[01:14] Trying to recreate install media.   Mounted the 24.04 ISO.  Copied files to a new directory.   Ran genisoimage in that directory, dd'd the ISO and can't get it to EFI boot.   legacy boot seems to work if I boot in virtualbox.   For genisoimage with -e parameter for EFI booting should I be using files in the EFI/boot directory? [01:14] bootx64.efi grubx64.efi mmx64.efi [04:57] what is genisoimage -e parameter? [04:58] efi boot does not require any extra setup besides presence of efi/boot/bootx64.efi file [04:59] genisoimage -b is for legacy boot only [15:09] could ubuntu package a SIIT-DC yet [15:09] context: https://chaos.social/@SoniEx2/112621258386177576 === JanC is now known as Guest4395 === miceiken2 is now known as miceiken === DArqueBish0p is now known as DArqueBishop === Fossil_ is now known as Fossil === NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey [19:24] Soni: you could try jool-dkms