=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === xispita is now known as Guest7666 === xispita_ is now known as xispita === JanC is now known as Guest1606 === xispita_ is now known as xispita === kenoba8 is now known as kenoba [12:08] Odd_Bloke: for me systemctl status apt-daily.timer has just that one message from weeks ago; systemctl status apt-daily.service has the logs of the most recent execution this morning [12:09] do note that apt-daily.timer has an up to 12 hour randomized delay from the OnCalendar invocation, to avoid all the installed Ubuntu systems all over the world from hammering the mirrors at the same time === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer === leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb [21:44] teward: are you aware of a pure systemd equivalent to `service nginx upgrade`? `systemctl kill --signal=USR2 --kill-who=main nginx.service` doesn't quite cut it, it seems === sdeziel_ is now known as sdeziel