
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
Odd_BlokeHey folks, I have a jammy system with a few timers which aren't triggering their services when expected.  man-db and apt-daily are a couple of affected examples.  The timers are enabled and "active (waiting)", and the corresponding unit files are loaded.  I'm not really sure how to debug what's going on, does anyone have any suggestions?14:09
=== TheCaptain8985 is now known as TheCaptain898
tewardserver team, i forget, where do we have documentation for the NGINX package for our team/devel?  I have details about the nginx-abi definition that we should be aware of for the Future.17:06
tewardcc bryceh rbasak 17:06
sdezielOdd_Bloke: dunno if you've already checked but `.timer` units also have their logs you can consult with: `journalctl -u apt-daily.timer`17:14
teward(answered my own question, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/NGINX#NGINXABI )17:19
Odd_Blokesdeziel: I have, yeah: it has a single "Started Daily apt download activities." log message (which is the name of both the timer and the service, confusingly) from right after boot, and that's it. ;.;17:37
sdezielOdd_Bloke: are there any clues in the corresponding `.service` file?17:39
Odd_Blokesdeziel: There's not really anything common between the various units that aren't running, that I can see.  (Some of them are ConditionACPower=true, but there are no `/sys/class/power_supply` devices on this machine.)17:52
sdezielOdd_Bloke: `systemctl status <>` on the `.timer` and `.service` will tell you if a `Condition*=` was not met. `systemctl list-timer` will give you an overview of when those timers will/have fired. I can't think of other ways to debug this, sorry :/18:03
sdeziel`systemctl status <unit>`*18:04

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