
gagathHello, can I/should I close this bug I marked as Incomplete? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imapfilter/+bug/96580609:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu-bugs- Launchpad bug 965806 in imapfilter (Ubuntu) "imapfilter not working with openssl >=1.0.1" [Undecided, Incomplete]09:17
gagath> There will be a few bug reporters who never get back to you and there is not enough information for the bug to be worked on. You do not need to invalidate these bugs -- bugs in incomplete status without a response will be automatically expired in 60 days. 09:20
gagathso it seems I just can wait and it will be closed automatically09:20
bdmurraygagath: There are some cases in which bugs set to incomplete will not expire15:44
gagathbdmurray: how can I know if this option is actived for the project? I am not MOTU thus do not have access to https://launchpad.net/imapfilter/+edit15:49
bdmurraygagath: The upstream project or for Ubuntu?15:54
bdmurraygagath: In this particular case there is now a message on the bug report about "This bug report will be marked for expiration in 22 days if no further activity occurs."15:55
bdmurrayBug expiration is enabled for Ubuntu15:56

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