
=== Eliz is now known as Elizabeth
Unit193Hrm, ubuntulog isn't identified.  They dun goofed?22:48
sarnoldgiven how much is on fire I'm even surprised it's running at all23:03
Unit193Ah yes someone linked a status page in another channel, then later said it's more or less under control now.  I should have clicked. :(23:10
sarnoldthe first thing I did this morning was try to read some wiki changes and I got back a 503 .. went to report it, saw erverything was on fire, and checked the status page to see if that fire was known .. and it said the wiki was all fine no problems23:14
sarnoldi think they said they paused the site24x7 checking, which set in stone the last scan results, or something similarly stupid23:15

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