
adrienmwhudson: yesterday I spotted that for camitk which is of interest to me because of https://ubuntu.dcln.fr/update_excuses.html#vtk907:02
schopinsudip: you probably can trigger any test you want now as MOTU, you just have to add a random universe package as additional trigger to your test09:06
sudipschopin: I dont think I have been added or given the powers yet :(09:07
* sudip assumes DMB members are busy09:07
schopinoh :(09:07
schopinMight want to ping utkarsh when he's around.09:08
sudipschopin: I thought about pinging utkarsh, but looking at devel-permissions mail achieve it appears DMB takes few hours to 16 days to change ACL and add to groups. so I still have some time :)09:15
=== JanC is now known as Guest1606
sudipcan anyone please click on this - https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=oracular&package=r10k&arch=amd64&trigger=r10k%2F4.0.2-1ubuntu1&ppa=sudipmuk%2Ftest-ppa11:09
schopinsudip: done11:12
sudipthanks schopin11:13
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