
UserName94I'm trying to download something on my ubuntu Linux (version 24.04) server on a VM and cloud.init is stopping the whole installation because its phased. Does anyone know of any cloud.init alternative package? or a solution? other than just waiting lol13:57
minimalUserName94: "because its phased" ? what exactly does this mean?14:11
minimalI think you need to explain the situation in more detail14:12
dbungertphased updates is a system by which, if errors are detected in stable updates, that rollout of the update can be halted.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhasedUpdates - this has some information about configuring that behavior - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/phased-updates-in-apt-in-21-04/2034514:53
minimaldbungert: is this something that would happen during VM 1st boot before cloud-init has completed its run?14:55
minimalor is this rather a subiquity issue?14:55
dbungertphased updates is a general ubuntu thing and unrelated to subiquity.  could apply any time apt is downloading updates, including install time, first boot, or later14:57

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