
=== JanC is now known as Guest1606
lcdo-francoHi everybody.17:05
lcdo-francoMy name is Pedro Franco from Ecuador A.K.A. Petrux-EC and my launchpad id is pmfranco.17:05
lcdo-francoI am the former local contact of the ubuntu ecuador community, which is inactive since 2017.17:05
lcdo-francoCurrently two young people have asked me to reactivate the ubuntu community in Ecuador and we are doing the process. However, with my user I can't make comments on the new discourse platform or upload information on the old community wiki. Please, I request to activate my user to be able to upload information to the wiki and make comments in discourse.17:05
=== lcdo-franco is now known as Petrux-EC
=== lcdo-franco is now known as Petrux-EC

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