
adrienmwhudson: not sure I had seen it before but it looks perfect, thanks :)04:34
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adrienI didn't configure my PPA for vtk9-related stuff with -proposed last week and got an ftbfs for gdcm as a result; I'm hopeful I can get the package to build today and that should open up vtk9 to migrate and therefore opencascade and maybe petsc too10:37
waveform@pilot in11:14
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: waveform
adrienI'm looking for a sponsor for https://code.launchpad.net/~adrien/ubuntu/+source/gdcm/+git/gdcm/+merge/467594 so that the long chain of vtk9/opencascade/petsc migrations can start being unravelled13:18
waveformadrien, I see that's a universe package -- I'm just working through the (quite long) sponsoring queue at the moment but I'll try and take a look before my shift ends14:02
adrienwaveform: yes, it's universe but it's involved in blocking three transitions and around 30 packages, maybe more :D14:07
waveformyeah, I was mainly commenting on universe because I can upload that ;)14:07
adrienwaveform: anyway, thanks, and no hurry: there are several other packages after this one and they all take ages to build because they're all C++ with templates :P14:07
adrienoh, didn't remember you weren't core dev!14:08
adriendoes anyone know why squid-deb-proxy does this? "launchpad personal package archives (disabled by default)15:21
adrienI think this gives me a 403 and therefore I needed to completely disable the proxy (until I understood the issue)15:22
mateus-moraisadrien I simply uncommented all PPA-related lines from the conf file after the line that says "disabled by default" and never really had an issue15:25
adrienI don't really understand the reason; and also, it's launchpadusercontent, not launchpad; and I can confirm that was the source of my 403 (I was confused at first because LP also gave an error when the repo didn't exist yet and I thought it had been cached!)15:42
adrienwell, new kind of error with camitk: "c++: fatal error: environment variable ‘DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_PACKAGE_ARCH’ not defined", which I think is due to some spec file15:55
blucadpkg-buildpackage is setting that env var16:11
blucais something in that package build process clearing out env vars?16:11
waveform@pilot out17:13
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: N/A
adrienbluca: good question, no idea; and I checked https://ubuntu.dcln.fr/update_excuses.html#dpkg , there are several failures during tests but it seems there may be even more during package build18:00
blucathis is introduced by https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2024-June/043023.html and there is an opt-out available, but root-causing would be better than adding workarounds18:05
adrienyup, saw that and I might actually use it at least as a first step (there are already too many vtk9 9.3-related failures)18:32
adrienand I'm not sure how to tackle the issue, I'm not sure this would be the right place18:33
adrienjust from tests, I see cmake, go and autoconf having troubles so I'm wondering if using the environment is reliable enough18:34
blucait was in fedora18:56
blucaand I have used it in debian in packages using cmake, like rpm18:58
adrienmy point is that there are errors in at least three different settings so it seems pretty widespread and maybe not related to a specific build system19:09
blucayeah it's more likely related to d/rules19:10
sudipcan anyone please click on this link - https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=oracular&package=r10k&arch=amd64&trigger=r10k%2F4.0.2-1ubuntu1~ppa1&ppa=sudipmuk%2Ftest-ppa21:09
mwhudsonadrien, bluca: which packages are affected by this?21:12
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liushuyusudip: done. Test queued22:29
mwhudsonbdrung, adrien, bluca: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2024-June/043035.html fwiw22:33
liushuyutsimonq2: Thank you for sponsoring the ruff sync! However because the package is in the sync blocklist so it seems like we still need an AA to get the package removed from the list in order for the sync to get through22:58

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