
meustationI'd say 1 or 2gb, perhaps more00:17
meustationbut it's a machine that has been having troubles with a full fledged ubuntu lts, so a more lightweight distro is to see if the lifetime of the machine can be extended00:17
meustationcan't try them all because it's not my machine, but of a relative that I will be visiting shortly to help with the data backup process in case the machine kicks the bucket00:18
oerhekslubuntu is the lightest, with 2gb+ i would do xubuntu and tweak some, like  disable animations https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/711122/edit-xubuntu-preferences-via-command-line00:21
oerhekstons of other help/tweak performance pages to find, bottleneck will be your browser, that can be a memory-shark00:22
wiseguyI'm on Lubuntu right now. I like it. In addition, it resurrected 3 laptops from my tech graveyard like a wizard. I was havinging issues with those boxes for the longest time trying other distros. Lubuntu just worked. Up and running in 45min each.00:39
meustationjust finished getting the lubuntu 22.04.4 iso, thanks for the advice01:04
=== HLDMYBR_ is now known as HLDMYBR
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
webchat89I tried asking about it yesterday, but got no replies, so I'll try again: are there any plans to fix Intel iGPU support in Ubuntu 24.04? Neither vainfo or clinfo find suitable devices nor do apps work, when everything works just fine in e.g. 23.10.02:15
vortexxwebchat89: seeing as it's the next LTS release, yes I imagine it will be fixed. Might have to wait for 24.04.1 for that.02:36
vortexxwebchat89: and maybe you should stay on 23.10 till then02:41
webchat89No other choice, then02:42
rfmvortexx, Is it actually known to be generally broken?  Is there a bug filed?02:43
rfmI couldn't find anything in a search...02:43
vortexxrfm: I do not know that02:44
vortexxwebchat89: are you addicted to upgrading to the latest release? 23.10 will remain supported for a while02:44
=== EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^
turtlenecki did a sudo upg and the message 'nigger' accidentally appeared how to fix07:25
ArtfulDodgerHi! I've just upgraded from Ub Mate 22.04 to 24.04 (passing by 23.10) and now the Backup app (deja-dup) has a partly broken UI. Here is an example with the Help and About windows https://www.cjoint.com/data/NFqmAnmKKb0_Capture-du-2024-06-16-14-25-07.png but it is also the same with the other windows allowing actual backups so I currently can't backup anything. Any idea?12:29
ArtfulDodger(broken UI = text and labels don't appear properly so can't be read)12:30
=== jiggawatt is now known as GottaHaveThemRib
=== GottaHaveThemRib is now known as GottaHavThemRibs
BluesKajHi all14:22
yaslamHi BluesKaj14:23
BluesKajhi yaslam14:25
GottaHavThemRibswhaaaaaazup BluesKaj14:25
GottaHavThemRibsyo yaslam14:25
yaslamyo GottaHavThemRibs14:25
BluesKajmorning coffee, GottaHavThemRibs14:26
yaslamcoffee, morning14:38
MarzDoes Ubuntu have an official discord server?14:42
lotuspsychjeMarz: here's the most common community support ways; https://ubuntu.com/community/support14:44
MarzI could swear i saw something about discord while installing Ubuntu but couldn’t find an official channel14:45
MarzI can use other locations to connect to a server using sftp with password. How do i connect with a key and password authentication disabled?i can’t seem to find a solution14:48
leftyfbMarz: you probably saw discourse https://discourse.ubuntu.com/14:54
MarzI guess that was it. lol14:59
coderhello everyone15:04
LuckyMantoo late15:05
LuckyManhe left15:05
LuckyManit was an impatient coder15:05
=== VIAblet is now known as VIAround
nikolarhello, can anyone here tell me how do i upgrade a ubuntu install from eg 18 to 20 non-interactively16:00
rboxwell, there is no "ubuntu 18" or "ubuuntu 20" to begin with...16:02
nikolarsorry, 18.04 to 20.0416:03
nikolarthought that was obvious enough16:03
rboxso yo uwant to upgrade a really ancient dist to an ancient dist...16:03
nikolari wouldn't call 20 ancient16:04
nikolarbut sure16:04
ioriai recall a thing like 'DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive' option , but never tried, so i cannot recommend16:04
nikolaryeah doesn't work16:05
nikolarjust exits witout printing anything16:05
iorianikolar, what was your exact command ?16:05
nikolardo-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive16:06
nikolaras root, clearly16:06
iorianikolar, ok, maybe you need to enable old-release repo, idk16:06
nikolaroh the upgrade would work without that option16:06
nikolarbut i'd have to attend to it16:06
nikolarwhich i can't exactly do for a 100 servers at work16:07
iorianikolar, so you would need a little debian script, but i don't remember atm, sy16:07
rboxwhat do you mean"but i'd have to attend to it"16:08
nikolari'd have to go pressy Ys and Ns to get it to upgrade the system16:08
nikolarioria: no problem, thanks anyway :)16:09
rboxtheres the non interactive stuff16:10
rboxthat epple use in docker16:11
nikolari am not sure i know what you're referring to16:11
iorianikolar, yea, something like that: env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive APT_LISTCHANGES_FRONTEND=mail apt-get upgrade -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' ; but change the apt cmd16:13
nikolarwell i replaced apt with do-release-upgrade16:14
nikolarlet's see if it works16:14
BirbasaurusBTW i use Artix with OpenRC init16:48
Birbasaurussystemd is a bloated security hole that has always run like trash for me16:50
Birbasauruspacman is so much better than apt16:50
Birbasaurusdependencies are so much easier to deal with16:51
Birbasaurusiv never liked apt16:51
Birbasauruseven when i was using it as my main16:51
BirbasaurusArch is supperior16:52
BirbasaurusUbuntu is trash16:53
bertptrsthat's a nice opinion but why spam it here16:53
rboxBirbasaurus: didn't your mom t ell you to go to your room for being a bad boy?16:53
Birbasaurusbecause i am birb16:53
Birbasaurusrbox, yes she did, but im a rebel16:54
rbox!ops | Birbasaurus16:54
ubottuBirbasaurus: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant16:54
Birbasaurushaha nice16:54
Birbasaurus*waits for the ban*16:54
BirbasaurusArtix is also better than Arch cause no systemd16:55
Birbasaurusi like trains16:58
Birbasaurusstaff must be sleeping or some shit17:03
Birbasaurusi cringe when people have / and /home on the same partition17:04
=== Furna_away is now known as Furna
Guest134how do I mount a zfs pool in ubuntu desktop 24.04 ?17:27
Guest1341 zfs disk only17:27
iorianikolar, try this: https://termbin.com/n1qm17:28
nikolarioria: thanks, i will :)17:28
nikolarioria: E: Invalid operation do-release-upgrade17:30
jardon_is this a good place to get some help with gbp?17:32
iorianikolar, sorry, change the last line apt-get/do-release-upgrade17:34
nikolarsorry, change it to what17:34
iorianikolar, with 'do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive'17:37
AavarA simple question about dualbooting. Is it recommended to have Linux or Windows frist on the drive?18:51
rboxyou should install windows first18:53
AavarRbox: thank you, but that was not My question 😉18:54
rboxthen what was18:54
oerheksinstall windows first, let windows make free space, install ubuntu18:55
oerhekswindows at the beginning or the end, does not matter18:56
AavarI dont mean the installation order, but the order on the drive. Which comes first on the drive18:56
oerheksgrub2 bootloader takes care of that18:56
Aavaroerheks: thank you 🙏18:57
oerhekshave fun!18:57
vortexxAavar: it doesn't matter much but generally I let windows use the first part of the drive with it's 3 partitions (and I try to leave the OEM ones at the back of the drive if they exist too). Shrink the NTFS C: partition if need be, the install other OSes. Grub will handle everything for you19:44
Aavarvortexx: the reason I am askin is because windows does not want to install because the partition is in the wrong place (I dont remember the exact error). I have had windows and ubuntu for years on this computer, but this week I replaced ubuntu with popos. Didn't like it and moved back to ubuntu. and now it's not working. But it's no big deal. I19:47
Aavaralmost never use windows anyway.19:47
vortexxI think Windows does like being at the front of the drive19:50
walterduranovHello bros20:42

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