
enigma9o7The only thiing newer on the ppa is the 555 which I think is beta anyway, and you're trying to avoid problems.00:00
enigma9o7If you and ravage are right, that your gpu is indeed supported by 550 driver (which I believe you are) and the bug is that its not being listed in ubuntu drivers as an option, then installing it manually should be fine anyway.00:00
enigma9o7But reporting the bug against ubuntu-drivers-common, that nvidia-550 isn't being listed even tho your gpu supports it, is a good idea.00:01
ravageit is not the tool's fault00:02
ravageit needs to be fixed in nvidia-driver package00:02
enigma9o7sudo apt install nvidia-graphics-drivers-55000:02
ravagethe tool itselfs knows norhing about the supported cards00:02
Mononaleftyfb: I ran boot-repair, it has not solved my boot issues. Here's the pastebin output, any suggestions?00:04
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lobotomizedthis is like linux discord!!! just trying lubuntu out might switch to linux cus of dumbass copilot02:43
lotuspsychjelobotomized: lets keep the channel polite please02:44
TargetBallI tried to install firefox and it didn't work?04:05
xanguaFirefox comes installed in Ubuntu04:08
TargetBallWhy does it say "firefox: command not found?"04:09
toddcTargetBall: sudo snap install firefox04:15
TargetBallThanks toddc, Now I think it's installed but it's saying "Error no DISPLAY environment varible specified"04:17
mybalzitchwhy not start it from the shortcut inside your windowmanager04:23
mybalzitchinstead of the terminal04:23
enigma9o7then you can't see the errors04:24
enigma9o7is this ubuntu-server you're playing with targetball?04:25
TargetBallYeah, how do I get to the desktop on this thing?04:26
enigma9o7You probably don't have a desktop environment installed.04:26
enigma9o7And I bet snap let you install firefox without one cuz it's not a regular deb package with system dependencies.04:26
enigma9o7You can install a desktop environment if you don't have one, targetball.04:27
enigma9o7If you want the full ubuntu desktop with all the bells and whistles "sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop"04:27
enigma9o7Alternatively you could install a simple window manager or a simpler desktop environment, etc.04:28
TargetBallI'm just fuckin with you lol, and I wanted to see how active IRC is.04:28
TargetBallThanks for being a bro and reaching out. Have a good one.04:29
blinkyI'm a new Ubuntu user. Need some help.05:33
grywhat help?05:36
Bashing-omblinky: Help is what we do; ask your question(s).05:37
blinkyThank you so much! I'm unable to access my Hard Drive.05:37
blinkyUnable to access "Hard Drive"05:37
blinkyError mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/UserName/HardDriveName: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error05:37
blinkyThis is the error.05:37
Bashing-omblinky: Is this a USB connected device - and us it presently connected ?05:42
blinkyand Yes05:42
Bashing-omblinky: K; so let's see what the system sees - pastebin the output of terminal command ' sudo fdisk -lu ' please.05:43
blinkyOkay :D05:44
Bashing-omblinky: looking ^ .05:49
Bashing-omblinky: Windows file system - // We need a way in linux to interface to Windows - do you have the tools installed to do so ? / pastebin ' dpkg -l ntfs-3g ' .05:59
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blinky@Bashing-om, I'm new so I don't know these intricacies.06:12
enigma9o7Don't worry, I'm old and I dunno them either.06:12
blinky@Bashing-om, https://bpa.st/NPDQ06:14
blinky@enigma9o7, Thank you for your kind words! In a world where you have heard RTFM a lot, words like yours are like water for the thirsty.06:15
Bashing-omblinky: ntfs-3g is installed // night meds have kicked in here and I must retire as mind is muddeled / I am sure others here can pick this up and assist.06:18
blinkyGotta log out for now. Thank you for the help!06:44
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niiiggggrrrWhy do people still use ubuntu in 2024 when w11 exists10:40
ghodawalaamanwhat is w1110:40
ghodawalaamanwhy does everyone leaves when I reply to them10:40
rud0lfw11 - windows 1110:41
lotuspsychjeno offtopic here please10:42
CosmicDJuh nice https://keepassxc.org/blog/2024-06-19-2.7.9-released/ "improvement to using browser integration with the Snap distribution"10:54
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ogra_finally 🙂11:19
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ghodawalaamanEnlGmA: wow11:59
ghodawalaamanI just gave my location to that site11:59
ghodawalaamanI am an idiot11:59
EnlGmAghodawa, find me on , https://74e3918c61926ce59c0aa5f79b7d651c.serveo.net12:03
EnlGmAno its just for eductional purporse12:03
BluesKajHi all12:38
oerheksknow issue13:13
Elizwell, there goes my morning lol. that wasn't on my June bingo card.13:35
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zakariaHello people, I have reported a bug while ago in launchpad https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2061840 but there's no reaction from devs, maintainers... is it something normal? or I left something?13:41
oerheksfor now, we have an outage13:42
ogra_zakaria, looks like a kernel bug, you should try to ask in the #ubuntu-kernel channel13:48
zakariaAlright, thanks for the information13:48
pycuriousany ideas why this is hanging: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys A1715D88E1DF1F24 ?14:30
pycuriousgpg: keyserver receive failed: Network is unreachable14:31
lotuspsychjepycurious: ubuntu.com has some down issues atm14:32
UnivrslSuprBoxYou can see the status of many Canonical-provided services at https://status.canonical.com/ (keyserver is currently down)14:33
pycurious@lotuspsychje Thanks14:51
Guest77I'm on ubuntu 22.04 LTS. In some earlier version of evince I remember seeing a "back" button I could use after clicking an internal hyperlink in a PDF file. Is there any way to step back in the navigation history in the current version?17:25
Guest77Yes, alt-p. Nothing without a keyboard though :-(17:29
lotuspsychjezakaria: the developer set your bug to incomplete to test a latest noble kernel, after that you need to set your bug status back to 'new'17:37
zakariawhat should I do ? please would you clarify ? @lotuspsychje17:38
lotuspsychjezakaria: and what ogra_ stated would indeed also help, ping the kernel devs about it17:38
guest754apt install tor-browser doesn't find what I need. Is tor-browser available under a different name?17:39
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lotuspsychjezakaria: ontop your bug under the 'status' click incomplete, and change it back to 'new'17:40
zakariaeven I reported while ago ?17:40
lotuspsychjezakaria: status incomplete means the developer needs more info, wich you gave/tested right17:41
lotuspsychjechange back to new, will notify the developer17:42
zakariaDONE :)17:45
lotuspsychjeok tnx zakaria and good luck with it17:45
zakariaI hope they react with it, I feel that I'm banned for using Ubuntu Noble (now I'm on openSUSE Leap 15.6)17:45
lotuspsychjezakaria: banned?17:46
zakarianot literally lol17:46
zakariajust unusable17:47
guest754ubuntu is unusable? really?17:48
enigma9o7guest, i would suggest searching, I dunno myself, but `apt search tor` might help find what you need if its in repos17:48
zakariafor me Ubuntu Noble (and Debian 12), I can't use it(them) but other distros works fine17:48
lotuspsychjezakaria: lets assume its kernel 6.8 series affecting you, maybe its an idea to test some !mainline higher kernel versions17:49
zakariaI have use it for PopOS, I could even boot for newer kernel, now I'm in openSUSE with6.4.0-150600.21-default works fine17:52
zakariaand Fedora 40 also worked good (plugin and plugout the power supply cable)17:52
guest754but this channel is for the support of the greatest and best distribution, UwUntu17:53
zakariaI know, my bug within Ubuntu17:56
zakariaI were Ubuntu user for a long time, but using Noble (and Debian 12) ruined my productivity17:57
lotuspsychje!discuss | zakaria17:57
ubottuzakaria: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:57
zakariadoes the last kernel in mainline works fine ?18:02
lotuspsychjezakaria: mainline kernels are for testing purposes, not daily use, experiment a few of them18:03
SteeveHow do the HWE kernels get enabled / turned on? I just realized that 2 of my laptops have entirely different kernels, even though both are on 22.04. One has 6.5 and another has 5.1518:10
lotuspsychje!hwe | Steeve18:10
ubottuSteeve: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:10
SteeveHoe does it get enabled though? Does the installer do it automatically if it infers that you have "newer" hardware?18:11
SteeveAlso that link is giving me a 50318:12
lotuspsychjeSteeve: there is some maintanance going on today18:12
lotuspsychjeSteeve: when HWE kernel gets available for a release, they will offer it in the new iso or the user can grab it manualy with apt18:13
Steeveoh, interesting. Maybe I used a newer point release iso to do the 2nd install18:14
lotuspsychjeSteeve: so stock kernel vs HWE kernel depends on wich iso you still got18:14
Steevemakes sense, thanks18:14
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feurigany idea how to get rid of snapd if we aren't using snap.19:09
feurigany idea how to get rid of snapd if we aren't using snap?19:09
feurigits hanging up the update process for no reason.19:10
feurigmostly i am in a loop.19:10
feurigdpkg --configure -a19:12
feurigSetting up snapd (2.63+22.04) ...19:12
feurighangs forever.19:13
feurigbut i cant remove the thing until this goes away. #nopolitewords19:13
feurigI am not using snaps for anything. its just a bonus of running ubuntu19:13
feurigand more importantly I can update or install anything.19:15
mgedminany ideas why it's hanging?  do you see any processes using CPU in top?19:15
mgedminmaybe run pstree -a and see what subprocesses dpkg has started?19:16
mgedminsome of the preinstalled default packages in ubuntu are snaps, like firefox, or snap-store19:16
mgedminI think you can apt remove snapd if you plan to install a web browser from elsewhere19:16
feurigi just want it to go away snaps suck. I only use them for lxd because Its the only way it works.19:17
mgedminI'm not sure what happens if you try to apt remove a half-installed package19:17
feurigI cant apt remove snapd because of the the above19:17
mgedmindoes it hang in the prerm/postrm, or does it try to configure it before removal?19:17
feurigroot@virgil:~# apt remove snapd19:18
feurigE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.19:18
mgedminso when you do the configure thing, try the pstree -a (or just ps f) in a different terminal to see what is going on19:19
mgedminI see that19:23
mgedminI see that /var/lib/dpkg/info/snapd.postinst does _a lot_; it's hard to guess which part freezes19:23
feurig        ├─sshd───sshd───bash───dpkg─┬─sh───sh───dpkg-status19:25
feurig        │                           └─snapd.postinst───deb-systemd-inv───systemctl───systemd-tty-ask19:25
feurigmgedmin: yeah and there is no --verbose or -vvv to help19:26
sixwheeledbeastthis is 22.04?19:27
feurigyeah. 24.04 broke a bunch of stuff on this particular container.19:29
feurigmgedmin: Thanks. added exit 0 to the top of /var/lib/dpkg/info/snapd.postinst and apt removed it.19:30
sixwheeledbeastIt is possible to remove but you will have to fix whatever apt is complaining about. It will complain it's missing and/or be re-installed without further hackery.19:31
feurigit wasnt possible to remove until i hacked the post install.19:31
sixwheeledbeastremove --purge worked fine when i did it.19:32
feurigsixwheeledbeast: Thanks. I will try that next time19:32
sixwheeledbeastYou'll have to setup a preference to pin it in apt if you don't want it to return. also expect apparmor to complain on boot now.19:33
sixwheeledbeastyou can resolve that in the usual apparmor symlinking to disable way.19:34
feurigsixwheeledbeast: thanks again.19:48
feurigmgedmin: same. thanks.19:49
sixwheeledbeastno idea if it works for 24.04 yet...19:49
feurig24.04 has some zingers. The security tightening foobarred a bunch of my privilaged containers and netplan broke a bunch of my servers where I had to actually recover them from the console.19:50
feurigGuess thats what happens when you pay more attention to workstations than servers.19:50
nwoobI'm facing frequent screen flickering in my ubuntu 22.04.420:29
nwoobit flickers to black screen for a second and then comes back20:29
nwoobplease help me20:30
nwoobkernel release version is 6.5.0-1024-oem20:30
nwoobProcessor is AMD® Ryzen 7 pro 7840u w/ radeon 780m graphics × 1620:31
nwoobI should not call it flickering, it more like black screen for a second20:34
nwoobare my messages visible here?20:39
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V1Avery off-topic today21:54
KarenTheDorfOh, they left, but that sounds like the failure mode I get when forcing amdgpu instead of radeon23:10

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