[02:06] Hello everyone. Is this the right place to seek help? [02:51] odd, nvidia would not have anything to do with those? [14:21] Hi all [15:16] Hey all, hope all having a great Sunday. Ran into a lil KDE hiccup, I'm so accustomed to using krunner/kicker main menu, for conversions, system I'm sat at currently, not doing it. Am I missing a package, or is it an option, shouldn't need to use the Internet for sonore conversions, it's a computer, I want it to compute 135lbs into something I understand??? Thanks for any help [15:19] Hey all, hope all having a great Sunday. Ran into a lil KDE hiccup, I'm so accustomed to using krunner/kicker main menu, for conversions, system I'm sat at currently, not doing it. Am I missing a package, or is it an option, shouldn't need to use the Internet for simple conversions, it's a computer, I want it to compute 135lbs into something I understand??? Thanks for any help [15:28] "Unit Converter" [15:29] not sure which packet it's in [18:01] Hello guys, I wonder who knows when KDE 6 could come for Ubuntu 24.04 === Gerges is now known as _Gerges === _Gerges is now known as Gerges === Gerges is now known as _Gerges === unclea is now known as JHMotherfoq === dangle is now known as JHMQtherfq [23:23] probably never [23:23] I expect it with 24.10