
IrcsomeBot<hamodehbasha> EM6M00:04
IrcsomeBot<hamodehbasha> FMXM00:05
IrcsomeBot<hamodehbasha> SX9000:06
IrcsomeBot<hamodehbasha> AHBZ00:06
IrcsomeBot<hamodehbasha> AHBZ00:06
merganser82how is everyone00:45
IrcsomeBot<LFRon> Probably on 24.10 (re @IrcsomeBot: <D3D4LU5> Hello guys, I wonder who knows when KDE 6 could come for Ubuntu 24.04)02:13
oerheksmaybe 24.10 is too soon to, anyway not on an LTS. perhaps by then, there is a backport feature.02:15
mmikowskioerheks: The target IIRC was 24.10 for Plasma 6. Not sure if backports are planned.02:23
horis hey03:41
IrcsomeBot<LFRon> Yes (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> maybe 24.10 is too soon to, anyway not on an LTS. perhaps by then, there is a backport feature.)04:07
IrcsomeBot<LFRon> So 24.04 still could upgrade to KDE6,just slow then.04:07
IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> no backports at some point till then you can upgrade to 24.10 i believe (re @LFRon: So 24.04 still could upgrade to KDE6,just slow then.)04:12
=== osidorkin1 is now known as osidorkin
BluesKajHi all12:40
=== mateus is now known as yusukeyao
IrcsomeBot<LFRon> Yes (re @plutorocks: no backports at some point till then you can upgrade to 24.10 i believe)14:48
alex70hi everyone16:02
akechetabonjour ! quelqu'un peu me conseiller pour une bonne protection de mes ordis opensources17:01
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci.17:02
akechetaok merci beaucoup bien à vous17:03
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
wolfbaneHi everyone18:57
=== vibbe1 is now known as vibbe
=== vibbe1 is now known as vibbe
user|96I can't seem to install Kubuntu on an external drive.  It fails to make the partiotions22:10

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