
=== lutherblissett is now known as meuerro
SpeirosDoes anyone know the reason why Ubuntu has decided to no longer by default acknowledge external drives?01:07
SpeirosAlthough I do want the fix, I more so want the reasoning behind it.01:07
sarnoldin what was does it not?01:07
SpeirosThat doesn't make sense, sarnold. What are you trying to say?01:08
sarnoldhah, I made a mess of that01:08
SpeirosLOL Ah. Typo.01:08
sarnoldin what way does ubuntu not acknowledge your external drive01:08
SpeirosWell, I upgraded in sequence on two computers. I started with Ubuntu 16.04, and went through the upgrade processes up to 22.04 on one and 24.04 on the other...01:09
SpeirosAfter 18.04 on both, it seems, there is no recognition of external drives.01:09
SpeirosSecondly, on one computer, there is no longer any support for plug and play at all.01:10
SpeirosEven flash drives don't work.01:10
SpeirosIf I reload the OLD Ubuntu, they work again.01:10
SpeirosI go online and see all the crappy points of view about defunct drives, but this is simply not it. So I suspect some Microsoft tomfoolery, by the demons who work there who should be tortured.01:11
sarnoldif you run dmesg -w in a terminal and plug in your drive, what is printed?01:11
SpeirosI'll have a look, sarnold. Thanks.01:11
Speiroscommand "dmesq" not found.01:12
sarnoldg not q01:12
SpeirosAh. Sorry.01:12
sarnoldnow you've got me wondering about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DESQview  -- I never actually saw it, but it sounded neat01:13
SpeirosLOL Well, glad to inspire, even by accident :P01:13
SpeirosSo, in the first instance, that command brought up a load of information that is not printable, due to the size of the information. It states there is a "power_save blacklist" though. How do I turn this off, and why is it hidden in the stupid format?01:15
sarnoldwhat do you mean "hidden in the stupid format"?01:16
SpeirosWell, if a person wants to have a form of power save, you'd think it would be on the settings list.01:16
sarnoldah, power save can mean different things to different devices01:16
sarnoldand the way to disable it depends on the details of the device01:17
SpeirosThis is what is going to happen to all those who have bitcoin. It will be our fiends at Microsoft and Google who will do the shafting, and conveniently preventing trading at critical times.01:17
SpeirosThe thing is, see, it  worked before, and now it doesn't, thanks to Ubuntu's updated settings.01:21
SpeirosBased on that, they should have a descriptive way to explain how/why it was set up, so it can be removed.01:21
SpeirosMucousoft is another issue. They can remain the phlegm of society and keep all their infections internally, without it being looked at without a prescription. But this is Ubuntu.01:22
SpeirosNot Mucousoft.01:22
sarnoldyou may need to find a windows channel for your microsoft problems01:22
SpeirosI don't use Mucousoft.01:22
SpeirosBut considering the Linux Foundation has some lovely prime seats for their financial support from such sleazebags, it can not be hidden from Linux users.01:23
SpeirosTheir influence should not be underestimated. Why do you think they're on it? To help Linux, or to destroy and infiltrate, which is their technique?01:23
SpeirosI still don't understand why Ubuntu has decided that it will now claim that external drives take up too much power. How do I disable that factor? Regardless of the drive.01:31
Yakovhow to add miliseconds to my ubuntu time widget?01:42
DarkTrick_Is there a way to configure the shortcut keys for mocz?03:04
gut11i use arch btw03:13
prabinshey guys, I am installed lubuntu but it seems discover doesn't want to start up. any idea?03:48
guivercprabins, you could tell us your release (more clues) & try running it from qterminal, eg. `plasma-discover` opens a window on my box, but messages may provide clues (or checking in /var/crash to see if it crashdump is present..)03:53
guiverc(plasma-discover on my release opened it up fine..)03:53
prabinsIts the latest version of lubuntu03:54
prabinsplasma-discover from qterminal doesn't do anything03:55
guiverc(best if you just say 24.04... up to a third of people say latest for non-latest releases)03:55
prabinsYep it is 24.0403:56
prabinsIf I restart the computer, it starts the firt time but after that it doesn't start03:56
guivercit maybe you didn't actually end the program, if you run `plasma-discover` when it is already running, it'll just exit & do nothing on subsequent runs (as already running)03:58
guivercyou could use `ps -elf |grep plasma` etc to see if its running  (I see a /usr/bin/plasma-discover listed here b/c its open on another screen of this box currently)03:59
prabinsprabins@prabin-imac113:/var/crash$ ps -ef | grep discover04:00
prabinsprabins     7505    1442  0 22:46 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/plasma-discover04:00
prabinsprabins    32016    7569  0 22:58 pts/3    00:00:00 grep --color=auto discover04:00
prabinsprabins@prabin-imac113:/var/crash$ pkill -f discover04:00
prabinsprabins@prabin-imac113:/var/crash$ ps -ef | grep discover04:00
prabinsprabins    32020    7569  0 22:59 pts/3    00:00:00 grep --color=auto discover04:00
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit04:00
* guiverc away awhile (maybe an hour).. will be back later sorry04:04
derek-shnoshHeya, in Gnome 46, is there a way to customize the port assigned to "Remote Login" (not Remote Desktop)? I found `/org/gnome/desktop/remote-desktop/rdp` but changing that port value doesn't effect "Remote Login".04:08
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LOLOkayHow does one input ordinal symbols in this amazing software distribution?07:41
LOLOkayI'm using 22.04 LTS.07:41
LOLOkayBecause 24.04 LTS wants 4GB of RAM. lol07:41
loganleehi guys. what are the package names for 32 bit libraries for libldap and gnutls? thx!07:47
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loganleehow to install cjk fonts in bottles?08:34
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loganleei've been trying to install battle.net on my ubuntu box all day :-O10:33
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loganleeholy sh1t got battle.net working... not sure what i did lol. now next step is to install games11:09
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Guest56how to install ubuntu jammy v6.5.0-15 with kernel version 6.5.3?12:03
Guest56I need this particular version on vbox?12:03
Guest56*without  that '?'12:03
jeremy31Guest56: Why is 6.5.3 needed?12:19
Guest56to reproduce this: https://pwning.tech/nftables/#02-affected-kernel-versions12:22
Guest56I'd prefer to boot it with my current installation in vbox, not in some emulator, as I'll have a presentation about this bug12:22
Guest56Now I run ubuntu with kernel version 6.5.0-30-generic in virtualbox, how could I use 6.5.3?12:24
Guest56It can be incompnatible or whatsoever, just need to reproduce that bug12:24
Guest56could you help me please?12:26
jeremy31Guest56: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.5.3/12:31
BluesKajHi all12:46
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Guest64jeremy31 yeah okay, but how to use it?13:09
leftyfbGuest64: you install it and boot to it13:11
Guest64what do you mean by install?13:12
Guest64should I run `wget https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mineline/6.3.013:12
leftyfbGuest64: did you click on the link?13:12
leftyfbGuest64: why are you messing with a patched exploit?13:13
Guest64I'm working on a presentation about it13:13
Guest64Therefore need real example13:13
leftyfbwalk before you run13:14
Guest64don't get it13:14
leftyfblean how to research, click links, download packages from links, install packages and boot to installed kernels before giving a presentation on patch kernel exploits13:15
nwoobIn my ubuntu 22.04.4, screen goes black for a second randomly13:17
Guest64which one exactly? Can't you just write "install X by clicking Y on that website, then build using command 'cd Z && make', then reboot your vm and choose proper version"?13:17
nwoobwhat can i do to fix this? Could someone please help13:17
Guest64leftyfb please help13:24
evon5952Hey everyone.  my touchpad stops working periodically and in order to get it working again, I have to put my laptop to sleep and wake it up again.  I know this is a hardware issue but until I get it fixed, is there a terminal command I can run to replicate whatever is happening when I put my computer to sleep and wake it again? Perhaps a command to13:30
evon5952restart whatever service controls the touchpad?13:30
leftyfbevon5952: https://askubuntu.com/questions/528293/is-there-a-way-to-restart-the-touchpad-driver  try one of those solutions13:37
nwoobIn my ubuntu 22.04.4, screen goes black for a second randomly13:49
dithoanyone experience with security copilot?14:01
raabenaasmoin moin14:45
lotuspsychjewelcome raabenaas14:46
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iconoclastherowrt to nautilius...   are there any other options?15:11
iconoclastheroor maybe that's not what i want to replace.  does gnome control the file interface that chrome uses?15:12
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iconoclastheroalso, does anyone have a good solution to reduce the load delay on x over ssh for GNOME apps?  i know that there's ostensiblyt some wayland over ssh thing, but i haven't gotten far with it.15:21
webchat89Is there any info on when support for Intel iGPUs is going to be fixed in Ubuntu 24.04? Neither clinfo or vainfo or any app using the GPU work, making 24.04 completely useless for me16:34
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johnnywoeany guide on making ubuntu studio 24 lts a persistent live system?17:49
Eickmeyerjohnnywoe: Per the release notes, that's specifically not supported by Ubuntu Studio.17:50
johnnywoepersistence is not supported by Ubuntu Studio? I thought all ubuntu flavours worked almost the same that it might be possible! Thanks anyway!!17:51
Eickmeyerjohnnywoe: Always read release notes.17:51
leftyfbjohnnywoe: I don't understand the use case. You lose all performance when running from usb17:54
johnnywoe@leftyfb not if you use persistent17:55
leftyfbyeah, that's not how that works17:56
johnnywoecould you explain?17:56
leftyfbpersistent is still running the OS from squashfs stuff into memory. Then you have some saved files, packages, configs overlayed on top of that17:56
johnnywoeso whats the benefit?17:57
johnnywoeor purpose?17:57
leftyfbof what?17:57
johnnywoeof persistent storage?17:57
leftyfbpersistent? To have a live environment with some saved files and configs so you don't have to reinstall/copy them every time you boot. But you are still limited to the lack of performance running from a live usb17:58
johnnywoeyeah that what i want, since full install to a 64GB sd card didnt work so well for me. It reported 5 crashes per minute!!(exaggerated but still approx.)18:00
leftyfbwhy do you need ubuntu studio over plan ubuntu?18:00
Eickmeyerleftyfb: that's like asking someone why they need kubuntu over ubuntu. Don't, please. Personal preferences and needs.18:01
leftyfbEickmeyer: the point was, if they were doing it for the RT and other performance enhancements provided by Ubuntu Studio, then they should install it proper onto a proper storage device.18:02
Eickmeyerleftyfb: That's correct, and especially in Ubuntu Studio the live session isn't configured properly for RT audio (and can't be until installed and upgraded).18:03
johnnywoeNo, Im all for the all-in-one-multimedia-apps18:03
Eickmeyerjohnnywoe: The live session user, which would be the persistent storage user, would not be properly configured for RT audio use and cannot be. Only installed users can be.18:06
EickmeyerThat's why we don't support persistent storage on Ubuntu Studio. (I'm the Ubuntu Studio lead)18:06
johnnywoeso..... what should I do? Other than installing to harddrive along with my "plain" ubuntu....18:08
=== JanC is now known as Guest4395
Eickmeyerjohnnywoe: That's possible. Just put it in another partition.18:09
leftyfbjohnnywoe: if you are looking to take advantage of the performance enhancements that are unique to the default install of ubuntu studio, you need to install it proper. If you are just looking to use some of the default apps installed in ubuntu studio and don't mind the lack of performance that running from live usb struggles from, then continue using ubuntu studio from usb18:10
leftyfbwithout persistence18:10
johnnywoeEickmeyer: i dont want that since my HDD is, ironically, 128GB and i have used upto 80%. Risk of data loss when resizing partitions..18:11
leftyfbthe other option is keep your plain ubuntu and install the packages you want that are installed by default on ubuntu studio. But you will not get RT audio nor the other performances that studio gives you18:11
leftyfbjohnnywoe: you can always reinstall and restore from backup if you accidentally make a mistake with resizing18:12
=== miceiken2 is now known as miceiken
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-installer | johnnywoe: You can get all of the advantages on your plain Ubuntu install with this18:12
ubottujohnnywoe: You can get all of the advantages on your plain Ubuntu install with this: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, and/or add the !ubuntustudio-backports PPA. For more info, see https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/18:12
johnnywoeBy the way, I see a "writable" partition on my live disk but is used by system, i think?18:12
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prabinsAny one knows how to connect to Apple Bluetooth Mouse in Lubuntu 24.0420:54
prabinsAny one knows how to connect to Apple Bluetooth Mouse in Lubuntu 24.04. I was able to connect to Apple Bluetooth Keyboard but it doesn't find my mouse.20:55
atreowhy is ubuntu 24.04 soooo buggy? i can hardly use it22:49
rboxthen don't22:50
atreorbox: i am forced to go back to mint, at least it keeps connected to the internet and doesn't freez every 5 minites22:51
rboxokay, do that22:52
atreowhy would people waste time developing such a product?22:52
rboxgo troll somewhere else22:54
atreoi am not trolling, just stating a fact23:00
meustationwondering what distro to use for an old laptop. I'm familiar with xubuntu, have never tried Lubuntu, and was not even aware of the existance of Budgie, Mate and Cinnamon. of these 5 flavours I mentioned, which are the two most lightweight?23:12
rboxtry them all23:13
rboxand see which you like best23:13
xangualubuntu then xubuntu23:13
oerhekshow much mem ?23:13

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