[15:00] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:00] \o [15:00] \o [15:01] o/ [15:01] o/ [15:01] o/ [15:01] o/ [15:01] o/ [15:01] o/ [15:02] o/ [15:03] o/ [15:03] o/ [15:03] This will be a short meeting due to infrastructure issues [15:03] #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team [15:03] Meeting started at 15:03:14 UTC. The chair is juliank. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [15:03] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [15:03] #topic Lightning rounds [15:03] #link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-2024-06-20/45840 [15:03] brb [15:05] \o [15:05] adrien: your u-d-d emails were quite interesting morning reads :-) [15:05] Skia: thanks! I'm glad they could be interesting/useful [15:09] slyon: "Upgrade to Noble" what??? You're not running oracular yet? [15:09] ;) [15:09] haha, I was expecting some kind of comment around this ;P [15:10] my laptop's still on jammy ... but it is just a dumb terminal to my Pis ;) [15:10] slyon, at least you upgraded before it goes EOL [15:11] waveform: now that framework announced a risc-v mainboard don't you think you could get a pi board too? [15:12] I have many pi boards! [15:12] cm5 in a laptop case actually sounds kind of nice [15:12] well, cm5 isn't out yet [15:12] hypothetical cm5 sorry, i have no proof of its existence :) [15:13] So we're skipping incoming bugs this week [15:13] We have no bug list access, it's empty [15:13] #topic Team proposed-migration report [15:13] 13 packages needing attention, 17 packages not yet considered late [15:13] Skia, it would be nice to have the topic in the links instead of just the merge request links without context (especially when launchpad is down) [15:14] I want a CM* as a framework mainboard [15:14] tobhe: framework uses the JH7110 SoC that has RPI3 speed. They even don't use NVMe. No upstream GPU support. [15:14] but that would require displayport and more usb-c! [15:15] bdrung: yes, I know, it's the first time I just have the links because I figure the URL preview worked quite well, but with launchpad down, obviously this doesn't work, and it was too late to add the topic manually, because I don't remember the details of all the links, and do get that, I would need launchpad :D [15:15] I can have a look in the `git log`, I usually keep the MP links in there, so I should be able to find the topic [15:15] pyopenssl is with adrien [15:16] gcc-13 is with dbungert [15:16] fakeroot is with zhsj [15:16] libxml-libxml-perl we can skip over it's waiting for a dependency [15:16] cryptsetup blocking systemd [15:16] didn't progress much with pyopenssl/everything-else due to working on other topics but tomorrow looks good [15:17] Oh I can't see the excuses bugs === rkratky__ is now known as rkratky [15:17] Well let's assign it [15:17] cryptsetup blocking systemd: liushuyu [15:17] dracut blocking systemd: bdrung because he likes dracut [15:18] Of the systemd regression items: [15:18] ack [15:18] ceph/unknown tobhe [15:18] libxml-libxml-perl seems caused by an issue with libxml2/ruby-libxml specifically [15:18] hwloc schopin [15:18] juliank: https://ubuntu.dcln.fr/update_excuses.html#libxml2 the titles are there ;-) [15:18] bug* titles [15:19] juliank: ACK [15:19] also, excuses haven't been updated for several hours [15:19] juliank: ack [15:20] yea, gcc-13 still in progress sadly. I need to make a decision about what to do with octave-dicom which I believe to be backing things up [15:20] incus rkratky [15:20] /o\ should we even ship it :D [15:21] dbungert: if you haven't seen it: https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/transitions/html/octave-59.html#!good,bad,partial,unknown,!notintesting [15:21] libcamera ravikant__ :D [15:21] juliank: ack [15:21] libreswan upils [15:21] ack [15:21] adrien: thanks, octave-tisean wasn't on my radar yet [15:21] libvirt ogayot [15:22] mariadb enr0n [15:22] bdrung: there, I've added some topics for my MPs, if you're interested (couldn't do that for reviewed MP, I don't have the mapping in the git log) [15:22] juliank: ack [15:22] mediawiki mateus-morais [15:22] php8.3 mkukri [15:22] juliank ack [15:22] ack [15:23] dbungert: sorry for giving you more work :D [15:23] hehehe [15:23] postgresql-16 slyon [15:23] ACK [15:23] rust-laurel xypron [15:23] samba ginggs [15:23] ack [15:23] juliank: I will not be in next week. So that would be for the next cycle. [15:24] OK we need to start again [15:25] all the systemd tasks are really systemd regressions enr0n just said [15:25] dracut blocking systemd bdrung [15:25] apport schopin [15:26] blocking sphinx: [15:26] python-attrs/i386 needs a hint [15:26] i can do it [15:26] - bugwarrior liushuyu [15:26] - execnet tobhe [15:26] juliank: ACK [15:27] - flycheck rkratky [15:27] - ipython ravikant__ [15:27] - jupyter-client upils [15:27] juliank: ack [15:27] ack [15:27] - openvswitch ogayot [15:27] - python-attrs ginggs [15:27] liushuyu: bugwarrior might be related to python-googleapi (didn't look at the logs but I know it's a revdep) [15:28] - python-matrix-nio enr0n [15:28] ack [15:28] juliank: ack [15:28] - python-watchdog: mateus-morais [15:28] ack [15:28] - python-xmlschema mkukri [15:28] - receptor slyon [15:28] ack [15:29] adrien: Thanks! I can't lookup the logs at the moment, will take a look when they finished the reboot [15:29] ack [15:29] - twisted Skia [15:29] ack [15:29] - vdirsyncer waveform [15:29] ack [15:30] - devscripts blocking sensible-utils danilogondolfo [15:30] ack [15:31] and that's all for now, happy no proposed migration to everyone earlier in the alphabet or not in the meeting [15:31] #topic AOB [15:35] I will be OOO from starting on June 26, and I will be back on July 8 [15:36] I'm OOO tomorrow PM [15:36] or rather I'll be :D [15:37] I'll be OOO starting on June 27th (next week) until July 4th [15:38] Alright I think that's all! [15:38] #endmeeting [15:38] Meeting ended at 15:38:21 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-06-20-15.03.moin.txt