg. I don't know if that's helpful or not.18:21
minimalbeantaxi: cc_apt_configure handles .deb related repo configuration19:22
beantaxiDavidian1024: To quote minimal above, cc_apt_configure handles .deb related repo configuration21:48

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