
guest754well it ran and seems to be installing now00:00
guest754oerheks: does kicad have a circuit simulator in it?00:03
oerhekswhy not find  out yourself ? maybe read a page? ranting in #linux is not funny for volunteers here. also... seriously, UwUntu?00:05
guest754UwUntu is still better than Ubuntu :)00:06
guest754oerheks: I used to recommend Ubuntu to people who are new to Linux but its tough to do that these days.00:07
guest754I'm not trying to troll you, just talk to you honestly00:07
guest754leftyfb: https://uwuntuos.site/00:07
leftyfbyeah, I know what it is. Why was it brought up?00:08
guest754oh, a joke I made in #linux00:08
leftyfbah, I see00:08
leftyfbgood luck00:09
guest754I don't actually use UwUntu, but at work I am forced to use Ubuntu or Windows. So, of course, I choose Ubuntu. But its becoming harder and harder to defend the choice.00:09
guest754installing packages should be as easy as `sudo apt install <pkg>` but very often it is not.00:10
leftyfbI have zero issues with ubuntu. None that I can't easily solve anyway. Been running it for over 17 years now00:10
leftyfbbut I also don't run anything in wine00:10
guest754Sure, consider Slack00:10
leftyfbwhat about it?00:11
guest754you have to go to Slack, download the .deb, then install the .deb00:11
sarnoldi'm shocked you can run twenty year old windows software on linux00:11
sarnoldand if all it takes is a few edits and package downloads, that's outright amazing00:11
guest754sarnold: you'd be even more shocked at the modern circuits still simulated on that software00:11
sarnoldguest754: *nod*00:11
leftyfbguest754: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/74gm5hPdDb/00:12
leftyfbtook about 1.5 seconds to install00:12
guest754leftyfb: that's not Slack00:12
guest754different program00:13
bparkerfor some reason chromium just stopped working and I was getting a "not a snap cgroup" error message00:13
guest754I mean obviously its called slack but I mean the messenger app used by teams everywhere to communicate00:13
leftyfbguest754: so now you're still complaining about 3rd party vendors not packaging their software in debian/ubuntu00:13
leftyfbguest754: complain to the vendor00:14
guest754No, even the community doesn't so it. That argument falls flat on its face.00:14
sarnoldleftyfb: except it kinda is https://snapcraft.io/slack00:14
leftyfbsarnold: I know00:14
leftyfbthey seem to have an unhealthy aversion to snap00:14
leftyfbso didn't bother bringing it up00:15
guest754as should you00:15
guest754stop caping for snap bro00:15
leftyfbgood luck ... bro00:15
bparkerthis is #ubuntu bro00:15
guest754right, so not #snap bro00:16
bparkeralso not #snaphate00:16
leftyfbspeaking of which, did you still have an ubuntu support question you need resolveD?00:16
guest754idk where Ubuntu got its present hard-on for snap but its a bad look00:16
leftyfb!CoC | guest75400:16
ubottuguest754: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv00:16
guest754rather than just have a decent package manager, like pacman00:16
bparkerwell I managed to fix the chromium startup issue with "systemctl enable-linger <user>"00:16
bparkerbut I don't understand why it suddenly became necessary out of nowhere00:16
bparkerand google wasn't much help explaining why this was necessary00:17
MononaHey there! I'm using ubuntu 20.04.6, and I'm not able to boot without going into Recovery Mode -> Resume Normal Boot. Otherwise, it just boots to a black screen. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?00:17
guest754Monona: I think the Ubuntu Code of Conduct probably proscribes the solution I'd offer you00:18
leftyfbguest754: take it elsewhere00:18
guest754ignored and reported00:18
oerheksbparker, where did you get that fix? linger against tcp socket connection?00:20
bparkerI have no idea what it was supposed to be lingering, because the user was always logged in the whole time.00:21
bparkerthis is a headless server and the user was logged in via ssh+screen00:21
bparkernot sure if that matters00:21
bparkerseems somehow related to being unable to start up a user dbus session without it00:21
bparkerbut again, how this worked fine for many months before, I have no idea00:22
bparkerthen again snaps always auto-update so I guess breakage can always happen at any time00:22
sarnoldoerheks: systemd linger is unrelated to tcp socket linger00:22
bparkerthe server is on 22.0400:23
bparkeronly reason I even knew it was happening is users were getting blank PDFs for order confirmations in their email00:23
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webchat69You know how when you drag a window up to the the top and release the mouse click, the window automatically resizes? How do I turn that functionality off?08:05
webchat69I am using 24.04 btw. And the best I can tell, in the mutitasking tab in settings, active screen edges controls that, but mine is turned off, so that is probably not the place to turn it off. Any ideas?08:17
mgedminit's not just "drag a window up", you have to push against the top border a little bit08:20
mgedminif you move the mouse cursor down slightly before releasing it, the window won't maximize08:21
mgedmindisclaimer: I've turned off ubuntu's "enhanced tiling" gnome-shell extension off; it's possible that it handles things a little bit less nicely08:21
mgedmin(it does handle some things less nicely, which is why I've turned it off)08:21
webchat69yeah, I know if I don't go all the way to the top, or left or right, it won't auto resize. But it is still a pain; even though I am aware like 1 out of 5 times I am banging into it and it wants to resize. So can't turn it off from settings?08:24
webchat69I was able to turn it off in Debian.08:26
webchat69from the settings08:26
webchat69I guess I now see its utility. You can easily tile the desktop and work on a few things at the same time.08:31
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]V[aTTeo70Ciao a tutti09:13
bingo_bunnyHi, i tried apt --fix-broken install and it resulted in this:09:28
bingo_bunny291 upgraded, 99 newly installed, 114 to remove and 2058 not upgraded.09:28
bingo_bunny145 not fully installed or removed.09:28
bingo_bunnyNeed to get 0 B/223 MB of archives.09:28
bingo_bunnyAfter this operation, 208 MB disk space will be freed.09:28
bingo_bunnyDo you want to continue? [Y/n] y09:28
bingo_bunnyim using ubuntu studio. trying apt --fix-broken install resulted in this: https://bpa.st/WPGQ. Please help me09:32
ravage1bingo: sudo apt clean; sudo apt update09:36
ravage1then try again. also: how did you end up at this point?09:36
bingo_bunnyI dont know09:37
bingo_bunnyHey, How do i reply to you? like quote or @ravage1 or something?09:37
ravage1that depends on your client.09:38
ravage1IRC has no mention function09:38
bingo_bunnywhats the syntax for that in irc? Quassel09:38
ravage1you usually start the message with nickname:09:38
ravage1some clients support auto complete of nicks09:38
bingo_bunnyravage1 i tried and it resulted in this: https://bpa.st/GS3A09:40
=== ravage1 is now known as ravage
ravagelooks like your system is really broken09:40
ravagebackup your files and reinstall09:41
bingo_bunnyoh does that mean i cant use even the current version?09:41
ravageyou can install the current version09:42
ogra_i'D also take a look at your logs and keep an eye open for filesystem errors, such files dont easly get corrupted10:00
white-wolfhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mqw33c2ZYY/ <-- any one can help me to push my file into framagit ?10:00
floownHello. I have this message: "Failed to restart snapd.mounts-pre.target: Operation refused" https://pastebin.com/UV2Y8Gzd10:19
floownWhat should I do?10:20
ravagemaybe try a reboot?10:21
floownOh ok, I should reboot?10:21
floownIt's in a WSL Ubuntu10:22
ubottuWindows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide10:43
ogra_hmm, why does that factoid not point to the WSL channel (i know there is one)10:43
mybalzitchit may not have been a thing11:56
BluesKajHi all11:56
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menishey all12:06
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babulahow do i build a .deb package? isn't there a commandline function in dpkg or some other program to build a one?14:07
babulamaking a snap package seems too difficult at this time!14:08
babulaflatpak i don't really like.14:08
leftyfbbabula: https://www.makeuseof.com/create-deb-packages-debian-ubuntu/14:09
ogra_creating a snap is miles easier than creating a deb14:09
leftyfb+1 ^14:09
ogra_(essentially you just create a single yaml file to create a snap ... for debs you need to first take a class to understand all the involved bits 😉 )14:11
ogra_(... and you should have a master in "Make")14:11
babulai remember a program with a commandline function to build a binary package!14:12
ogra_well, there are super hackish tools to create non-compliant debs indeed ...14:12
babulait seemed easy that way.14:12
ogra_but these tools usually create pretty broken things ...14:13
lotuspsychjebabula: another idea is sharing your deb idea with the volunteers, maybe something already exist what you trying to build?14:13
babulaogra_: no, it was a command like dpkg or make, not some hacker tool.14:13
leftyfbbabula: there are no such commands14:13
babulaleftyfb: i'm sure there is.14:13
ogra_alien is one to convert to debs from other formats ... and there is checkinstall that will create a horridly broken deb14:13
leftyfbbabula: lets us know when you find one14:13
ogra_both above tools will not give you properly packaged deb packages though ... but they will be installable14:15
ogra_(a package created like this is nothing you should share with others though)14:15
semi remember when ppl used to recommend checkinstall for when you were installing something from source14:25
lotuspsychje!ask | marvel14:45
ubottumarvel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:45
marvel!ask how to extend the root capacity using the existing mounted flashdrive or usb ?14:45
ubottumarvel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:45
ubottuError: You haven't asked me a command; perhaps you want to see someone else's more.  To do so, call this command with that person's nick.14:45
leftyfbmarvel: please stop14:46
leftyfbmarvel: use gparted14:46
Menzadormarvel: What are you trying to do? Was the entire USB drive not in use? Was it partitioned?14:46
marvelgparted? flashdrive in on other device. /dev/mmcblk0 is my root partition and usb flashdrive is located in /dev/sda114:47
marvelalready did gparted , aint got option for that to extend the capacity of root size,14:47
leftyfbmarvel: are you trying to resize the partition on your flash drive?14:48
marvelim not trying to resize.14:48
marvelim trying to add more GB to the root partition located in /dev/mmcblk0 using a mounted device usb in /dev/sda114:48
marvelmy usb is 1TB14:48
leftyfbmount it and write stuff to it14:49
marveland my root has only available space of 4.5GB14:49
leftyfbor install your OS to the flash drive14:49
leftyfbmarvel: what you're asking for is basically RAID 0 which is a horrible ides and should be setup at the time of installing your OS14:50
marvelinstalling OS to the flash drive through persistence is slow. i already tried that when i was testing that using kali linux , the issue was about the `read and write` of the usb.14:50
leftyfbmarvel: this is an ubuntu support channel14:51
marveltheyre both debian14:51
leftyfbmarvel: please seek support from your OS for your OS14:52
leftyfb!kali | marvel14:52
ubottumarvel: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/14:52
marvelim in ubuntu now thats why im here. just newly installed canonical beaver14:52
leftyfb"canonical beaver"?14:52
marveli use the LTS version so that my machine would survive14:52
marvelthe beaver version of ubuntu 18.04 LTS14:53
leftyfb18.04 is EOL14:53
leftyfbplease install a supported release of ubuntu14:53
marveli cant, my machine wont survive to the newer release of ubuntu, 1st ubuntu-desktop amd64 now in 2024 cost 6GB iso image to download it.14:54
marvelsecond my machine is 3.7GB RAM and my Hard disk is 14GB14:54
ravagefind another Linux then14:54
leftyfbyou have a 1TB usb flash drive but can't afford a hard drive bigger than 5GB?14:54
leftyfbsorry, 14GB14:55
leftyfbwhy do you have a 14GB drive but only give 4.5GB to your OS root partition?14:55
marvelthe plan was to add the 1TB flashdrive capacity to a 14GB14:55
leftyfbthat's not a thing14:55
marvel4.5GB is the available space left , the free space leftyfb14:55
leftyfbmount your 1TB as /home14:55
marveli havent seperated all during the installation. i used the option `use the entire disk`14:56
marvelthat only means that my root file and home file is in one partition.14:56
leftyfbmarvel: install Ubuntu 24.04, during the install format and mount your 1TB flash drive as /home14:57
marvelone of my problem is in my / root file because it consumes more packages or some executable tools after `sudo apt-get install <package>` that only means root file is more drained rather than /home where just my ordinary text file or documents are located.14:58
leftyfbok, then install root on the usb flash drive and ignore the 14GB sd card14:59
leftyfbalso, what hardware is this?14:59
marvelin a DELL LAPTOP14:59
ravagethey usually come with a HDD15:00
marvelim in a third world country guys15:00
leftyfbyour ip says california15:00
leftyfbbut also, you have a 1TB flash drive15:00
marvelcoz im using vpn leftyfb15:00
marvelrunning the script from my 1TB flashdrive which i mounted on my machine15:01
marvelsaving every little KB15:01
leftyfbinstall ubuntu to your usb flash drive15:01
marvelit would be laggy, read and write issue to usb device. i only used the cheapest 1TB usb device.15:02
leftyfbwhat do you think is going to happen if you RAID 0 your sd and usb together?15:02
ravagealso i really doubt that a 14GB SD card is faster than any 1TB USB drive15:03
marveli was thinking using RAID for my 1TB usb device in /dev/sda1 for /root partiton located in /dev/mmcblk115:03
ravagealso i have never seen a 14GB card. usually it is 1615:04
marvelravage my usb 1TB is so cheap and its brand is HP, while my 14GB in laptop is fast for read and write operation in the machine15:04
leftyfbno it's not15:04
marvelravage wanna see some screenshot?15:04
leftyfbmarvel: RAID 0 is going to stripe your data across both devices, taking the speed of the slowest device15:05
marvelthe reason i got back in ubuntu because other distro are not stable and are breaking specially in installation only ubuntu is stable that survived. other distro linux when downloaded got hijacked altering the iso image while downloaded causing my second 8GB flashdrive to be corrupted and not used anymore.15:06
marvelleftyfb and ravage https://imgur.com/a/iGuZzXl15:07
marveli tried modifying the /etc/fstab file and i realized that /etc/fstab is used just for mounting a device when booted up the machine , or after reboot or powering the machine ON.15:11
lotuspsychjemarvel: please dont use this channel to describe every stp you take, focus on 1 question at time and wait for the volunteers to answer15:14
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marvelbrb 5mins15:33
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emre-yald-zsup ?18:07
emre-yald-zanyone there ?18:08
emre-yald-zhello ?18:08
mgedmindo you have any actual questions about ubuntu, emre-yald-z?18:08
emre-yald-zoh i thinks its for chatting but its for real questions can you help me with my ssh server i can configure it for ststic ip connections18:09
leftyfbemre-yald-z: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/setting-a-static-ip-in-ubuntu-linux-ip-address-tutorial/18:10
MononaHey there! I've been having a problem where, unless I go into Recovery mode -> Resume normal boot, my computer boots into a black screen. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?18:21
leftyfb!bootrepair | Monona18:23
ubottuMonona: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.18:23
vortexxwell this is wonderful... My home dir on a zfs volume got deleted after a reboot. Luckily I have daily backups, but still this is VERY strange. I can't find in /var/log/syslog what might have happened and the root user has no zfs commands related to deleting a zvol18:24
vortexxI'm restoring my homedir now via nfs18:24
mgedminhow come ubuntu is playing sound through my bluetooth headset while claiming it's not connected?18:36
mgedmin'bluetoothctl devices Connected' is an empty list, bluetoothctl info $headset_mac says 'Connected: no'18:37
mgedmin(although I did not hear the chirp that the headset usually makes when it connects to some device)18:38
mgedmin"bluetoothd[197228]: Authorization request for non-connected device!?" yeah I'm not the only one confused here18:39
wiseguythat's very strange. i assume you've unpaired and are still connected?18:46
ReventlovHey there18:50
ReventlovIs there a way, with curtin, to « ignore » existing partitions (e.g. if I don't know their size but I don't want curtin to touch them) ?18:50
pycuriousMy apt update is broken. Is there an easy way to fix all the keys and add their signatures so that apt updates becomes clean?18:53
leftyfbpycurious: please pastebin the complete output18:53
oerhekswhy is it broken? EOL version?18:54
pycuriousSorry - this is the complete output: https://dpaste.org/n01Bz18:55
pycuriousIt is an ubuntu 22.04LTS box18:56
leftyfbpycurious: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys A1715D88E1DF1F24 ;  gpg --export A1715D88E1DF1F24 |sudo gpg --dearmor --output /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/git-core.gpg --yes18:56
pycurious@leftleg_ that fixed it - how did you get A1715….? How does one go about fixing these apt update issues? Is there any tutorial somewhere i should read?18:58
leftyfbpycurious: experience and my ansible playbook :)18:58
pycurious@leftyfb Thank you!19:00
andre144ki have a special library-question, hopefully someone could help me:  https://paste.debian.net/1320799/19:07
leftyfbandre144k: wrong support channel for your linux distribution19:08
andre144kleftyfb what channel would be the korrekt or better?19:16
leftyfbandre144k: depends on what distro you are running19:16
CosmicDJandre144k: you can use ldd to check which shared libs a binary has been linked to19:16
andre144kthe problem i ask for is not distribution spezific, ist linux-internal-spezific19:17
leftyfbandre144k: you asked about an rpm package19:17
leftyfbwhich definitely isn't ubuntu19:17
leftyfbandre144k: for linux genetic questions, try #linux19:18
oerhekstry #linux or #fedora ?19:18
andre144kleftyfb no i didnt ask for rpm19:18
andre144ki asked for checking foobar.so work correctly19:18
andre144kand how to check this19:18
andre144kand how to find binaries, which use foobar.so19:19
leftyfbandre144k: please ask for support with your linux disto in #linux or in the #<linux distro> specific channel19:19
andre144k#linux seems a good place for this19:22
calamariTrying to compile the kernel and I keep running out of disk space when building modules. How much disk space do I need to compile an x86_64 Ubuntu kernel with a standard module configuration (linux-generic, etc)?21:04
oerheksno idea for that, 1gb?21:06
oerheksclean up with apt clean, apt autoremove, and logrotate21:07
calamarioerheks: unfortunately it needs a lot more than that. Kernel got bloated haha21:08
calamariSomeone said 15GB in 2017.. so I should probably give it at least 20GB21:09
oerheksthere you go21:10
calamarioh dang.. 36GB: https://superuser.com/a/172568021:10
leftyfbthat's for the build environment. Not the resulting kernel21:10
calamarileftyfb: yeah, and?21:11
oerheksso 35 is for build essentials ans free space to store.21:12
oceanhello everyone21:53
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lsd|2who is maintainer of ```ubuntu-drivers``` and who is responsible to mark them as 'tested'?23:14
lsd|2|2ravage: if i make ticket on bugs kde, they are automatically informed? ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com23:37
ravagewhat is your bug?23:38
enigma9o7who, alberto?23:38
lsd|2|2ravage: they need to update obsolete nvidia driver urgently since i have random hangs23:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2069092 in linux (Ubuntu) "whole system hangs [kernel: watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#n stuck]" [Undecided, New]23:39
lsd|2|2i know nvidia are fuckers23:39
ravagethen you need to open a bug for that package23:39
lsd|2|2but, nothing else left, to update their shit driver23:39
ravagethe tool uses the information provided by the driver packages23:39
enigma9o7You don' thave the same issue with nouveau?23:40
lsd|2|2ok under additional drivers i have TESTED 535.183.01.txt whom to report to23:41
lsd|2|2their tested doesnt work23:41
lsd|2|2enigma9o7: didnt try, but as i renember self compiled driver from nvidia website wasnt killing my pc at all23:41
ravageprobably nvidia-driver-515 then23:42
enigma9o7Well ubuntu maintainers don't directly maintain the propreitary nvidia driver anyway.23:42
ravageeh nvidia-driver-53523:42
enigma9o7If you think a newer version would help, you could use the graphics ppa.23:42
lsd|2|2for my graphic card is now 550 line23:42
enigma9o7But that isn't officially supported by ubuntu either, but if you want a newer nvidia prop driver, that's the easiest solution.23:43
ravagealso the bug here is that your card (mine too) is not listed in the 550 package23:47
ravagethen it would show as supported and also recommended there23:47
ravagehigher number wins23:47
enigma9o7ah yeah my bad, i didnt realize 550 was in noble-updates already23:50
lsd|2|2enigma9o7: it wouldnt go to confict with 'ubuntu-drivers' tool?23:55
lsd|2|2i see they having 3 three trees23:56
lsd|2|2so can be interesting23:56
lsd|2|2but apt can go out of mind23:56
enigma9o7Sorry I don't understand any of that.23:56
lsd|2|2enigma9o7: if i add ubuntu ppa it doenst go to conflict with that shit ?23:57
ravagewhy don't you just install the 550 package?23:59
ravageno need for any ppa23:59
enigma9o7Not sure what you mean by conflict.  If you add the ppa, I'm not sure if it'll add anything to that list or not tho.  Besides, the 550 package in noble-updates is newer than the ppa one anyway, so just install that.23:59

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