
Eickmeyersarnold: -quality too, about 46 in there.01:11
sarnoldEickmeyer: it'd take some work to get privs there, hopefully this is enough huge channels to let that thing join..01:12
Eickmeyersarnold: Yeah. Seeing it in -news as well. Trying to find where else.01:13
Eickmeyersarnold: Looks like in -arm too.01:14
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=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
tsimonq2mdeslaur: Just finished testing updates for the plasma-workspace CVE, should be good.17:07
tsimonq2That riscv64 segfault for Mantic is ... odd.17:08
mdeslaurawesome, thanks tsimonq2 17:16
mdeslauryeah, I tried mashing the retry button a few times, but I've given up now, it doesn't matter, Mantic will be pushing up daisies soon17:17
mdeslaurtsimonq2: I'll publish the updates first thing tomorrow17:18
tsimonq2mdeslaur: Awesome, thank you! :)18:14

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