
=== five618480330 is now known as five61848033
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gryrodriguezf: hi04:38
gryrodriguezf: how may i help you with ubuntu?04:38
jjjjoorgNigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Microsoft Windows 1006:25
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PeGaSuShi there. is there a way to "hide" those packages that we marked as hold, so apt doesn't keep saying that there's X packages to be updated?07:43
jakobAnyone here?08:41
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ghodawalaamanjakob: hi10:55
nikolarme again10:56
ghodawalaamanyou are jakob?10:57
nikolaris it possible to run do-release-upgarde unattended10:57
nikolarghodawalaaman: i am not, sorry heh10:57
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BluesKajHi all12:40
ghodawalaamanBluesKaj: hey12:40
ghodawalaamanwhat is new we got in Ubuntu12:40
leftyfbghodawalaaman: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/3989012:41
ghodawalaamanthat's a quite a big list12:41
BluesKajhey ghodawalaaman12:43
jl2024bonjour à tous13:22
mgaunardhi, I tried upgrading jammy to noble through update-manager, and it's been stuck on "cleaning up" for a while. Is there a way I can fix this somehow?13:49
CrinHello I am trying timeshift to backps up but it puts them into /run/timeshift instead of the external drive i selected, how can i fix it?14:50
leftyfbmulti8: not here please. This is a support channel15:23
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ianliuI want to inspect how the GDAL package is built in Ubuntu. Is there something similar to Arch Linux's AUR repository for DEB packages I can inspect online?16:09
leftyfbianliu: downloading the source isn't enough?16:10
ianliuFor instance, in Arch I can inspect the package here: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/gdal16:10
ianliuravage1: thanks!16:23
kk1234ianliu apt source <package_name>16:23
kk1234ianliu it will download in $PWD16:24
ianliukk1234: the problem with apt source is it needs to modify the source list, right? I need to add deb-src to the list16:25
ianliuand I can't modify them in the system16:26
kk1234ianliu ok I rest my case16:26
Gyllene5Hi Somebody ?17:07
PeGaSuShi there. is there a way to "hide" those packages that we marked as hold, so apt doesn't keep saying that there's X packages to be updated?17:07
pragmaticenigmaPeGaSuS: no, there is not a way. updates are important, often carrying vulnerability patches in them. Holding should be done temporarily17:11
esvhey folks, I am using this page: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/kernel-crash-dump to setup the crash kernel dump analysis on my box but the machine does not reboot after 'echo c > /proc/sysrt-trigger' command,  is there a way to force the reboot?17:11
esvor am I too impatient?17:12
pragmaticenigmaIf the kernel crashed... I'm not sure how one would expect it to respond to commands17:13
esvwell, I'd expect the server reboots after the crash-kernel is done capturing the emergency system dump and saving it to /var/crash directory17:15
kk1234esv reisub maybe?17:17
esvwill dig around.17:21
pragmaticenigmaesv: personally I wouldn't want a machine to automatically reboot after a kernel crash. For concern of it just going into the boot loop over and over again, filling up the log space and then bigger problems.17:22
pragmaticenigmakdump is intended to be a way to capture the crash, and then boot to known stable kernel for analysis17:22
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admin3_The irony.. disconnected lol18:37
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StyneAnyone else having VS Code issues on the newest release?19:14
pragmaticenigmaStyne: define "issues"19:15
StyneIn version 1.90.0 it would crash on boot and had to be opened from the terminal (dealt with this last week). Now on 1.90.1 hardware (gpu) acceleration doesn't seem to be working properly19:16
StyneVery slow experience overall, both typing and scrolling both in files and in the terminal19:17
pragmaticenigmaare you running in a wayland or Xserver display server?19:21
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eelstreborcan someone answer questions about ffmpeg or do i need to go to a different channel?21:03
delsol_laptopI missed the question, what was the question?21:03
eelstreborididn''t ask yet21:03
delsol_laptopOh, well don't ask to ask, just ask.21:04
eelstrebori can't seem to get ffmpeg to concatenate muliple video files21:04
delsol_laptopare they the same exact formats?21:04
eelstrebori used ffmpeg -i concat:v1.mp4|v2.mp4|v3.mp4  output.mp421:05
delsol_laptopI haven't actively been using ffmpeg... pretty much all of the stuff I use it for is fully automated now.21:05
delsol_laptopbut I had problems concatinating videos once when they weren't the same EXACT format.21:06
delsol_laptopthe solution I used at the time was to basically transcode them into the exact format... then it worked.21:06
delsol_laptoppeople in ##ffmpeg would likely know more though.21:07
eelstreborthey were all recorded in the mp4 format21:07
JanCit's #ffmpeg21:07
gordonjcpeelstrebor: mp4 is a container format, but that doesn't really help much because it might have different codecs, different frame rates, and so on21:09
gordonjcpeelstrebor: think about it this way, mp4 is the box, the codecs are the pizza. You might like the logo on the box but still not like the toppings21:09
eelstreborso they to be transcoded to another format?21:09
delsol_laptopJanC: Ahh, I didn't remember if they were single or double pound...21:10
eelstrebori tried mpvmerge-gui also without success21:11
delsol_laptopeelstrebor: Yes, mp4 is just the box. Doesn't tell much about the actual video format, resolution, frame rate, codec, etc....21:11
eelstrebori'll run the videos through handbrake and see how that works out21:17
GrandPa-GI need help with curl. I want to delete remote file /home/foo/file.txt on server (ubuntu) user foo:bar ssh enabled, no keys. Everything I try gives access denied.23:18
pwugHi. Can not upgrade to python 3.12 https://bpa.st/DEOQ23:23
leftyfbpwug: emerge? This is an Ubuntu support channel. Emerge isn't supported. That said, Ubuntu 24.04 comes with python 3.12 by default23:24
pwugleftyfb, sorry23:24
leftyfbGrandPa-G: curl is a web renderer, it won't do anything over ssh23:24
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, yes, I know that. Just a piece of info if needed.23:25
leftyfbGrandPa-G: so what exactly are you trying to do with curl?23:26
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, delete the file on a remote server23:26
leftyfbGrandPa-G: what protocol is the remote server advertising that you are trying to use curl to connect to?23:27
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, I have been using sftp to put files on the remote server. Is that what  you mean?23:28
leftyfbGrandPa-G: ok, so use sftp or ssh or scp23:28
leftyfbnot curl23:28
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, all I can say is I use the curl command to get the files there.23:29
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, never mind. I will figure it out.23:29
leftyfbit's ssh, use ssh clients like ssh or scp23:29
leftyfbyou will figure out using a client to connect to a server it's not capable of communicating with?23:30
mutantecan you paste the command you used to upload files?23:30
JanCleftyfb: curl supports scp & sftp too23:32
leftyfbJanC: I'm pretty sure it doesn't support running commands like rm23:32
leftyfbit's also not the right tool for the job23:32
GrandPa-Gcurl --upload-file "movie.mp4"  --user foo:'bar' -k sftp://
mutanteGrandPa-G: try the same thing but instead of --upload-file do     -Q "DELE movie.mp4"23:36
leftyfb-Q "rm movie.mp4"23:37
JanCI've never used it, but according to the curl manpage you can effectively send "rm" commands23:37
JanCpretty crazy  :)23:37
mutanterm, DELE or DELETE..try them all. but the point is they come after -Q and in quotes23:38
leftyfbI would love to understand the insistence on using curl to do ssh/scp things23:38
JanCbut maybe using scp/sftp directly is easier23:38
GrandPa-Gmutante, I put -v. Bottom line error * Unknown SFTP command23:39
mutanteGrandPa-G: how about...    ssh foo@ -C "rm /mnt/usb_share/movie.mp4"23:40
JanCit's also possible the ssh server doesn't have sftp configured...23:40
leftyfbcurl -Q "rm /mnt/usb_share/movie.mp4" user@remotehost23:40
leftyfb^^^ this works .... though I honestly don't know why anyone would23:41
GrandPa-GJanC, then how did it get put there. I use the same server with a windows scp client.23:41
mutanteremove random file deletion without autentication. sounds good :)23:41
leftyfbGrandPa-G: curl -Q "rm /mnt/usb_share/movie.mp4" user@remotehost23:41
JanCSCP & SFTP are not the same23:41
leftyfbI've already tested this on my end23:41
leftyfbbut also, just use ssh/scp23:41
mutanteGrandPa-G: are ALL of them unknown commands? rm, DELE and DELETE ?23:42
GrandPa-Grm, DELE yes23:42
GrandPa-GDELETE also23:43
mutanteas others said, scp and sftp are not the same. but you can use   curl sftp://   and curl  scp:// to make sure you are using the one you think it should be23:44
GrandPa-Gmutante, but why does it work on putting the file there but not deleting the file. I will work it out somehow. thanks23:45
JanCI think SCP can't be used to delete files though, so it would have to be SFTP23:45
mutanteGrandPa-G: maybe because PUT happens to work in both protocols23:46
mutanteGrandPa-G: I mean.. normal ssh and scp already works, so why bother with all that23:46
leftyfbGrandPa-G: curl -Q "rm /mnt/usb_share/movie.mp4" --user foo sftp://remotte-server  # sorry, this worked for me, not the other23:46
mutanteGrandPa-G: notably this started with you saying it gets "permission denied" but then it was actually "unknown command" which makes it all different23:47
GrandPa-Gok, I got it. leftyfb was close. It just need -k23:51
leftyfbyou're running an insecure sftp server?23:52

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