[01:09] sarnold: Might wanna do the same in -security. [01:10] Eickmeyer: oh wow, 102 folks, that's way more than I thought [01:10] thanks === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:07] sdeziel: when in doubt, `restart` the service [02:07] sdeziel: i'm not aware of a pure SystemD 'upgrade' mechanism, unfortunately [02:15] I'm used to reload for that feature, but no idea what it is in systemd [02:16] I've switched mostly to k8s, so just deploy a new container === ravage1 is now known as ravage === lucyllewy_ is now known as lucyllewy [12:58] teward: thanks but `restart` is really more intrusive though === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [18:55] Hey there [18:55] Is there a way, with curtin, to « ignore » existing partitions (e.g. if I don't know their size but I don't want curtin to touch them) ? === xispita is now known as Guest8958 === xispita_ is now known as xispita === ice9_ is now known as ice9 [22:20] Reventlov, you can skip the partitioning module [22:21] but I don't think you can somehow skip existing partitions but also still automagically partition for the OS